单选题() is the removal of exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air.AGas exchangeBChargingCScavengingDSupercharging
() is the removal of exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air.
Gas exchange
In a()boiler the hot gases from the furnace pass gases from the furnace pass water is on the outside. A.water-tubeB.fire-tubeC.exhaust gasD.composite
A two stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the _____. ① MEP is lower and the scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases ② valve overlap in a four strokeA.①B.②C.① and ②D.Neither ① nor ② is correct
Which step is NOT generally taken when gas-freeing a tank? ______.A.Washing the tank interior with sea waterB.Application of degreasing solventsC.Removal of corrosion products and sludgeD.Fresh air ventilation
单选题Exhaust gases are generally removed from the cylinders of a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine by()Anatural aspirationBmasked intake valvesCair cellsDscavenging air
单选题A shallow dish positioned at the normal water level is connected to the()This enables the blowing down or removal of scum and impurities from the water surface.Amain stern stop valveBauxiliary steam stop valveCscum valveDblow down valve
单选题The process to remove exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air is called ().AchargingBsuperchargingCstartingDscavenging
单选题In a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, after the completion of the power stroke, the piston will move()Aup and draw in a fresh air chargeBdown to burn off fuelCdown to compress the fuel air chargeDup and force out the exhaust gases
单选题() are fitted in the exhaust system and facilitate charge removal and scavenging in each cylinder.ADiffusersBCompressorsCSteam boilersDSoot blowers
单选题Modem engines make use of exhaust gas driven turbo-chargers to supply pressurized fresh air for () and supercharging.AscavengingBstartingCcoolingDblowing
单选题The exhaust system of a diesel engine is usually designed to remove exhaust gases and to ()Aprovide exhaust back pressureBprevent exhaust smoke emissionsCpower a reciprocating superchargerDmuffle exhaust gas noise
单选题The exhaust gases in a supercharged two-stroke/cycle diesel engine are expelled from the cylinder by ()Apumping action of the pistonBpressure of the fuel chargeCvacuum developed in the manifoldDpressure of the fresh air charge
单选题Forcing the exhaust gases form the cylinder of an operating diesel engine with the aid of a blower is known as ()AscavengingBforced draftCturbo-chargingDaspiration
单选题The exhaust system for a turbocharged two-stroke/cycle diesel engine functions to()Adischarge exhaust gases and smokeBfurnish energy to the turbochargerCreduce engine room noiseDall of the above
单选题With supercharging a larger mass of air is supplied to the cylinder by blowing it in under pressure, which is the best means to () of the engine.Aincrease the exhaust temperatureBincrease the power ofCreduce the speedDincrease the fuel consumption
单选题"Scavenging" on a diesel engine means ().Ainjecting fuel oil into a cylinderBremoving exhaust gases from the cylinderCforcing air into the cylinders under pressure after the exhaust valve has dosedDa combination of all the above
单选题Scavenging is () of exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air.Athe suctionBthe compressionCthe removalDthe deliver
单选题Gas exchange, which is a basic part of the cycle of an internal combustion engine, is()Athe supply of normal air and removal of compressed airBthe supply of fuel oil and combustion of the atomized oilCthe supply of fresh air and removal of exhaust gasesDthe supply of fresh air and removal of the extra heat
单选题In a diesel engine exhaust system, the cooling of the exhaust gases below their dew point, will result in ()Aincreased engine back pressureBsulfuric acid corrosionCsurface pitting of the turbochargerDmoisture impingement on the turbocharger compressor blade
单选题In motor ship, () is often used to recover some of the heat carried in the exhaust gases from the main engine.Aan diesel oil heaterBa waste heat boilerCa fresh water generatorDall the above
单选题In a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the exhaust gases are expelled from the cylinder by the()Aexhaust manifoldBvalve bridgeCpressure of the fresh air chargeDvalve adjusting gear
单选题In an engine with air inlet valve and exhaust valve on its cylinder heads the fresh air will enter into the cylinder () and the gases exhaust (), there being an adequate overlap between the inlet opening and the exhaust closing.Adownwards;upwardsBupwards;downwardsCdownwards;downwardsDupwards;upwards
单选题Combustion gases formed in the cylinder of a diesel engine are prevented from blowing past the piston by ()Acylinder valvesBcompression ringsCpiston skirtsDoil rings
单选题The exhaust gases for a new engine should be () when the engine operates under full load.AsmokyBa little bit denseCvisibleDalmost invisible
单选题The process of scavenging a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine serves to()Aimprove fuel flow volumeBcool the exhaust valvesCreduce the intake air charge densityDincrease the temperature of exhaust gases
单选题Additional heat extraction from the exhaust gases can be effected by adding an () section to the unit in plants.Aair coolerBeconomizerCinjectorDair blower
单选题A two-stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four-stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the () (1) scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases (2) exhaust cycle time is longerA(1) onlyB(2) onlyCboth (1) and (2)Dneither (1) nor (2)