多选题Which two statements are true regarding the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter()AIt can be increased up to the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter.BIncreasing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter distributes the increased memory among all the Autotuned components.CReducing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter deallocates memory from both autotuned and Manually sized components.DIncreasing the value of SGA_TARGET up to the value of SGA_MAX_SIZE disables the automatic shared Memory management feature.

Which two statements are true regarding the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter()

It can be increased up to the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter.


Increasing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter distributes the increased memory among all the Autotuned components.


Reducing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter deallocates memory from both autotuned and Manually sized components.


Increasing the value of SGA_TARGET up to the value of SGA_MAX_SIZE disables the automatic shared Memory management feature.


解析: 暂无解析


You set the following parameters in the parameter file and restarted the database:Which two statements are true regarding these parameters after the database instance is restarted?() A. The MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter is automatically set to 500 MBB. The value of the MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter remains zero till it is changed manuallyC. The PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET and SGA_TARGET parameters are automatically set to zeroD. The lower bounds of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET and SGA_TARGET parameters are set to 90 MB and 270 MB, respectively

You specify a nonzero value for the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter, but do not set the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET or the SGA_TARGET parameters. You restart your database instance.Which statement about the result is true?()A. The database instance starts, and Oracle sets the default value of SGA_TARGET to the same value as SGA_MAX_SIZEB. The database instance starts, and Oracle automatically tunes memory and allocates 60 percent to the SGA and 40 percent to the PGAC. The database instance starts, but Automatic Memory Management is disabledD. The database instance will not start because you did not specify the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET or SGA_TARGET parameter

Which statements about the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter are true?() (Choose all that apply.) A. MEMORY_TARGET can be increased up to the value of MEMORY_MAX_TARGET, if MEMORY_MAX_TARGET is set to a value greater than zeroB. MEMORY_MAX_TARGET defaults to a value of zero if MEMORY_TARGET is not setC. MEMORY_TARGET represents the total amount of memory that can be allocated to SGA and PGA memory structures.D. MEMORY_TARGET is static and cannot be modified without shutting down the instance

Which statements about the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter are true?() A、 MEMORY_TARGET can be increased up to the value of MEMORY_MAX_TARGET, if MEMORY_MAX_TARGET is set to a value greater than zeroB、 MEMORY_MAX_TARGET defaults to a value of zero if MEMORY_TARGET is not setC、 MEMORY_TARGET represents the total amount of memory that can be allocated to SGA and PGA memory structures.D、 MEMORY_TARGET is static and cannot be modified without shutting down the instance

Which two statements are true regarding the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter()A、It can be increased up to the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter.B、Increasing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter distributes the increased memory among all the Autotuned components.C、Reducing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter deallocates memory from both autotuned and Manually sized components.D、Increasing the value of SGA_TARGET up to the value of SGA_MAX_SIZE disables the automatic shared Memory management feature.

You specify a nonzero value for the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter,but do not set the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET or the SGA_TARGET parameters. You restart your database instance.  Which statement about the result is true?()A、 The database instance starts,and Oracle sets the default value of SGA_TARGET to the same value as SGA_MAX_SIZEB、 The database instance starts,and Oracle automatically tunes memory and allocates 60 percent to the  SGA and 40 percent to the PGAC、 The database instance starts,but Automatic Memory Management is disabledD、 The database instance will not start because you did not specify the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET or SGA_TARGET parameter

Your database is running in the automatic Program Global Area (PGA) memory management and Shared Memory Management mode. You want to increase the memory available for the SQL work areas. What would you do?()A、modify the HASH_AREA_SIZE initialization parameterB、modify the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET initialization parameterC、modify the WORK_AREASIZE_POLICY initialization parameterD、increase the value of the SGA_TARGET initialization parameterE、increase the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE initialization parameterF、increase the value of the SORT_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter

