单选题Don’t take things().Athat aren't yoursBwhich aren’t youCthat aren’t youDwhich aren’t yours

Don’t take things().

that aren't yours


which aren’t you


that aren’t you


which aren’t yours


解析: which只能开头


A: Should I take some medicine? B: No, you () to take any medicine. A、should notB、don't needC、have not

—But why is it so much higher in this market? — () A.I don’t think I can follow the course.B.Sometimes things don’t go as expected.C.There are many rich people in this area.

You are not allow()theroom if you don’t take the card with you A.enteredB.enterC.toenterD.enters

Don't let your mind ________ the failure of the test.A rely onB count onC take onD dwell on

You don’t like buying things online, do you?()A、 Yes、I don’t like it muchB、 No、I’m a little worried about securityC、 No、It’s very convenient

i’d rather you__________those important documents with you. A. won’t takeB. didn’t takeC. not takeD. don’t take

in the following, which method is not appropriate when you try to act against the students’ indiscipline ? () A. Deal with it quietlyB. Giving linesC. Don’t take things personallyD. Don’t use threats

Don’t forget that you ____ me $5.( ) A、 costB、 spendC、 oweD、 take

John: Hurry up! We don’t have much time left.Peter: ________ We still have two hours.Jone: Come on! This is my first time ever to take a plane. I don ’t want anything to go wrong.A: Go on.B: Look out.C: All right.D: Take it easy.

Your work fails to reach the standard again. Don't always take the other team members' forgiveness for granted. (翻译)

–Should I take some medicine?--No, you ______ to take any medicine. A. should notB. have notC. don’t need

I don’t think television will ever ________ books. A.take placeB.take place ofC.take the placeD.take the place of

A: Should I take some medicine? B: No, you don't ( )to take any medicine.A. shouldB. mustC. need

You'd better leave things______if you don't know how to deal with them.A.lonelyB.onlyC.loneD.alone

Take it easy. I’m sure you will pass the exam successfully. 学科网A. Keep it up. B. Do Take it easy. I’m sure you will pass the exam successfully.A. Keep it up. B. Don’t be sorry. C. Don’t worry.

The advertisements are trying ________ people to buy things they don‘t really need. A. persuade B. persuading C. be persuading D. to persuade

I don't mind picking up your things from the store. __________, the walk will do me good.A.EntirelyB.StillC.OtherwiseD.Besides

Don′t ___________ more responsibilities than you can manage.A.turnB.bringC.workD.take

Don’t tell me such things_______you are not certain.A.thatB.whichC.thoseD.as

May I move your bag a little and take this seat?()AI don't mindBIt doesn't matterCYou do it pleaseDGo ahead

May I move your bag a little and take this seat?()A、I don't mindB、It doesn't matterC、You do it pleaseD、Go ahead

Must I take a taxi? No, you(). You can take my car.A、had better toB、don'tC、must notD、don't have to

单选题In context, which of the following revisions of the underlined portion of sentence 12(reproduced below) is most effective at making it clearer and more specific?Unfortunately, many students today don’t have time for that.Atoday have hardly even 1 hour for such thingsBtoday, unlike those in Archimedes’ time, don’t have time to go to the moviesCtoday don’t have time for such excursionsDof modern times lack sufficient time for the kinds of things explained aboveEtoday lack sufficient time for things like this

单选题May I move your bag a little and take this seat? .()AI don't mindBIt doesn't matterCYou do it pleaseDGo ahead

单选题Don’t()things too seriously.AtakeBthinkCbelieveDconsider

单选题Don’t be too _____ about things you are not supposed to know.AstrangeBamusingCcuriousDconscious

单选题Climate change will greatly ______ wheat and rice production if nations don’t take steps now.AfallBleakClackDreduce