











The telephone line is_____busy at the moment. A.fairB.quiteC.wellD.quiet

We are not ________ to afford a car yet. A.enough moneyB.money enoughC.rich enoughD.enough rich

I'm( )ready. A. quietlyB. quiteC. quietD. quitely

The next day Helen got up() earlier than her brother. A. evenB. stillC. mostD. more

___________________( )54.A. evenB. everC. almostD. hardly

Sam has curly hair but his twin sister’s is quite ().A、evenB、straightC、unevenD、regular

We can't go travelling because ________ have been saved. A.not money enoughB.enough moneyC.money enoughD.not enough money

The park is ______ .A、not quiet enoughB、not enough quietC、quiet not enoughD、enough not quiet

many u.s. products were not only inferior to __________ pricier than those offered by other nations. A. evenB. becauseC. butD. and

–Dou you ______ feel lonely?–Yes, sometimes.A: evenB: neverC: justD: ever

It is _______ to tell which is earth and which is sky.A: enough easyB: easily enoughC: easy enoughD: enough easily

There is ____ food for all of us.A: scarce enoughB: enough scarcelyC: scarcely enoughD: enough scarce

I can’t find _____.A、a coat enough largeB、a large enough coatC、a large coat enoughD、an enough large coat


请教:2009年河北省中考《英语》试卷第6大题第6小题如何解答?【题目描述】51.____________A. evenB. stillC. neverD. often

24. Don-t worry. He is _________to look after little Betty.A. carefully enoughB. enough carefulC. careful enoughD. enough carefully

I arrived at the airport so late that I __________missed the plane.A.onlyB.quiteC.narrowlyD.seldom

__________ Ms. Jahan is new to the hospitality industry, she recently won a prestigious cus-tomer service award.A.EvenB.AlthoughC.ForD.Whenever

We have ample money for the journey.A: someB: littleC: enoughD: extra


The telephone line is()busy at the moment.A、fairB、quiteC、wellD、quiet

()he was tired he went on working.A、EvenB、YetC、AlthoughD、In spite

You speak English well.()A、Thank you for saying soB、I don't think soC、No, I don't speak well enoughD、Certainly

Although he did not know London well, he made his way()to the airport.A、easy enoughB、enoughC、easily enoughD、enoug heasily

()we would like to assist you,we do not think there is room for a reduction in our price.A、EvenB、AsC、MuchD、Much as

单选题If it becomes necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port, which of the following procedures should be followed?()APump only if the discharge is led to a shore tank or bargeBPump only during the hours of darknessCPump only on the outgoing tideDPump only as much as is necessary

单选题Fire protection regulations apply to those towing vessels().Aused only for pollution responseBowned and operated by the US governmentCused only within a barge fleeting areaDused only on inland waters

单选题As a matter of fact, Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves are only second with those of Kuwait.Acome second falling Bcome second with Care only second toDare second only to