You enabled Automatic Shared Memory Management. The initialization parameters are set as shown below:  SGA_TARGET = 10GB SGA_MAX_SIZE = 14GB  STREAMS_POOL_SIZE = 1GB  SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 3GB  Which two statements are correct in this scenario? ()A、 A total of 14 GB memory will be allocated to the automatically tuned memory componentsB、 Reducing the value for SGA_TARGET to 9 GB will automatically decrease the memory allocated to shared pool from 3 GB to 2 GBC、 The value for SGA_TARGET can be increased up to a maximum of 14 GBD、 A maximum of 3 GB can be allocated to shared poolE、 Increasing the value for SGA_TARGET to 12 GB will automatically increase the memory allocated to autotuned parametersF、 Increasing the value for SGA_TARGET will automatically increase the memory allocated for  STREAMS_POOL_SIZE

Which two statements are true about setting the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initialization parameter to anonzero value()A、The MTTR advisor will be disabled.B、Automatic checkpoint tuning will be enabled.C、The value for the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL initialization parameter will be override the value forFAST_START_MTTR_TARGET.D、The time taken to recover the instance after the crash is always exactly the same as the value given for theinitialization parameter.

In your running instance, some of the initialization parameters are set as shown below: SGA_MAX_SIZE = 14GB  DB_CACHE_SIZE = 1GB  SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 3GB  STATISTICS_LEVEL = BASIC  PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET = 0  You plan to enable Automatic Shared Memory Management but you are not able to set SGA_TARGET to a nonzero value. What could be the reason?()A、The STATISTICS_LEVEL initialization parameter is set to BASICB、The PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET initialization parameter is set to zero.C、The SGA_MAX_SIZE initialization parameter is set to less than 20 GBD、The DB_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter is set to less than 5 GBE、The SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter is set to a nonzero value.

You are working in a dedicated server environment. Your database is running in the automatic Program Global Area (PGA) memory management mode.   Which two statements are correct in this scenario?()A、The WORK_AREASIZE_POLICY initialization parameter cannot be set to AUTO.B、The Oracle database automatically controls the amount of PGA memory allotted to SQL work areas.C、Setting the value of the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter to 0 will disable the automatic PGA  memory management.D、The SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter is ignored by all the sessions running in the automatic PGA  memory management mode.

You set the following parameters in the parameter file and restarted the database:MEMORY_MAX_TARGET=0MEMORY_TARGET=500M PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET=90MSGA_TARGET=270M Which two statements are true about these parameters after the database instance is restarted()A、The MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter is automatically set to 500 mb.B、The pga_AGGREGATE_TARGET and sga_TARGET parameters are automatically set to zero.C、The value of the MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter remains zero until it is changed manually.D、The lower bounds of pga_AGGREGATE_TARGET and sga_TARGET parameters are set to 90 nb and270 mb, respectively

Your SPFILE contains the following parameter settings:   SGA_TARGET = 8G   DB_CACHE_SIZE = 4G   SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 2G   LARGE_POOL_SIZE = 512M   JAVA_POOL_SIZE = 512M   LOG_BUFFER = 100M   SGA_MAX_SIZE = 10G   You query the V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS dynamic performance view and discover that the large pool component is currently sized at 1G. You want the value of the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter to 10G, but instead of specifying a value of 10G for the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter, you erroneously execute the following statement:   SQLALTER SYSTEM SET SGA_TARGET = 0 SCOPE = BOTH;   What is the result of this statement?()  A、 The database crashes.B、 The large pool releases 512M of memory.C、 The large pool retains 1G of allocated memory.D、 The large pool increases to 1,512M of memory.

You are configuring the PROD database to use an internal tuning algorithm to monitor the performance of the workload. To achieve this configuration, you specify the following parameter settings in the SPFILE://        SGA_TARGET = 512M        SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 256M   Which two statements are true when modifying the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter in the SPFILE? ()A、 Modifying the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter cannot be accomplished if the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter is set to a non-zero value.B、 Modifying the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter to zero is not allowed if the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter is set to a nonzero value.C、 Increasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter does not increase the shared pool component size. It sets the lower limit for the size of this component.D、 Decreasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter does not reduce the size of the shared pool component immediately. It sets the lower limit for the size of this component.E、 Increasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter immediately increases the shared pool  component to the desired size by reallocating the additional memory from the auto-tuned memory components.F、 Decreasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter immediately shrinks the shared pool component to the desired size while reallocating the released memory to the memory components that are not auto-tuned.

