单选题The length of time active immunity lasts varies with different diseases,Achanges withBalternates withCkeeps up withDgets along with

The length of time active immunity lasts varies with different diseases,

changes with


alternates with


keeps up with


gets along with


句意:主动免疫持续时间的长短随不同的疾病而不同。change with根据……而变化。alternate with与……交替,与……交换。keep up with跟上,跟随,跟踪(潮流)。get along with与……相处融洽。


The manage is good at () difficult customers. A、work withB、handle withC、tackle withD、deal with

31_______A. kept up withB. caught up withC. came up withD. put up with

18.A.start withB.agree withC.deal withD.come up with

In many people’s opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant________.A.to deal withB.dealing withC.to be dealt withD.dealt with

6. We must_______ a plan to improve your math.A. pick upB. catch up withC. come up withD. make up

Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just ______ sweet dreams.A.keep up withB.put up withC.end up withD.catch up with

Electronics ____ the movement of free electrons in a vacuum or in semiconductors. A、catches up withB、comes up withC、falls in withD、deals with

A secretary must()big pile of files and correspondence in office.A. deal withB. agree withC. get along with

Kaufman describes his sports as a total isolation from anything that can ________ his own personal sense of self. A.deal withB.get along withC.interfere withD.go with

If you feel a chill when you are ( ) a cold, you are already sick.A、coming up withB、coming up overC、coming down withD、coming down over

Our tradition ______ be different _____ yours.A、can;withB、must;withC、need;asD、may;from

He could always a reason for them to linger another month. A.catch up withB.come up withC.put up withD.keep up with

We should work hard and ( )our parents’ expectation. A、live withB、live inC、live up withD、live up to

For some years after his graduation, he ______ some of his classmates, but as times went by, he dropped them one by one.A、catch up withB、keep up withC、keep upD、make up with

As the ocean water changes to ice, it keeps the temperature______ falling too far.A、withB、intoC、besidesD、from

The kids are kept( )tidying up the desk. A、busy withB、busying withC、busy inD、to busy in

Recent evidence has tended to be contrary to established theories on this subject.A.in contradiction withB.in coincidence withC.in correspondence withD.in contrast with

The professor asked a question,and David______a good answer.A.put up withB.stood up forC.came up withD.looked down upon

Navigational charts are ______ frequent changes,the important one of which are promulgated by Admiralty Notices to Mariners.A.published withB.combined withC.in connection withD.subject to

It is impossible to__________the news unless you read the newspaper everydav.A.100k up inB.keep up withC.put up withD.catch up

He is quite thoughtless,for very seldom can he__________other people′s troubles.A.agree withB.interfere withC.identify withD.rest with

______the farm subsidies, the built-in costs of growing crops have a bigger impact on the price of staples.A.Comparing withB.Compared withC.Compare withD.Compare within

Our school________new facilities.A.is equipped withB.equips withC.will be equip withD.has equip with

Rarely_______so difficult a problem.A.she could have faced withB.could have she faced withC.she could have been faced withD.could she have been faced with

She′s such an irritating woman,and I don′t know how you can__________her.A.put upB.put up withC.stand up withD.stand with

A lot of spots haven’t been ()(覆盖) paint.A、satisfied withB、collision withC、covered withD、removed with

It is very expensive to () the fashion.A、go along withB、get on withC、keep up withD、carry on with