









解析: 暂无解析


We () the bathroom and plan () the bedroom this year. A、painted…to paintB、paint… to paintC、have painted…to paint

在Java中,为了使paint()方法执行,以下各项中,()是最佳的调用方法 A.paint()B.repaint()C.paint(Graphics)D.update(Graphics)

Bonar Paint to date has had no formal strategic planning process.(d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing a formal mission statement to guide Bonar Paint’sfuture direction after the buyout? (10 marks)

We( )the bathroom and plan( )the bedroom this year.A. painted…to paintB. is painting… paintingC. paint… to paintD. have painted…to paint

I hereby request permission to ______ the ship hull for routine maintenance.A.put paint onB.apply paint ontoC.oilD.paint

He wants to ______ and ______ everything.A.cover up;paint upB.cover up; paint overC.cover over; paint overD.cover over; paint up

首楼甲板涂上两度红丹漆和干舷漆。()A、Apply two coats of red lead primer and topside paint to the forecastle deck.B、Apply two coats of red lead primer and boottopping paint to the forecastle deck.C、Apply two coats of topside paint and red lead primer to the poop deck.D、Apply two coats of red lead primer and topside paint to the poop deck.

Paint is stowed in the paint ().A、cabinB、lockerC、roomD、deck


任何一个Applet开始执行时必然会被自动调用三个方法,这三个方法被调用的顺序依次是()。A、init paint startB、start paint initC、paint start initD、init start paint

下面对Paint Effects笔触动画的描述,说法正确的是()。A、Paint Effects笔触的动画只能用其自身属性来控制B、Paint Effects笔触的动画只能用曲线控制C、Paint Effects笔触不能做动画D、Paint Effects笔触的动画可以用其自身属性和曲线来控制

用于船舶的主要油漆是底漆,内层漆和面漆。()A、The basic types of paint used on a ship are primer, undercoat and topcoat.B、The basic types of paint used on a ship are topside paint, undercoat and top coat.C、The basic types of paint used on a ship are boottopping, topside and undercoat.D、The basic types of paint used on a ship are cement wash, undercoat and topside.

The basic types of paint used on a ship are ().A、cement wash, bitumen and paintB、primer, undercoats and top coatsC、topside paint, boot-topping paint and bottom paintD、primer, cement wash and paint

我们需要不同种类的油漆用于不同的区域。()A、We need same kinds of paint for different areas.B、We need different kinds of paint for different areas.C、We need different kinds of paint for each areas.D、We need same kinds of paint for every areas.

水手长正在甲板上刮掉起皮的油漆。()A、The bosun is cleaning the heavy paint on deck.B、The bosun is scraping the heavy paint on deck.C、The bosun is scraping the loose paint on deck.D、The bosun is cleaning the loose paint on deck.

稀料能稀释油漆。()A、The thinner can thin down paint.B、The thinner can clean.C、The thinner isn’t the paint.D、The thinner is the paint.


单选题水手长正在甲板上刮掉起皮的油漆。()AThe bosun is cleaning the heavy paint on deck.BThe bosun is scraping the heavy paint on deck.CThe bosun is scraping the loose paint on deck.DThe bosun is cleaning the loose paint on deck.

单选题任何一个Applet开始执行时必然会被自动调用三个方法,这三个方法被调用的顺序依次是()。Ainit paint startBstart paint initCpaint start initDinit start paint

单选题Which isn’t paint?()ARed lead.BPrimer.CThinner.DWhite paint.

单选题We have some white and blue paint, but we ().Ahave black paintBhas black paintChaven’t black paintDhasn’t black paint

单选题Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in preliterate societies in order to attract good health or to ______ disease.Aset asideBward offCshrug offDgive away

单选题The ()is used to thin the paint, if the paint is thick.AthinnerBwaterCoilDvarnish

单选题()(干舷漆) and boottopping paint are used on the different areas of the ship’s hull.ATopside paintBHeat-resistant paintCNon-slip paintDAnti-fouling paint

单选题I hereby request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.Aput paint onBapply paint ontoCoilDpaint

单选题弯漆刷()Agooseneck paint brushBflat paint brushChacksawDhand saw


单选题We have some white paint, but we ().Ahaven’t any black paintBhave some black paintChave some white paintDhasn’t any black paint