单选题The supply chain activities encompass all associated with the flow and transaction of goods, the flow of information from the raw materials supplier to the end user, as well as the reverse flow of materials and in formation in the()ADistribution processBSupply chainCEnterpriseDInternational community

The supply chain activities encompass all associated with the flow and transaction of goods, the flow of information from the raw materials supplier to the end user, as well as the reverse flow of materials and in formation in the()

Distribution process


Supply chain




International community


解析: 暂无解析


The new logistics strategy requires the support of the relevant ( ),for computer provides brand new manners to process the traditional task. A、firewallB、logistic softwareC、ERPD、supply-chain

(b) Explain how Perfect Shopper might re-structure its upstream supply chain to address the problems identifiedin the scenario. (10 marks)

(c) Explain how Perfect Shopper might re-structure its downstream supply chain to address the problemsidentified in the scenario. (10 marks)

Business-to-Business electronic commerce could also change the relationships among different groups of companies in the supply chain. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

A fire of escaping liquefied flammable gas is best extinguished by ______.A.cooling the gas below the ignition pointB.cutting off the supply of oxygenC.stopping the flow of gasD.interrupting the chain reaction

At each stage of the lesson, activities focus on all four skills.()A对B错

At each stage of the lesson, activities focus on all four skills.()

Which segment would benefit from integrating the internal systems of a company, including those for inventory, payment processing, marketing, accounts, and order tracking?()A、 supply chain logisticsB、 banking administrationC、 retail supplierD、 healthcare administration

物流与供应、生产、销售系统化形成()。A、Physical DistributionB、Supply Chain ManagementC、LogisticsD、E—Logistics

For a supply chain to realize the maximum strategic benefit of logistics, the full range of functional work must beintegrated.

Supply chain management consists of firms collaborating to leverage strategic positioning and to improve operating efficiency.

What is SCM?()A、Supply Customer ManagementB、Support Customer ManagementC、Supply Chain MaterialsD、Supply Chain Management

()links all suppliers and customers as a chain in a certain product or service.A、ContractB、Business agreementC、Supply ChainD、Network

英译中:Supply chain

英译中:Supply chain management(SCM)

SCM (Supply Chain Management)()A、供应系统管理B、供应链管理C、供应链D、供给链

Supply chain management is the () of these activities through improved supply chain relationship, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.A、CollectionB、AssemblyC、IntegrationD、Operation

The supply chain activities encompass all associated with the flow and transaction of goods, the flow of information from the raw materials supplier to the end user, as well as the reverse flow of materials and in formation in the()A、Distribution processB、Supply chainC、EnterpriseD、International community

It is important to note that from the core company’s perspective, the supply chain includes (), upstream supplier and down stream customers.A、Internal functionsB、External functionsC、Information systemsD、Physical distribution

单选题The machinery associated with heaving in and running out anchor chain is the().AwinchBwindlassCdraw worksDdynamic pay out system

单选题The supply chain activities encompass all associated with the flow and transaction of goods, the flow of information from the raw materials supplier to the end user, as well as the reverse flow of materials and in formation in the()ADistribution processBSupply chainCEnterpriseDInternational community

单选题All of the following are associated with cumulonimbus clouds EXCEPT().Asteady rainfallBhail stormsCthunderstormsDtornadoes or waterspouts

判断题供应链(Supply Chain,SC)的思想是在20世纪80年代提出来的。A对B错

名词解释题英译中:Supply chain management(SCM)

单选题()links all suppliers and customers as a chain in a certain product or service.AContractBBusiness agreementCsupply chainDnetwork

名词解释题英译中:Supply chain

单选题What is meant by veering the anchor chain? ()ABringing the anchor to short stayBHeaving in all the chainCLocking the windlass to prevent more chain from running outDPaying out more chain

单选题Which segment would benefit from integrating the internal systems of a company, including those for inventory, payment processing, marketing, accounts, and order tracking?()A supply chain logisticsB banking administrationC retail supplierD healthcare administration