单选题What physical characteristic does a retinal scan biometric device measure?视网膜扫描设备检测哪些人体物理特性?()AThe pattern of light receptors at the back of the eye眼底光受体组织的图案BThe pattern of blood vessels at the back of the eye眼底血管的图案CThe amount of light reaching the retina视网膜受光量
What physical characteristic does a retinal scan biometric device measure?视网膜扫描设备检测哪些人体物理特性?()
The pattern of light receptors at the back of the eye眼底光受体组织的图案
The pattern of blood vessels at the back of the eye眼底血管的图案
The amount of light reaching the retina视网膜受光量
Mrs. Smith is afraid that she and her husband don’t see ________ on New Year Resolutions. A.eye to eyeB.heart to heartC.face to faceD.back to back
What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?A.To give a prescription for insomnia.B.To urge people to sleep less.C.To analyze the sleep pattern of modern people.D.To throw new light on human sleep.
共用题干第二篇 Diabetes(糖尿病)and Eye DamageOver 2 million Canadians have diabetes.It is the leading cause of blindness in North Americans under 65 years of age.Diabetes is a condition where the body either cannot produce enough insulin(胰岛素)or cannot respond properly to insulin. Insulin is important because it moves glucose(葡萄糖),a simple sugar, into the body's cells from the blood. The food people eat provides the body with glucose,which is used by the cells as a source of energy.If insulin isn't available or doesn't work correctly to move glucose from the blood into the cells,glucose will stay in the blood,leading to high blood sugar levels.High blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels,including the tiny blood vessels in the eye.This leads to an eye disease known as diabetic retinopathy(糖尿病型视网膜病). The retina(视网膜)is an area at the back of the eye that changes light into nerve signals. With diabetic retinopathy,some blood vessels in the retina are lost,and some of the other blood vessels begin to"leak"blood.This causes the retina to swell,and gradually cuts off its supply of oxygen and nutrients(滋养物).Eventually , the retina starts to grow new blood vessels to replace the damaged ones.Unfortunately,these new vessels are not as strong as the old ones.They are more likely to break,causing bleeding in the eye.At first,people with diabetic retinopathy will not notice any symptoms.As the disease gets worse , they may notice blurred(模糊的)vision, black spots or flashing lights. As time goes on,it can progress to blindness.Everyone with diabetes is at risk for diabetic retinopathy,and the risk increases the longer you've had diabetes.Fortunately,you can reduce your risk.If you do not have diabetes,but think you may be at risk for this condition,visit your doctor to be screened for diabetes.If you do have diabetes:Have frequent eye check-ups.Make sure that you monitor your blood sugar frequently and use your medications as recommended by your doctor. There is evidence to show that keeping your blood sugar under tight control can slow down eye damage.If you have high blood pressure,follow your recommended diet and medications to keep it under control.If you are not sure whether you have high blood pressure,or whether your blood pressure is under control,discuss this with your doctor.With diabetic retinopathy,the damaged blood vessels in the retinaA:are stronger than what they used to be.B: cannot be properly replaced.C:are more likely to break than the new ones.D: may return to normal again.
