多选题What are three common reasons why customers are saying that they need to evolve their datacenter?()Aarchitectures that is inflexible and inefficientBdesire to use the same vender for desktop and server deploymentsCselecting best-performing vendors for each individual componentDexisting equipment has reached and of lifeEincreasing operational costs of managing data centersFdemand among users for access to information anytime, anywhere

What are three common reasons why customers are saying that they need to evolve their datacenter?()

architectures that is inflexible and inefficient


desire to use the same vender for desktop and server deployments


selecting best-performing vendors for each individual component


existing equipment has reached and of life


increasing operational costs of managing data centers


demand among users for access to information anytime, anywhere


解析: 暂无解析


According to the passage, what do the three people have in common?A. Courage.B. Devotion.C. Hard work.D. Self-confidence.

Radio, telephone and press ____ of conveying news and information. A.are the most three common meansB.are the most common three meansC.are the three most common meansD.are three the most common means

What are the right reasons to explain why not the guests enjoy the meal? A、because they don't have what they actually wantB、no beautiful young ladies showed upC、steamed fish with all the little bones left inD、too many children making noises

There are many reasons why customers lack sufficient security measures on the network. Which two reasons for insufficient security are typical of the customers today?() A.the use of hosted email services eliminating the need for local securityB.the perceived costs of security solutionsC.the lack of risk analysisD.the lack of threats to their networkE.the belief that free security tools are sufficientF.the desire to avoid unnecessary technologies

What are three common reasons why customers are saying that they need to evolve their data center?() A.architectures that is inflexible and inefficientB.desire to use the same vender for desktop and server deploymentsC.selecting best-performing vendors for each individual componentD.existing equipment has reached and of lifeE.increasing operational costs of managing data centersF.demand among users for access to information anytime, anywhere

According to the passage, what do the three people have in common?A. CourageB. DevotionC. Hard workD. Self-confidence

What are two reasons why a device will fail to register to a community? ()(Choose two.)A、The community name is not configured.B、The registration server password is incorrect.C、The registration server IP address is incorrect.D、The backup registration server IP address is missing.

What are three common reasons why customers are saying that they need to evolve their datacenter?()A、architectures that is inflexible and inefficientB、desire to use the same vender for desktop and server deploymentsC、selecting best-performing vendors for each individual componentD、existing equipment has reached and of lifeE、increasing operational costs of managing data centersF、demand among users for access to information anytime, anywhere

What are the three partner benefits of service contracts?()A、renews automatically for the lifetime of the productB、eliminates network problemsC、generate recurring revenueD、helps customers speed architectural planning and designE、produces higher margins than product sales alongF、strengthens customer loyalty

What are three valid reasons to assign ports to VLANs on a switch? ()A、to make VTP easier to implementB、to isolate broadcast trafficC、to increase the size of the collision domainD、to allow more devices to connect to the networkE、to logically group hosts according to functionF、to increase network security

There are many reasons why customers lack sufficient security measures on the network. Which two reasons for insufficient security are typical of the customers today?()A、the use of hosted email services eliminating the need for local securityB、the perceived costs of security solutionsC、the lack of risk analysisD、the lack of threats to their networkE、the belief that free security tools are sufficientF、the desire to avoid unnecessary technologies

单选题Radio, television and press are ______ of conveying news and information.Athe most three common means Bthe most common three meansCthe three most common means Dthree the most common means

单选题Which of the following best describes the structure of the passage?AIt mentions a puzzling situation, and then describes three approaches people have taken to help understand that situation.BIt presents an argument for why something took place, and then offers a refutation of that argument.CIt introduces a past phenomenon and then presents three explanations for why the phenomenon took place.DIt describes a problem, offers a solution to the problem, and then ofiers reasons why the solution could not work.EIt offers three explanations for a phenomenon and then summarizes what all three have in common.

问答题Practice 5  ●You made a mistake and lost some useful materials on your computer.  ●Write a message to Kazuko, one of your colleague, saying:  ● What has happened;  ● Why you come to him for help;  ● You hope him to do it in no time.  ●Write about 30—40 words.

多选题What are three common reasons for ATM CRC errors?()AIncorrect VPI and VCI configurationBNoise, gain hits, or other transmission problems on the data link equipmentCATM cells are dropped due to incorrect ATM routing in the service provider.DA faulty or failing ATM interface.ECells are dropped due to traffic policing in the ATM cloud on one or more virtual circuits attached to theATM interface

单选题Radio, television and press are_____ of conveying news and information.Athe most three common meansBthe most common three meansCthe three most common meansDthree the most common means

单选题According to the last paragraph, what kind of business will make the customers think seriously? It’s the business that canAprovide comprehensive after-sales serviceBalways offer the lowest price in the marketCshow customers why they are the best in classDconvince customers that they are the largest in this field

单选题What is the primary focus of this passage?AThe different kinds of businesses returning to the stateBThe reasons why the state’s economy is improvingCThe policies of the previous governorDThe approval ratings of Governor Turner

多选题What are two reasons why a route might be hidden?()Aroute preferenceBrouting loopCinvalid next hopDrouting policy

多选题What are three valid reasons to assign ports to VLANs on a switch?()Ato make VTP easier to implementBto isolate broadcast trafficCto increase the size of the collision domainDto allow more devices to connect to the networkEto logically group hosts according to functionFto increase network security

问答题Q5: What do you think are the benefits to customers of a global marketplace? (Why?/Why not?)

单选题When dealing with customers on the phone that are not very comfortable with technology, which of the following techniques would be MOST helpful to ensure that effective communication is taking place?()AFrequently paraphrase what the caller is saying.BRepeat what is being said multiple times so that the customer can understand exactly what to do.CSpeak very slowly when replying to the customer.DTell the customer to send an email stating exactly what the problem is so that the communication between the two parties is clear.

问答题Follow-up questions  Interlocutor:  Q1: What other reasons might there be for relocating a company? (Why?)

多选题What are three common reasons why customers are saying that they need to evolve their data center? ()Ademand among users for access to information anytime, anywhereBdesire to use the same vender for desktop and server deploymentsCexisting equipment has reached and of lifeDincreasing operational costs of managing data centersEarchitectures that is inflexible and inefficientFselecting best-performing vendors for each individual component

多选题There are many reasons why customers lack sufficient security measures on the network. Which two reasons for insufficient security are typical of the customers today?()Athe desire to avoid unnecessary technologiesBthe belief that free security tools are sufficientCthe perceived costs of security solutionsDthe use of hosted email services eliminating the need for local securityEthe lack of threats to their networkFthe lack of risk analysis

问答题Test 13  We are now living in a society of severe competition. Students need to compete for better school; companies compete for better products and more customers. Many people neglect the role of cooperation. What do you think of the relationship between competition and cooperation?  Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:COMPETITION AND COOPERATION  You are to write in three parts.  In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.  In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

问答题Do you think it is wise for a company to set a low price to attract customers? Why or why not?

多选题What are the three partner benefits of service contracts?()Aproduces higher margins than product sales alongBgenerate recurring revenueCstrengthens customer loyaltyDrenews automatically for the lifetime of the productEhelps customers speed architectural planning and designFeliminates network problems