单选题The phrase “gloom and doom” (in paragraph 3) refers to the state of being _____.Aobscure and sadBdepressing and fatalCruined and deadlyDmiserable and disappointing
The phrase “gloom and doom” (in paragraph 3) refers to the state of being _____.
obscure and sad
depressing and fatal
ruined and deadly
miserable and disappointing
The underlined phrase “stately homes” in Paragraph 4 means __________.A. state-owned housesB. houses in very good conditionC. grand houses open to the publicD. houses where statesmen meet regularly
The phrase" special sectors" (line l ,paragraph 7) most probably refers to[ A] energy ,food and housing.[ B] indexed programs.[ C] social security and food stamps.[ D] large corporations and labor settlements.
The phrase "retained earnings" in the last paragraph probably refers to "______".A.the net worth belonging to the creditors and ownersB.part of the profits reinvested in the companyC.the amount of money the owners investedD.the amount of money owed to the employees
In the second paragraph, "Maybe he doesn't see it himself, "the pronoun "it "refers to______.A) being friendlyB) a hit of envyC) lucky dogD) your luck
The word "intriguing" in paragraph 3 refers to ______.A) tractableB) dauntlessC) heroicD) appealing
Finding a job can be depressing and disappointing,and therefore it is important that you are prepared.A: exploitingB: frustratingC: profitingD: misleading
单选题The noun phrase “the medicine” underlined in Paragraph 1 refers to the _________.AturtleBmedicine made from turtleCcancer cureDpet trade
单选题In the first paragraph of Excerpt 4, the pronoun “they” in “when they arrive” refers to _____.ArestrictionsBshoppersCcomplaintsDpeople
单选题The underlined word “it” (in Paragraph 3) refers to _____.Aa rockBthe group of beesCa hillDthe river
单选题The word “They” underlined in Paragraph 3 refers to.A415 counties in the SouthBalcohol sales in other placesCattempts by Wal-Mart and othersDchurch groups and religious leaders
单选题The phrase “giant retailer” in Paragraph 4 refers most poosibly to.AWal-MartBa dry countyCArkansasDcorporate headquarters
单选题The phrase “this element of the unknown” (Paragraph 3) refers to ______.Athe extension of earthquake zonesBthe percentage of earthquake occurrencesCwhen and where earthquakes may occurDwhat big damage earthquakes may cause
单选题The phrase “making the biggest splash” (line 1, paragraph 3) most probably means ______.Acausing the biggest troubleBexerting the greatest effortCachieving the greatest successDenjoying the widest popularity
单选题The word these in the first paragraph refers to _____.AlettersBphotographsCpaintingsDobjects
单选题In the last paragraph the phrase “this wide, confused wilderness” refers to ______.Apersonal experienceBwild weeds among good plantsCthe information from the parentsDthe vast store of traditional practices
单选题The word “they” underlined in Paragraph 4 refers to ______.Ahealth workersBofficialsCvictimsDcases
单选题The phrase “throw off” underlined in Paragraph 3 most probably means.AejectBburn upCconvertDlet in
单选题The word “them” in the phrase “the complexity and effect of his use of them” in Paragraph 4 refers to.Athe range of feelings he explores in his musicBthe complexity and effect of his compositionsCthe materials upon which he composed his musicDthe instruments of the orchestra that perform Mozart
单选题As is used in paragraph 4, the phrase “a control group” refers to ______.Apeople working at the Oregon Department of HealthBpeople investigating at the Mulmonah County Health Department in OregonCpeople serving as a standard of comparison for checking test resultsDpeople involved in passing legislation banning smoking in eating establishments
单选题The phrase “single out” in the last paragraph means _____.AchooseBthink aboutCcountDdepend on
单选题The phrase “consumer goodwill” underlined in Paragraph 4 most possibly refers to the.Aother extreme losses in tax revenueBpleasant feeling the consumers may haveCgood consumption the market may sustainDconfidence consumers have over the goods
单选题In the email, the phrase “putting on” in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning toAadvertisingBevaluatingCperformingDhosting
单选题The phrase “that injury” underlined in Paragraph 5 refers to.Ahis bad backBthe doctor’s weightliftingChis clinically inappropriate practiceDhis dishonest cheating