共用题干第二篇 Diabetes(糖尿病)and Eye DamageOver 2 million Canadians have diabetes.It is the leading cause of blindness in North Americans under 65 years of age.Diabetes is a condition where the body either cannot produce enough insulin(胰岛素)or cannot respond properly to insulin. Insulin is important because it moves glucose(葡萄糖),a simple sugar, into the body's cells from the blood. The food people eat provides the body with glucose,which is used by the cells as a source of energy.If insulin isn't available or doesn't work correctly to move glucose from the blood into the cells,glucose will stay in the blood,leading to high blood sugar levels.High blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels,including the tiny blood vessels in the eye.This leads to an eye disease known as diabetic retinopathy(糖尿病型视网膜病). The retina(视网膜)is an area at the back of the eye that changes light into nerve signals. With diabetic retinopathy,some blood vessels in the retina are lost,and some of the other blood vessels begin to"leak"blood.This causes the retina to swell,and gradually cuts off its supply of oxygen and nutrients(滋养物).Eventually , the retina starts to grow new blood vessels to replace the damaged ones.Unfortunately,these new vessels are not as strong as the old ones.They are more likely to break,causing bleeding in the eye.At first,people with diabetic retinopathy will not notice any symptoms.As the disease gets worse , they may notice blurred(模糊的)vision, black spots or flashing lights. As time goes on,it can progress to blindness.Everyone with diabetes is at risk for diabetic retinopathy,and the risk increases the longer you've had diabetes.Fortunately,you can reduce your risk.If you do not have diabetes,but think you may be at risk for this condition,visit your doctor to be screened for diabetes.If you do have diabetes:Have frequent eye check-ups.Make sure that you monitor your blood sugar frequently and use your medications as recommended by your doctor. There is evidence to show that keeping your blood sugar under tight control can slow down eye damage.If you have high blood pressure,follow your recommended diet and medications to keep it under control.If you are not sure whether you have high blood pressure,or whether your blood pressure is under control,discuss this with your doctor.The word"its"in the second paragraph refers toA: the nerve's. B:the blood's.C:the eye's. D: the retina's,
共用题干第二篇 Diabetes(糖尿病)and Eye DamageOver 2 million Canadians have diabetes.It is the leading cause of blindness in North Americans under 65 years of age.Diabetes is a condition where the body either cannot produce enough insulin(胰岛素)or cannot respond properly to insulin. Insulin is important because it moves glucose(葡萄糖),a simple sugar, into the body's cells from the blood. The food people eat provides the body with glucose,which is used by the cells as a source of energy.If insulin isn't available or doesn't work correctly to move glucose from the blood into the cells,glucose will stay in the blood,leading to high blood sugar levels.High blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels,including the tiny blood vessels in the eye.This leads to an eye disease known as diabetic retinopathy(糖尿病型视网膜病). The retina(视网膜)is an area at the back of the eye that changes light into nerve signals. With diabetic retinopathy,some blood vessels in the retina are lost,and some of the other blood vessels begin to"leak"blood.This causes the retina to swell,and gradually cuts off its supply of oxygen and nutrients(滋养物).Eventually , the retina starts to grow new blood vessels to replace the damaged ones.Unfortunately,these new vessels are not as strong as the old ones.They are more likely to break,causing bleeding in the eye.At first,people with diabetic retinopathy will not notice any symptoms.As the disease gets worse , they may notice blurred(模糊的)vision, black spots or flashing lights. As time goes on,it can progress to blindness.Everyone with diabetes is at risk for diabetic retinopathy,and the risk increases the longer you've had diabetes.Fortunately,you can reduce your risk.If you do not have diabetes,but think you may be at risk for this condition,visit your doctor to be screened for diabetes.If you do have diabetes:Have frequent eye check-ups.Make sure that you monitor your blood sugar frequently and use your medications as recommended by your doctor. There is evidence to show that keeping your blood sugar under tight control can slow down eye damage.If you have high blood pressure,follow your recommended diet and medications to keep it under control.If you are not sure whether you have high blood pressure,or whether your blood pressure is under control,discuss this with your doctor.The worst eye damage induced by diabetes isA:blurred vision. B: black spots,C: blindness. D: flashing lights.
