Which of the following can be used to ensure that once a row has been inserted in table TABLEX, the column MAINID in that row cannot be updated?() A.Define the column MAINID as NOT UPDATABLEB.Define the column MAINID as a PRIMARY KEYC.Define the column MAINID as a FOREIGN KEYD.Define an UPDATE trigger on table TABLEX
Which of the following can be used to ensure that once a row has been inserted in table TABLEX, the column MAINID in that row cannot be updated?()
A.Define the column MAINID as NOT UPDATABLE
B.Define the column MAINID as a PRIMARY KEY
C.Define the column MAINID as a FOREIGN KEY
D.Define an UPDATE trigger on table TABLEX
阅读下面程序: include void main() { int i,j,row=0,column=0,m; static int a[3] 阅读下面程序:include <iostream.h>void main(){int i,j,row=0,column=0,m;static int a[3][3]={ 100,28,72,-30,2,-100};m=a[0][0];for (i=0;i<3;i++)for (j=0;j<3;j++)if (a[i][j]<m){m=a[i][j];row=i;column=j;}cout<<m<<","<<row<<","<<column<<endl;}该程序的功能是【 】,其执行结果为上丝【 】。
( 24 )阅读下面程序import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class BreakLabelTest {public static void main( String args[] ){String utput = "";stop: {for ( int row = 1; row = 10; row++ ) {for ( int column = 1; column = 5 ; column++ ) {if ( row == 5 )break stop;output += "* ";}output += "\n";}output += "\nLoops terminated normally";}JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, output," 用一个标志测试 break 语句 ",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );System.exit( 0 );}}程序运行结果是A )窗口中有 5 行 * * * * *B )窗口中有 5 行 * * * *C )窗口中有 4 行 * * * * *D )窗口中有 6 行 * * * * *
阅读下面程序import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class BreakLabelTest{public static void main (String args[]){String utput=" ";stop:{for(int row=1;row<10;row++){for(int column=1;column<=5;column++){if(row=5)break stop;output+=" * ";}output+=" \n ";}output+="\nLoops terminated normally";}JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,output,"用一个标志测试break语句”,JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);System.exit(0);}}程序运行结果是A.窗口中有5行* * * * *B.窗口中有5行* * * *C.窗口中有4行* * * * *D.窗口中有6行* * * * *
阅读下列程序:includevoid main(){int i,row=0,column=0,min;static int a[3][3]={ 阅读下列程序: #include<iostream.h> void main() { int i,row=0,column=0,min; static int a[3][3]={100,28,72,-30,2,?100}; min=a[0][0]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++) if(a[i][j]<min) { min=a[i][j];A.-100,2,3B.-100,1,2C.100,1,1D.100,0,0
阅读下面程序:includevoid main(){int i,j,row=0,column=0,min;static int a[3][3] 阅读下面程序: #include<iostream.h> void main() { int i,j,row=0,column=0,min; static int a[3][3]={100,28,72,-30,2,-100}; min=a[0][0]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++) if(a[i][jl<min) { min=a[i][j]; row=i; column=j; } cout<<min<<","<<row<<","<<column<<endl; } 该程序的执行结果为( )。A.-100,2,3B.-100,1,2C.100,1,1D.100,0,0
试题二(共15分)阅读以下说明和C函数,填充函数中的空缺,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】如果矩阵A中的元素A[i,j]满足条件:A[i,j]是第i行中值最小的元素,且又是第j列中值最大的元素,则称之为该矩阵的一个马鞍点。一个矩阵可能存在多个马鞍点,也可能不存在马鞍点。下面的函数求解并输出一个矩阵中的所有马鞍点,最后返回该矩阵中马鞍点的个数。【C函数】Int findSaddle(int a[][N],int M),{ /*a表示M行N列矩阵,N是宏定义符号常量量*/int row,column,i,k;int minElem;int count=0;/*count用于记录矩阵中马鞍点的个数*/for( row = 0;row (1) ;row++) {/*minElem用于表示第row行的最小元素值,其初值设为该行第0列的元素值*/(2) ;for( column = 1;column (3) ;column++)if( minElem a[row][column]) {minElem = a[row][column];}for(k=0;kN;k++)if(a[row][k]==minElem){/术对第row行的每个最小元素,判断其是否为所在列的最大元素*/for(i=0;i M;i++)if( (4) minElem) break;if(i=(5) ){printf("(%d,%d):%d\n",row,k,minElem);/*输出马鞍点*/count++;}/*if*/}/*if*/}/*for*/return count,}/*findSaddle*/
【单选题】给出下面的代码段: public class Cell{ int row; int col; int height; int width; public Cell(int row,int col){ this.row=row;this.col=col; } public Cell(int row,int col,int height,int width){ <插入代码> this.height=height; this.width=width; } } 在<插入代码>处写下如下代码,正确的是:A.Cell(row,col);B.super(row,col);C.this.row=row,this.col=row;D.this(row,col);