名词解释题Velocity of money 货币周转率

Velocity of money 货币周转率


解析: 暂无解析


货币收人(Money income)

Checking account(or bank money) 支票帐户(或银行货币)

Fiat money 法定货币

Money-supply multiplier货币供给乘数

Quantity theory of money 货币数量理论

Velocity of money 货币周转率

以下关于存货周转率的说法,正确的是:()。 A.周转率越低,经营周期越短,货币能力越强,资金状况越好,偿债能力越强B.周转率越高,经营周期越短,货币能力越强,资金状况越好,偿债能力越强C.周转率越高,经营周期越短,货币能力越低,资金状况越差,偿债能力越低D.周转率越低,经营周期越短,货币能力越低,资金状况越差,偿债能力越低

flow velocity

现金比率的计算方法有( )A、货币资金率B、现金比率C、在产品周转率D、材料周转率E、产成品周转率

大数据有( )V特点:( )。A、3B、4C、1、Volume(大量);2、Variety(多样);3、Velocity(高速)D、 1、Volume(大量);2、Variety(多样);3、Velocity(高速);4、Value(价值)。

降低法定存款准备率,会使商业银行的( )。A.资金周转率下降B.资金周转率提高C.创造货币能力上升D.创造货币能力下降




初速度(initial velocity)


单选题All classes of fires can be safely combated using()AfoamBCO2Clow velocity water fogDhigh velocity water fog

名词解释题初速度(initial velocity)

单选题The spray of water in low-velocity fog will have().Agreater range than high-velocity fogBlesser range than high-velocity fogCabout the same range as high-velocity fogDgreater range than a solid stream

单选题降低法定存款准备金率,会使商业银行的( )。A资金周转率下降B资金周转率提高C货币创造能力上升D货币创造能力下降

名词解释题货币收人(Money income)

单选题The() only allows for adjustment of temperature in each room by the occupant manually controlling the air volume admitted.Acentral air condition systemBhigh velocity systemClow velocity systemDsingle duct system

单选题The rising velocity of the globules carries them upwards where they become trapped by the under surfaces of plates and ()until the enlarged globules have sufficient rising velocity to travel along the plate surface and break away at periphery.AdisperseBcoalesceCcompressDshrinkage

单选题When approaching a fire from win ward, you should shield firefighters from the fire by using()Alow-velocity fogBhigh-velocity fogCa straight stream of waterDfoam spray

名词解释题Transaction money 交易货币

名词解释题Checking account(or bank money) 支票帐户(或银行货币)

单选题降低法定存款准备金率,会使商业银行的(  )。[2015年真题]A资金周转率下降B资金周转率提高C创造货币能力上升D创造货币能力下降