









解析: 暂无解析


PowerBuilder窗口由()组成 A、属性、事件、函数和代码B、控件、事件、函数和文件C、属性、事件、函数和控件D、属性、记录、函数和控件

阅读下面程序: include void main() { int i,j,row=0,column=0,m; static int a[3] 阅读下面程序:include <iostream.h>void main(){int i,j,row=0,column=0,m;static int a[3][3]={ 100,28,72,-30,2,-100};m=a[0][0];for (i=0;i<3;i++)for (j=0;j<3;j++)if (a[i][j]<m){m=a[i][j];row=i;column=j;}cout<<m<<","<<row<<","<<column<<endl;}该程序的功能是【 】,其执行结果为上丝【 】。

( 24 )阅读下面程序import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class BreakLabelTest {public static void main( String args[] ){String utput = "";stop: {for ( int row = 1; row = 10; row++ ) {for ( int column = 1; column = 5 ; column++ ) {if ( row == 5 )break stop;output += "* ";}output += "\n";}output += "\nLoops terminated normally";}JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, output," 用一个标志测试 break 语句 ",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );System.exit( 0 );}}程序运行结果是A )窗口中有 5 行 * * * * *B )窗口中有 5 行 * * * *C )窗口中有 4 行 * * * * *D )窗口中有 6 行 * * * * *

Powerbuilder中数据窗口控件是数据窗口对象的容器,用户通过数据窗口控件使用数据窗口对象。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

PowerBuilder中如果要将数据窗口中数据从数据库检索出来,必须调用数据窗口控件对象的函数()。 A.insertrow()B.getrow()C.retrieve()D.update()

Which two statements are true when row archival management is enabled?() A. The ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column visibility is controlled by the ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY session parameter.B. The ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is updated manually or by a program that could reference activity tracking columns, to indicate that a row is no longer considered active.C. The ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY session parameter defaults to active rows only.D. The ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is visible if referenced in the select list of a query.E. The ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is updated automatically by the Oracle Server based on activity tracking columns, to Indicate that a row is no longer considered active.

阅读下面程序import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class BreakLabelTest{public static void main (String args[]){String utput=" ";stop:{for(int row=1;row<10;row++){for(int column=1;column<=5;column++){if(row=5)break stop;output+=" * ";}output+=" \n ";}output+="\nLoops terminated normally";}JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,output,"用一个标志测试break语句”,JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);System.exit(0);}}程序运行结果是A.窗口中有5行* * * * *B.窗口中有5行* * * *C.窗口中有4行* * * * *D.窗口中有6行* * * * *

阅读下面程序import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class BreakLabelTest {public static void main(String args[]) {String utput=" ":stop:{for(int row=1;row<=10;row++) {for(int column=1;column<=5;colunm++) {if(row==5)break stop;output+="*":}output+="\n";}output+="\nLoops terminated normally":}JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,output,"用一个标志测试break语句",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);System.exit(0);}}程序运行的结果是A.窗口中有5行*****B.窗口中有5行****C.窗口中有4行*****D.窗口中有6行*****

(C++语言)在面向对象技术中, 不是对象A、窗口B、控件C、菜单项D、函数


Which of the following can be used to ensure that once a row has been inserted in table TABLEX, the column MAINID in that row cannot be updated?() A.Define the column MAINID as NOT UPDATABLEB.Define the column MAINID as a PRIMARY KEYC.Define the column MAINID as a FOREIGN KEYD.Define an UPDATE trigger on table TABLEX

试题二(共15分)阅读以下说明和C函数,填充函数中的空缺,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】如果矩阵A中的元素A[i,j]满足条件:A[i,j]是第i行中值最小的元素,且又是第j列中值最大的元素,则称之为该矩阵的一个马鞍点。一个矩阵可能存在多个马鞍点,也可能不存在马鞍点。下面的函数求解并输出一个矩阵中的所有马鞍点,最后返回该矩阵中马鞍点的个数。【C函数】Int findSaddle(int a[][N],int M),{ /*a表示M行N列矩阵,N是宏定义符号常量量*/int row,column,i,k;int minElem;int count=0;/*count用于记录矩阵中马鞍点的个数*/for( row = 0;row (1) ;row++) {/*minElem用于表示第row行的最小元素值,其初值设为该行第0列的元素值*/(2) ;for( column = 1;column (3) ;column++)if( minElem a[row][column]) {minElem = a[row][column];}for(k=0;kN;k++)if(a[row][k]==minElem){/术对第row行的每个最小元素,判断其是否为所在列的最大元素*/for(i=0;i M;i++)if( (4) minElem) break;if(i=(5) ){printf("(%d,%d):%d\n",row,k,minElem);/*输出马鞍点*/count++;}/*if*/}/*if*/}/*for*/return count,}/*findSaddle*/



What type of constraint is used to ensure that each row inserted into the EMPLOYEE table with a value in the WORKDEPT column has a row with a corresponding value in the DEPTNO column of the DEPARTMENT table?()A、A check constraint on the EMPLOYEE tableB、A unique constraint on the EMPLOYEE table WORKDEPT columnC、A foreign key reference from the DEPARTMENT tables DEPTNO column to the WORKDEPT column of the EMPLOYEE tableD、A foreign key reference from the EMPLOYEE tables WORKDEPT column to the DEPTNO column of the DEPARTMENT table


Which of the following can be used to ensure that once a row has been inserted in table TABLEX, the column MAINID in that row cannot be updated?()A、Define the column MAINID as NOT UPDATABLEB、Define the column MAINID as a PRIMARY KEYC、Define the column MAINID as a FOREIGN KEYD、Define an UPDATE trigger on table TABLEX





多选题Which two statements are true when row archival management is enabled?()AThe ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column visibility is controlled by the ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY session parameter.BThe ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is updated manually or by a program that could reference activity tracking columns, to indicate that a row is no longer considered active.CThe ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY session parameter defaults to active rows only.DThe ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is visible if referenced in the select list of a query.EThe ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column is updated automatically by the Oracle Server based on activity tracking columns, to Indicate that a row is no longer considered active.




单选题Which of the following scenarios will ensure that the value of the NEXT_STEPNO column in a given row of table TABLEX exists as a value of column STEPNO (usually in another row) in the same table?()ADefine a UNIQUE constraint on the columns NEXT_STEPNO and STEPNO.BDefine a CHECK constraint on the NEXT_STEPNO column (NEXT_STEPNO = STEPNO).CDefine column STEPNO as the primary key of TABLEX and column NEXT_STEPNO as a foreign key referencing column STEPNO of the same table.DDefine column NEXT_STEPNO as the primary key of TABLEX and column STEPNO as a foreign key referencing column NEXT_STEPNO in the same table.

单选题What type of constraint is used to ensure that each row inserted into the EMPLOYEE table with a value in the WORKDEPT column has a row with a corresponding value in the DEPTNO column of the DEPARTMENT table?()AA check constraint on the EMPLOYEE tableBA unique constraint on the EMPLOYEE table WORKDEPT columnCA foreign key reference from the DEPARTMENT tables DEPTNO column to the WORKDEPT column of the EMPLOYEE tableDA foreign key reference from the EMPLOYEE tables WORKDEPT column to the DEPTNO column of the DEPARTMENT table
