











that she had done her duty, Marilyn went home a little bit earlier than usual. A.SatisfyingB.To satisfyC, SatisfiedD.Satisfy

The tone of the author in reporting the joint press conference this Monday is _____.[A] astonished[B] enthusiastic[C] disappointed[D] objective


A few days later I found myself ________about what to do next.A terrifyingB terrifiedC havingterrifiedD beenterrified

More and more people in modern societies get()due to the huge work pressure.A、excitedB、happyC、depressionD、high

A person is most disappointed when he is (). A、in useB、in dangerC、in despairD、in fashion

They are all _________ at the _______ news.A、exciting; excitedB、excited; excitingC、 exciting; excitingD、excited; excited

After going to school, little Susan is__ than ever before.A、excitedB、much excitedC、far much excitedD、far more excited

The boss ________ with my work.A、was satisfyingB、was satisfiedC、satisfiedD、satisfactory

48 A moved B disappointed C surprised D satisfied

请在第34处填上正确答案。A.patientB.terrifiedC.pleasedD.e nioyable

What does the phrase“clam up”in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. become excitedB. show respectC. refuse to talkD. seek help

I've tried very" hard to improve my English. But by no means__________with my progress.A.the teacher is not satisfiedB.is the teacher not satisfiedC.the teacher is satisfiedD.is the teacher satisfied


Many of Carson McCuller's characters are isolated,disappointed people.A: solitaryB:gloomyC: feebleD: frugal

The result made me__.It was not half so good as I had expected.A.disappointingB.disappointedC.disappointD.be disappointed

I was so annoyed with him for turning up late.A:satisfied B:angryC:pleased D:disappointed

I was shocked when I saw the size of the telephone bill.A:excitedB:anglyC:lostD:surprised

Mrs.Edwards must have been________.A.pleasedB.delightedC.proudD.disappointed

His parents will be()him if he fails the examination.A、disappointing withB、disappointed onC、disappointed withD、disappointing for

单选题We are disappointed to find that the quality of the products here()very poor.Ato beBhave beenCisDbeing

单选题It was ______he said ____disappointed me.Awhat; thatBthat; whatCthat; whenDit; when

单选题Lucia had been preparing for the party for a long time, so she felt rather disappointed when her guests ______ late.Acame upBturned upClooked upDput up

单选题The reason why I plan to go is _____ if I don’t.Abecause she will disappointBbecause she will have been disappointedCthat she will be disappointedDfor she will be disappointed

单选题If you expect too much of the students, you are sure to _____ disappointed and miserable.Agrow upBbring upCend upDcome up

单选题I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, ______ something occurred which attracted my attention.Aunless Bwhen Cuntil Dwhile

单选题I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _____ something occurred which attracted my attention.AunlessBwhenCuntilDwhile

单选题I am disappointed with the new officers elected in our club, but there is no point_______ about it.Ato worryBin worryingCfor us worryingDwith us to worry