单选题In fact, the Englishman who tried to fly _____.Alost his lifeBflew only 8 minutesCgot badly woundedDsucceeded in flying

In fact, the Englishman who tried to fly _____.

lost his life


flew only 8 minutes


got badly wounded


succeeded in flying


推理题。第二段提到“... he fell to the ground and broke every bone in his body”,即“他掉在地上,身上的每根骨头都摔断了”,由此推断A选项“他丢了性命”正确。


Pocahontas has been educated by an Englishman and she is becoming civilized.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The salesman_____the new medicine to show customers how well it works. A、tried over.B、tried on.C、tried out.D、tried off.

(49) In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear preps of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.

From the text we learn that _____.[A] Manon’s husband is a nameless but bullying person[B] Manon is the real heroine who deserves readers’ sympathy[C] Sarah is in fact smarter than her master Manon[D] Walter is a proof of the mixed race prostitution

(49)In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear preps of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.此处译文为:

The officer allowed ______.A. the students to fly the plane all the timeB. all students to fly the planeC. the students who were not frightened to fly on their ownD. some students to fly a little while

Mathematician have _____ computers to copy the way the brain works.A. tried usingB. tried to useC. tried useD. tried to using

They tried to () who had broken the window. A、find outB、researhC、inventD、search

According to education historian Diane Ravitch those who oppose tests in fact cheat on exams.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Why did the host invite guests who had not known one another to the dinner? A、The host wanted to surprise everyone.B、The host was keen on meeting different persons.C、The host tried to make many friends at one time.D、Because he thought these people had plenty in common.

翻译At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it.A. 最后英国人生游客的气了,所以他假装累了不带他参观。B. 最后英国人已很讨厌这位游客,但他尽力不表现出来.C. 最后英国人很生这位游客的气了,尽管他累得没力气表现出来了。

Man has always wanted to fly.Even as long as eight hundred years ago, an Englishman had tried.He made a (1)of wings from chicken feathers and fixed them to his shoulders.Then he jumped om a tall building.As you can imagine, he did not fly very far.(2) he fell to the ground and broke several bones.The first real attempt at flying took place in France in 1783.The two Mongolian brothers knew that hot air rose.If they couldfill a large balloon(3)hot air, they thought it would rise into the air and fly.They were right.They made a very large hot air balloon of cloth and paper.It measured ten meters it diameter.They filled it with hot air and the balloon got two hundred meters into the air.It fell into earth about three kilometers away.At the next attempt, they (4) passengers use a bal loon to rise into the air and fly.We do not know what the passengers fell about the trip as they were a cock, a duck, and a sheep But we (5) know that the trip lasted eight minutes and the animals landed safely.(完型填空)A.InsteadB.PairC.DoD.ArrangedE.With

请用下列适当的单词填空:sign / achieve / so far / deal with / success / process1.He tried and tried but without any sign of ________.2.Publishing a dictionary is a slow _______.3.Those who'd like to visit the exhibition________your name here. .4.They hoped to________ their aims by the end of the year.5.It is the hottest day I have had _______.6.Do you know how to __________this problem?

It’S e__________________ for him to fly a kite.He can fly it well.

What does“meteorological experts”mean in paragraph three?_______A.predictorsB.witchC.weathermanD. a kind of Englishman

The person who signs the bill of lading without the authority of the Shipowner stating that goods have been shipped,and they have in fact not been shipped at all,______ liable to an indorsee of the bill of lading,who has relied on that statement,for damages for breach of warranty of authority.A.haveB.hasC.areD.is

It can be inferred from the passage that all of the following are literary detectives who have tried,by means of either scholarship or criticism,to help solve the“great puzzle”mentioned in the first line EXCEPT( ) A.Bardeche B.Vallette C.Fallois D.Kolb



单选题Every Englishman knows _____.Amore or less about ShakespeareBShakespeare, but only slightlyCall Shakespeare’s worksDonly the name of the greatest English writer

问答题Practice 1  Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people he knows well. In the presence of strangers or foreigners he often seems inhibited, even embarrassed. You have only to witness a commuter train any morning or evening to see the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a comer: no one speaks. In fact, to do so would seem most unusual. An English wit, pretending to be giving advice to overseas visitors, once suggested, “On entering a railway compartment, shake hands with all the passengers.” Needless to say; he was not being serious. There is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which, if broken, makes the person immediately the object of suspicion.  It is a well-known fact that the English have an obsession with their weather and that, given half a chance, they will talk about it at length. Some people argue that it is because English weather defies forecast and hence is a source of interest and speculation to everyone. This may be so. If a foreigner wants to start a conversation with an Englishman (or woman) but is at a loss to know where to begin, he could-do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a safe subject which will provoke an answer from even the most reserved of Englishmen.

单选题______explain it to him, he still didn't understand.AHard as I tried toBAs I tried hard toCHard I tried toDTried as I hard to

单选题Eight hundred years ago an Englishman _____.Amade a kind of flying machineBtried to fly with wings made of chicken featherCwanted to build a kind of balloonDtried to fly on a large bird

单选题He pretended to be an Englishman, but his foreign accent gave him ______ .AawayBoffCoutDup

单选题The person who signs the bill of lading without the authority of the Shipowner stating that goods have been shipped,and they have in fact not been shipped at all,()liable to an indorsee of the bill of lading,who has relied on that statement,for damages for breach of warranty of authority.AhaveBhasCareDis

单选题In fact, the Englishman who tried to fly _____.Alost his lifeBflew only 8 minutesCgot badly woundedDsucceeded in flying

单选题The _____ of the modern chemists were the men who tried to change base metals into gold.AforerunnersBforefathersCforemenDformers

单选题—Who reached the station on time?—I______! In fact, I arrived there 5 minutes earlier.AwasBreachedCdidDdo