Which two statements are true about setting the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initializationparameter to a nonzero value()A、The MTTR advisor will be disabled.B、Automatic checkpoint tuning will be enabled.C、The value for the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL initialization parameter will be override the value forFAST_START_MTTR_TARGET.D、The time taken to recover the instance after the crash is always exactly the same as the value given forthe FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initialization parameter.

多选题You set the value of the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter to 1G to enable Oracle to automatically resize most of the memory components according to the current workload in the database. You issue the following statement:   SQL SELECT name, value, isdefault  2 FROM v$parameter   3 WHERE name LIKE ’%size%’;   The output of this statement displays that the DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE,  LARGE_POOL_SIZE, and JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters contain a zero value.  What does this imply?()AThe SGA_TARGET initialization parameter cannot be set to a value less than 1GBThe SGA_TARGET initialization parameter cannot be set to a value greater than 1GCThe Memory Advisor of the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g cannot be used to obtain advice on the important memory components of the SGADThe values of the DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE, LARGE_POOL_SIZE, and JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters cannot be set manually.ENo minimum limits are imposed on the DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE, LARGE_POOL_SIZE, and  JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters.FThe Automatic Shared Memory Management feature cannot be disabled unless you specify values for the  DB_CACHE_SIZE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE, LARGE_POOL_SIZE, and JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters in the initialization parameter file.

单选题Which statements about the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter are true?() (Choose all that apply.)AMEMORY_TARGET can be increased up to the value of MEMORY_MAX_TARGET, if MEMORY_MAX_TARGET is set to a value greater than zeroBMEMORY_MAX_TARGET defaults to a value of zero if MEMORY_TARGET is not setCMEMORY_TARGET represents the total amount of memory that can be allocated to SGA and PGA memory structures.DMEMORY_TARGET is static and cannot be modified without shutting down the instance

多选题Which statements about the MEMORY_TARGET initialization parameter are true?()AMEMORY_TARGET can be increased up to the value of MEMORY_MAX_TARGET, if MEMORY_MAX_TARGET is set to a value greater than zeroBMEMORY_MAX_TARGET defaults to a value of zero if MEMORY_TARGET is not setCMEMORY_TARGET represents the total amount of memory that can be allocated to SGA and PGA memory structures.DMEMORY_TARGET is static and cannot be modified without shutting down the instance

多选题Which two statements are true regarding the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter()AIt can be increased up to the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter.BIncreasing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter distributes the increased memory among all the Autotuned components.CReducing the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter deallocates memory from both autotuned and Manually sized components.DIncreasing the value of SGA_TARGET up to the value of SGA_MAX_SIZE disables the automatic shared Memory management feature.

多选题You set the following parameters in the parameter file and restarted the database:MEMORY_MAX_TARGET=0MEMORY_TARGET=500M PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET=90MSGA_TARGET=270M Which two statements are true about these parameters after the database instance is restarted()AThe MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter is automatically set to 500 mb.BThe pga_AGGREGATE_TARGET and sga_TARGET parameters are automatically set to zero.CThe value of the MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter remains zero until it is changed manually.DThe lower bounds of pga_AGGREGATE_TARGET and sga_TARGET parameters are set to 90 nb and270 mb, respectively

多选题You are working in a dedicated server environment. Your database is running in the automatic Program Global Area (PGA) memory management mode. Which two statements are correct in this scenario? ()AThe WORK_AREASIZE_POLICY initialization parameter cannot be set to AUTO.BThe Oracle database automatically controls the amount of PGA memory allotted to SQL work areas.CSetting the value of the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter to 0 will disable the automatic PGA memory management.DThe SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter is ignored by all the sessions running in the automatic PGA memory management mode.

