单选题As a whole, this passage characterizes Holden Caulfield primarily as being ______.AconflictedBstrong-willedCsophisticatedDcomposedEsadistic

As a whole, this passage characterizes Holden Caulfield primarily as being ______.













He spends a whole day () by the pool, waiting the fish to be hooked. A、standingB、standC、stoodD、being standing

He spent the whole morning _______ for the coming exam. A. to preparingB. having preparedC. preparingD. being prepared

The event()in tomorrow's newspapers will shock the whole nation. A、reportedB、being reportedC、to be reportedD、to report

The whole passage is about students' ideas and opinions about theirs school, teachers or class activities.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The best title for this passage would be ______.A) The Importance of Being VisibleB) Role of Women and Minorities in ManagementC) Job Performance and AdvancementD) Sex and Career Success

The liability ______ freight reserved in the bill of lading is primarily on the shipper of the goods,unless he was merely acting as agent and made this clear at the time.A.for payingB.to payC.payingD.for being paid

To grasp the gist of a passage in a quick way, what may a reader focus on?A.The transitional paragraphs.B.The whole passage.C.The topic sentences.D.Every sentence in the passage.

The text is approachable, coping well with quite__________subjects.A.complexB.complicatedC.sophisticatedD.intricate

Teachers believing in the _______model in a general sense usually follow the sequence of teaching new words, sentences and then the whole passage in the ,reading class.A.interactiveB.bottom-upC.top-downD.interactional

With the introduction of( )technology,information flows faster than it ever did.A.involvedB.complicatedC.sophisticatedD.complex

Although () primarily to promote trade relations, these agreements also foster technological cooperation.AdesignedBthey are to be designedCit is designedDthey are being designed

单选题Which is the best title of the passage?AWays of Eye CareBWays of Eye ExercisesCWays of Being HappyDWays of Being Healthy

单选题Which of the following most accurately states the role of the first paragraph in relation to the passage as a whole?AIt summarizes two theories. the relative merits of which are debated in the passage.BIt puts forth an argument that the rest of the passage is devoted to refuting.CIt introduces a new concept that the rest of the passage expands upon.DIt frames the background and relevance of the material to follow.EIt outlines the majorthemes of each of the four paragraphs to follow.

单选题We can learn from the passage that the hamburger described as a quarter of a pound is ______ a quarter of pound after being cooked.Aheavier thanBreallyClighter thanDslightly heavier than

单选题As a whole, this passage characterizes Holden Caulfield primarily as being ______.AconflictedBstrong-willedCsophisticatedDcomposedEsadistic

单选题A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic(虐待狂的)_____.AimpulseBspurCthrustDdesire

单选题Which best characterizes how the impact of science on chimpanzees is treated in these two passages?AThe author of Passage 1 lauds the benefits science has produced, while the author of Passage 2 speaks hopefully of possible future benefits.BBoth of the passages react with distrust to the idea of using science to assess chimpanzees.CThe first passage lists the studies that showed positive chimp interactions, while the author of Passage 2 refutes their claims,DThe first passage suggests that science can have a positive impact on perceptions about chimps, whereas the second passage views science as almost universally negative.EThe author of the first passage is more apt to justify using chimps in science than the author of Passage 2.

单选题This passage as a whole is best described as ______.Aa history of a new academic disciplineBa comparison of the traits of different speciesCa discussion of a particular human abilityDbiographical sketches of several scientistsEa refutation of an experimental method

单选题The last two paragraphs of the passage can be perceived as ______.Athe summary of the whole passageBthe introduction of the concept “digital divide”Cthe prediction about America in the new centuryDthe warning of issues behind technological progress

单选题According to the passage, Holden 'Caulfield differs from Huck Finn and Hester Prynne primarily in that he ______.Ahas a strong individual willBis more integrated into his social environmentCtries to remediate social prejudiceDmust cope with povertyEis not a sympathetic character

单选题The liability()freight reserved in the bill of lading is primarily on the shipper of the goods,unless he was merely acting as agent and made this clear at the time.Afor payingBto payCpayingDfor being paid

单选题Select one answer choice.  Based on the passage as a whole, the author most likely feels that the mistakes made by the early astronomers were ______.AproblematicBinconsequentialCdeliberateDpreventableEunderstandable

单选题The passage focuses primarily on.Aproblems of post offices in BritainBthe new courier service-EMSCthe competition between private and international courier servicesDdifferences between EMS and DHL

单选题A statement made or implied in the passage is that __________.Aattitudes can be based on the learning of falsehoodsBa child can develop in the classroom an attitude about the importance of brushing his teethCattitudes cannot easily be changed by rewards and lecturesDthe attitudes of elementary school-aged children are influenced primarily by their teachers

单选题The passage is primarily concerned with ______.Ainforming readers of different sea creaturesBdescribing predatory microscopic organismsCsolving some long-lasting mysteries about the seaDdiscussing the environment for various fishes

单选题The author of the passage is primarily concerned with _____.Asummarizing a thesisBrecommending a different approachCcomparing points of viewDmaking a series of predictions

单选题Although () primarily to promote trade relations, these agreements also foster technological cooperation.AdesignedBthey are to be designedCit is designedDthey are being designed

单选题The quotation from Joyce Rowe in lines 14-15 focuses primarily on Caulfield's ______.Amoral disillusionmentBsocial strugglesCfortunate circumstancesDsense of ambivalenceEdeceitfulness