单选题When people are traveling to Canada Or Mexico,a passport is a must for ______.AAmerican citizens.BJapanese citizens.CMexican citizens.DCanadian citizens.

When people are traveling to Canada Or Mexico,a passport is a must for ______.

American citizens.


Japanese citizens.


Mexican citizens.


Canadian citizens.


判断推理题。题目中问“当人们去加拿大或墨西哥旅行时,护照对哪些人是必须的?”从原文最后一段倒数第二句“If you are not a citizen of the U.S.,Canada or Mexico, a passport is required”可知日本人必须持有护照。正确答案为B。


Why does the author say "we are deprived of the use of our eyes" ?A. People won't use their eyes.B. In traveling at high speed, eyes become useless.C. People can' t see anything on their way of travel.D. People want to sleep during travelling.

What documentation should a couple with a 7-year-old child carry when they drive a car from Canada to America?A. A BC driver’s license, an Air NEXUS card, and a birth certificate.B. An Air NEXUS card, a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Document, and a birth certificate.C.Two vaild passport crads and a certified copy of a birth certificate.D. A NEXUS card, a U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Document.,and a certified copy of a birth certificate.

Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Your passport is your official identification as an American citizen. In America,most people never consider obtaining a passport unless they are planning a trip out of the country. In Europe, where travel from one country to another is much more common,almost everyone carries a passport. A passport is final proof of identity in almost every country in the world.In 1979 almost 15 million Americans held passports. Most of these passports were obtained to travel outside the country because,except for a few Western nations。passports are required to enter every country. And if you travel abroad,you must have a valid passport to reenter the country.When traveling abroad,you will need a passport for identification when exchanging dollars for francs or marks or other foreign currency. You may also need your passport to use a credit card,buy an airplane ticket or check into a hotel. As a passport is an official U. S. document. it is valuable as identification in any emergency cases,such as floods,fires,or war.Don't confuse passports and visas. Whereas a passport is issued by a country to its citizens. a visa is official permission to visit a country granted by the government of that country. For some years,many countries were dropping their visa requirements,but that trend has reversed. Argentina,Brazil,and Venezuela now require visas from U. S. citizens. They may be obtained from the embassy of the country you wish to visit.Passport applications are available at passport agency offices in large cities like Boston,New York,or Chicago. In smaller cities,applications are available at post offices and at federal courts. To get your first passport,you must submit the application in person. along with a birth certificate and two pictures.The main purpose of this passage is to______.A. discuss traveling in other countriesB. distinguish between passports and visasC. discuss the financial uses of a passportD. provide information about passports

When he moved to Canada, the children () to the change very well.A、adequateB、adaptedC、adaptedD、adepted

When you go abroad, do you ______ take your passport?A、have toB、ought toC、needD、must

When should you create a role? () A. To simplify the process of creating new users using the CREATE USER xxx IDENTIFIED by yyy statement.B. To grant a group of related privileges to a user.C. When the number of people using the database is very high.D. To simplify the process of granting and revoking privileges.E. To simplify profile maintenance for a user who is constantly traveling.

Most people of western countries such as (), Australia, Great Britain and Canada keep a short-term orientation.

What can we learn from the story?A. Comfort in traveling by train.B. Pleasure of living in the country.C. Reading gives people delight.D. Smiles brighten people up.

Why were the French troops in Canada defeated by the British during the Seven Years.War?()ABecause they were not used to the weather in Canada.BBecause they did not get support from the local people.CBecause they did not receive the supplies they needed so badly.DBecause the British had larger and better settlements in Canada.

When was Canada given internal self-government?()AIn 1791BIn 1840CIn 1848DIn 1867

When was Canada divided into Upper Canada(English-speaking)and Lower Canada(French-speaking)?()AIn 1763BIn 1774CIn 1791DIn 1840

When was Canada divided into Upper Canada(English-speaking)and LowerCanada(French-speaking)?()AIn 1763BIn 1774CIn 1791DIn 1840

I really hope that you will ()your trip to Canada and get back as soon as possible when people have to knowledge of the law.ApreferBreferCenjoyDi nfer

When was Canada given internal self-government?()A、In 1791B、In 1840C、In 1848D、In 1867

Why were the French troops in Canada defeated by the British during theSeven Years.War?()A、Because they were not used to the weather in Canada.B、Because they did not get support from the local people.C、Because they did not receive the supplies they needed so badly.D、Because the British had larger and better settlements in Canada.

When was Canada divided into Upper Canada(English-speaking)and Lower Canada(French-speaking)?()A、In 1763B、In 1774C、In 1791D、In 1840

When was Canada divided into Upper Canada(English-speaking)and LowerCanada(French-speaking)?()A、In 1763B、In 1774C、In 1791D、In 1840

单选题When was Canada divided into Upper Canada(English-speaking)and Lower Canada(French-speaking)?()AIn 1763BIn 1774CIn 1791DIn 1840

单选题—Was the driving pleasant when you vacationed in Canada last summer?  —No, it ______ for many days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.Awas rainingBwould be rainingChad been rainingDrained

单选题When people are traveling to Canada or Mexico, a passport is a must for _____.AAmerican citizens.BJapanese citizens.CMexican citizens.DCanadian citizens.

问答题Directions:Please write an essay in about 150 words entitled “To Travel or Not” based on the following outline1) People who like traveling have their reasons. 2) Those who dislike traveling have their reasons. 3) In my opinion, traveling does more good than harm.

单选题This passage mainly offers information about ______.Ahow to prepare documents for traveling with GreyhoundBhow to purchase a Greyhound ticket and travel with itChow to make your trip with Greyhound interestingDhow to travel from the U. S. to Canada and Mexico

单选题A mountain chain in the eastern United States, extending from the valley of the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada, to the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico in Alabama, is _____.AAppalachian MountainsBRocky MountainsCHimalayan MountainsDGreen Mountains

单选题I really hope that you will ()your trip to Canada and get back as soon as possible when people have to knowledge of the law.ApreferBreferCenjoyDi nfer

多选题When should you create a role?()ATo simplify the process of creating new users using the CREATE USER xxx IDENTIFIED by yyy statement.BTo grant a group of relate privileges to a user.CWhen the number of people using the database is very high.DTo simplify the process of granting and revoking privileges.ETo simplify profile maintenance for a user who is constantly traveling.

单选题Why should people call Greyhound for tickets in advance?ATo avoid waiting in lines at the booking office.BTo hand in necessary traveling documents.CTo get tickets from the nearest terminal.DTo fix the traveling destination in lime.

单选题When was Canada divided into Upper Canada(English-speaking)and LowerCanada(French-speaking)?()AIn 1763BIn 1774CIn 1791DIn 1840

单选题This passage mainly offers information about _____.Ahow to prepare documents for traveling with GreyhoundBhow to purchase a Greyhound ticket and travel with itChow to make your trip with Greyhound interestingDhow to travel from the U.S. to Canada and Mexico