单选题________after carefully, the plant can live through the winter.ALookedBLookingCTo lookDHaving looked

________after carefully, the plant can live through the winter.





To look


Having looked




CGUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) – A fish that lives in mangrove swamps(红树沼泽)across the Americas can live out of water for months at a time, similar to how animals adapted(适应)to land millions of years ago, a new study shows.The Magrove Rivulus, a type of small killifish, lives in small pools of water in a certain type of empty nut or even old beer cans in the mangrove swamps of Belize, the United States and Brazil. When their living place dries up, they live on the land in logs(圆木),said Scott Taylor, a researcher at the Brevard Endangered Lands Program in Florida.The fish, whose scientific name is Rivulus marmoratus, can grow as large as three inches. They group together in logs and breathe air through their skin until they can find water again.The new scientific discovery came after a trip to Belize.“We kicked over a log and the fish just came crowding out,” Taylor told Reuters in neighboring Guatgemala by telephone. He said he will make his study on the fish known to the public in an American magazine early next year.In lab tests, Taylor said he found the fish can live up to 66 days out of water without eating.Some other fish can live out of water for a short period of time. The walking catfish found in Southeast Asia can stay on land for hours at time, while lungfish found in Australia, Africa and South America can live out of water, but only in an inactive state. But no other known fish can be out of water as long as the Mangrove Rivulus and remain active, according to Patricia Wright, a biologist at Canada’s University of Guelph.Further studies of the fish may tell how animals changed over time.“These animals live in conditions similar to those that existed millions of years ago, when animals began making the transition(过渡)from water onto land,” Wright said.49. The Mangrove Rivulus is a type of fish that _______.A. likes eating nutsB. prefers living in dry placesC. is the longest living fish on earthD. can stay alive for two months out of water

After considering carefully, my plan has gradually come to ________.A maturityB sensibilityC justificationD awareness

Let me __________ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion. A. look upB. look intoC. look after

EXTENDED FAMILY In an extended family, all the people share one household. Apart from parents and children, there may be other family members grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. That is to say, a large family may have more than two generations, and often there are more than two adults from different generations of a family. The family members live together for many reasons. They may help to bring up children or to take care of an ill relative. They may also help with saving money. Sometimes children are brought up by their grandparents, for their parents have died or can never take care of them. Many grandparents look after the children,particularly when both parents are busy working. This large family is called extended family. It can be found all over the world. The number of these families has increased by 40 percent in the past ten years. Most of such families live happily together.1. In an extended family, people live in different houses.()2. An extend family includes at least three generations.()3.In an extended family, children are looked after by their grandparents because their parents are traveling around.()4. Extended families can be found all over the world.()5. Children can live happily with their parents and grandparents.()

This plant can’t be exposed()strong sunshine.A. inB. toC. by

Plants can ____ inorganic matter.A: live byB: live onC: live withD: live up to

He hasn’t seen his family in years, communicating with them only _______ through carefully chosen messengers. A. occasionallyB. oftenC. fewD. less

In order to help them through the difficult time between harvests the peasants have to______.A) sell cotton in advanceB) be encouraged to save moneyC) sow cotton in timeD) plant millet fast

After a server has been installed into a rack, an administrator must ensure which of the following?() A. Warm air flow is permitted through the front bezelB. The system is labeled so that it can be identifiedC. Verify the change control process can be implementedD. Determine the correct power requirements

wint ar underhand word “dishevcled mean?A.ybtendly B.unndyC.centle D.kned

24. Don-t worry. He is _________to look after little Betty.A. carefully enoughB. enough carefulC. careful enoughD. enough carefully

All of the machinery must be carefully inspected before production at the plant is allowed to__________ .A.inhibitB.complyC.motivateD.proceed

The ( ) were carefully inspected before we issue the Phytosanitary Certificate.A. animal products B. plant productsC. machines D. electronic toys

Here you can see the liquid food compactly stored in a pressurized tank.A:denselyB:inexpensivelyC:quicklyD:carefully

When we write, we must write as()as we can.AcarefulBcarefullyCmore carefulDmore carefully

Let me()the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.Alook outBlook intoClook after

Let me()the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.A、look outB、look intoC、look after

我们必须仔细使用每件工具并且用完后归还。()A、We must use all kinds of tools carefully and return it after using.B、We must use every tool carefully and return it after using.C、A+BD、We must use everything carefully and keep it after using.

After a server has been installed into a rack, an administrator must ensure which of the following?()A、Warm air flow is permitted through the front bezelB、The system is labeled so that it can be identifiedC、Verify the change control process can be implementedD、Determine the correct power requirements

单选题One advantage of a flash distilling plant when compared to a submerged tube distiller is()Agreater distillate purity through high temperature evaporationBcold shocking for scale removal is not requiredCless internal corrosion because of lower brine densityDless feed-water is required for equal plant capacity

单选题Some people argue that it would do more harm than good for plants and animals to develop through artificial selection. Which statement best supports this argument?ARoses no longer smell like roses.BPurebred dogs are disappearing.CHumans are harmful agents of plant and animal evolution.DMany domesticated plants and animals can no longer survive in the wild.

单选题After a server has been installed into a rack, an administrator must ensure which of the following?()AWarm air flow is permitted through the front bezelBThe system is labeled so that it can be identifiedCVerify the change control process can be implementedDDetermine the correct power requirements

单选题According to the passage, we know ______.Agraffiti can make the buildings look coolBthe person who collects rubbish cart get a giftCwe can plant trees to improve the environment

单选题Why will a two stage flash type distilling plant tend to operate more efficiently when operating in cold seawater?()AThe colder seawater passing through the condenser tube bundles of the various stages increases evaporator vacuumBThe amount of heated feed water discharged from the feed water heater after cndenser is increasedCFewer non-condensable gases are created by the flow of colder seawaterDMore seawater is allowed to pass through the flint stage overflow weir

单选题Why do organizers (组织者) advise students to live with American families?AStudents are not rich enough to live in hotels.BStudents can have meals with American families.CStudents can experience life in the USA.DStudents can teach American how to cook Chinese food

单选题Let me()the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.Alook outBlook intoClook after

单选题According to the passage, which of the following can be concluded form the passage about this couple?AThey will live happily ever after.BTheir marriage is not harmonious.CThe couple will adopt children.DThey will become schoolteachers.