名词解释题Oriented attachment ripening

Oriented attachment ripening


解析: 暂无解析


Three types of written media used in organizations are _____, _____, and ______.A manual, letters, guidelinesB individually-oriented, legally-oriented, organizationally orientedC guidelines, forms, proceduresD letters, guidelines, brochuresE letters, contracts, policies.

___________ of teaching writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process. A. The product-oriented methodB. The process-oriented methodC. The quality-oriented methodD. The test-oriented method

Germam football fans tend to come from middle class fo society, and can be divided into: the "adventure-oriented" fan, the "football-oriented" fan andthe "consumer-oriented" fan. ()此题为判断题(对,错)。

MIMD systems can be classified into(71)-oriented systems, high-availability systems and response-oriented systems. The goal of(71). oriented multiprocessing is to obtain high(71)(72)minimal computing cost. The techniques employed by multiprocessor operating systems to achieve this goal take advantage of an inherent processing versus input/output balance in the workload to produce(73)and(74)loading of system(75).A.thoughB.throughC.throughoutD.throughput

在中,可以设计背景居中的是()。A.background-attachment:B.background-color:C.background 在<style>中,可以设计背景居中的是( )。A.background-attachment:B.background-color:C.background-image:D.background-position:E.background-repeat:

Peer-editing during class is an important step of the _ approach to teaching writing. A. genre-based B. content-based C. process-oriented D. product-oriented

The _____ approach to writing teaching pays attention to not only what to write, but also how to write.A.product-oriented B.process-orienteD.C.form-focused D.meaning-focuseD.

C++ fully supports ( ) programming,including the four properties:encapsulation,data hiding,inheritance,and polymorphism. A .computer-oriented B .procedure-orientedC. object-oriented D .aspect-oriented

以USD或EUR代替本国货币标价的国家分别公布在IATA( )号协议的Attachment A和Attachment B中。A.024B.024AC.024BD.024C

以USD或EUR代替本国货币标价的国家分别公布在IATA( )号协议的Attachment A和Attachment B中。A.024B.024A.C.024B.D.024C.

简述反应性依恋障碍(reactive attachment disorder)及其表现特点。


上皮附着 epithelial attachment


什么是Ostwald Ripening Process?


以下关于Attachment Bit描述正确的是()。A、Attachment bit可以由L2或L1/2路由器产生B、Attachment bit可以在L2 LSP中产生C、Attachment bit由连接到其它区域的L1/L2路由器产生到其L1 LSP中D、L1路由器收到Attachment bit位为1的多条L1 LSP后将选择距离最近的Level-1-2路由器作为下一跳产生一条缺省路由




名词解释题Ostwald Ripening


单选题In line 8 cleavage most nearly means ______.Asocial divisionBvisual impressionCoptical illusionDmoral valueEemotional attachment

问答题什么是Ostwald Ripening Process?

单选题Which is NOT included in Models of Teaching Writing?AMethod-oriented approach.BProduct-oriented approach.CContent-oriented approach.DProcess-oriented approach.

名词解释题上皮附着 epithelial attachment

单选题What writing approach does the following exemplify? The teacher asks the students to work in groups to read, investigate, and search on the Internet on a topic, discuss about what to focus on and then write a report to present in class.AProduct-oriented approach.BContent-oriented approach.CTask-based approach.DProcess-oriented approach.