多选题You are configuring the PROD database to use an internal tuning algorithm to monitor the performance of the workload. To achieve this configuration, you specify the following parameter settings in the SPFILE://        SGA_TARGET = 512M        SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 256M   Which two statements are true when modifying the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter in the SPFILE? ()AModifying the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter cannot be accomplished if the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter is set to a non-zero value.BModifying the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter to zero is not allowed if the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter is set to a nonzero value.CIncreasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter does not increase the shared pool component size. It sets the lower limit for the size of this component.DDecreasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter does not reduce the size of the shared pool component immediately. It sets the lower limit for the size of this component.EIncreasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter immediately increases the shared pool  component to the desired size by reallocating the additional memory from the auto-tuned memory components.FDecreasing the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter immediately shrinks the shared pool component to the desired size while reallocating the released memory to the memory components that are not auto-tuned.

单选题You have included the following parameter settings in your SPFILE://    SGA_MAX_SIZE=8G   SGA_TARGET=6G   DB_CACHE_SIZE=2G   SHARED_POOL_SIZE=1G   LOG_BUFFER=64M   DB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE=960M   Which statement is true if you modify the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter?()AThe SGA_TARGET initialization parameter cannot be set to a value greater than 8GB The DB_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter cannot be set to a value less than 2GC The DB_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter cannot be set to a value greater than 2GD The DB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter cannot be set to a value greater than 960M E The DB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter cannot be set to a value less than 960M

单选题Your SPFILE contains the following parameter settings:   SGA_TARGET = 8G   DB_CACHE_SIZE = 4G   SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 2G   LARGE_POOL_SIZE = 512M   JAVA_POOL_SIZE = 512M   LOG_BUFFER = 100M   SGA_MAX_SIZE = 10G   You query the V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS dynamic performance view and discover that the large pool component is currently sized at 1G. You want the value of the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter to 10G, but instead of specifying a value of 10G for the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter, you erroneously execute the following statement:   SQLALTER SYSTEM SET SGA_TARGET = 0 SCOPE = BOTH;   What is the result of this statement?()A The database crashes.B The large pool releases 512M of memory.C The large pool retains 1G of allocated memory.D The large pool increases to 1,512M of memory.

单选题Your database is running in the automatic Program Global Area (PGA) memory management and Shared Memory Management mode. You want to increase the memory available for the SQL work areas. What would you do?()Amodify the HASH_AREA_SIZE initialization parameterBmodify the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET initialization parameterCmodify the WORK_AREASIZE_POLICY initialization parameterDincrease the value of the SGA_TARGET initialization parameterEincrease the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE initialization parameterFincrease the value of the SORT_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter

多选题Which two statements are true about setting the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initialization parameter to anonzero value()AThe MTTR advisor will be disabled.BAutomatic checkpoint tuning will be enabled.CThe value for the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL initialization parameter will be override the value forFAST_START_MTTR_TARGET.DThe time taken to recover the instance after the crash is always exactly the same as the value given for theinitialization parameter.

多选题You enabled Automatic Shared Memory Management. The initialization parameters are set as shown below:  SGA_TARGET= 10GB  SGA_MAX_SIZE = 14GB  STREAMS_POOL_SIZE = 1GB SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 3GB  Which two statements are correct in this scenario? ()AA maximum of 3 GB can be allocated to shared poolBThe value for SGA_TARGET can be increased up to a maximum of 15 GBCA total of 14 GB memory will be allocated to the automatically tuned memory components.DIncreasing the value for SGA_TARGET will automatically increase the memory allocated for STREAMS_POOL_SIZEEIncreasing the value for SGA_TARGET to 12 GB will automatically increase the memory allocated to autotuned parametersFReducing the value for SGA_TARGET to 9 GB will automatically decrease the memory allocated to shared pool from 3 GB to 2 GB

多选题Which two statements are true about setting the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initializationparameter to a nonzero value()AThe MTTR advisor will be disabled.BAutomatic checkpoint tuning will be enabled.CThe value for the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL initialization parameter will be override the value forFAST_START_MTTR_TARGET.DThe time taken to recover the instance after the crash is always exactly the same as the value given forthe FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initialization parameter.