共用题干第二篇 Diabetes(糖尿病)and Eye DamageOver 2 million Canadians have diabetes.It is the leading cause of blindness in North Americans under 65 years of age.Diabetes is a condition where the body either cannot produce enough insulin(胰岛素)or cannot respond properly to insulin. Insulin is important because it moves glucose(葡萄糖),a simple sugar, into the body's cells from the blood. The food people eat provides the body with glucose,which is used by the cells as a source of energy.If insulin isn't available or doesn't work correctly to move glucose from the blood into the cells,glucose will stay in the blood,leading to high blood sugar levels.High blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels,including the tiny blood vessels in the eye.This leads to an eye disease known as diabetic retinopathy(糖尿病型视网膜病). The retina(视网膜)is an area at the back of the eye that changes light into nerve signals. With diabetic retinopathy,some blood vessels in the retina are lost,and some of the other blood vessels begin to"leak"blood.This causes the retina to swell,and gradually cuts off its supply of oxygen and nutrients(滋养物).Eventually , the retina starts to grow new blood vessels to replace the damaged ones.Unfortunately,these new vessels are not as strong as the old ones.They are more likely to break,causing bleeding in the eye.At first,people with diabetic retinopathy will not notice any symptoms.As the disease gets worse , they may notice blurred(模糊的)vision, black spots or flashing lights. As time goes on,it can progress to blindness.Everyone with diabetes is at risk for diabetic retinopathy,and the risk increases the longer you've had diabetes.Fortunately,you can reduce your risk.If you do not have diabetes,but think you may be at risk for this condition,visit your doctor to be screened for diabetes.If you do have diabetes:Have frequent eye check-ups.Make sure that you monitor your blood sugar frequently and use your medications as recommended by your doctor. There is evidence to show that keeping your blood sugar under tight control can slow down eye damage.If you have high blood pressure,follow your recommended diet and medications to keep it under control.If you are not sure whether you have high blood pressure,or whether your blood pressure is under control,discuss this with your doctor. To slow down eye damage,people with diabetes should try toA: use as many medications as they can.B: eat as little as possible.C: wear glasses as often as possible.D: keep their blood sugar under tight control.
共用题干第二篇 Diabetes(糖尿病)and Eye DamageOver 2 million Canadians have diabetes.It is the leading cause of blindness in North Americans under 65 years of age.Diabetes is a condition where the body either cannot produce enough insulin(胰岛素)or cannot respond properly to insulin. Insulin is important because it moves glucose(葡萄糖),a simple sugar, into the body's cells from the blood. The food people eat provides the body with glucose,which is used by the cells as a source of energy.If insulin isn't available or doesn't work correctly to move glucose from the blood into the cells,glucose will stay in the blood,leading to high blood sugar levels.High blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels,including the tiny blood vessels in the eye.This leads to an eye disease known as diabetic retinopathy(糖尿病型视网膜病). The retina(视网膜)is an area at the back of the eye that changes light into nerve signals. With diabetic retinopathy,some blood vessels in the retina are lost,and some of the other blood vessels begin to"leak"blood.This causes the retina to swell,and gradually cuts off its supply of oxygen and nutrients(滋养物).Eventually , the retina starts to grow new blood vessels to replace the damaged ones.Unfortunately,these new vessels are not as strong as the old ones.They are more likely to break,causing bleeding in the eye.At first,people with diabetic retinopathy will not notice any symptoms.As the disease gets worse , they may notice blurred(模糊的)vision, black spots or flashing lights. As time goes on,it can progress to blindness.Everyone with diabetes is at risk for diabetic retinopathy,and the risk increases the longer you've had diabetes.Fortunately,you can reduce your risk.If you do not have diabetes,but think you may be at risk for this condition,visit your doctor to be screened for diabetes.If you do have diabetes:Have frequent eye check-ups.Make sure that you monitor your blood sugar frequently and use your medications as recommended by your doctor. There is evidence to show that keeping your blood sugar under tight control can slow down eye damage.If you have high blood pressure,follow your recommended diet and medications to keep it under control.If you are not sure whether you have high blood pressure,or whether your blood pressure is under control,discuss this with your doctor.Glucose cannot be turned into energy in the bodyA: without diabetes. B: without sugar.C:without insu}in. D:without food.
共用题干Learn about Light1 .Ancient civilizations were amazed by the existence of light for thousands of years. The Greek philosophers believed that light was made up of countless,tiny particles that enter the human eye and create what we call vision. However,Empedocles and a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens believed that light was like a wave. According to them,light spread out and travelled like a straight line. This theory was accepted during the 19th century.2 .In 1905,Albert Einstein published a research paper in which he explained what is re-ferred to as the photoelectric effect. This theory explains that particles make up light.The particles Einstein was referring to are weightless bundles(束)of electromagnetic(电磁)energy called photons(光子).Today,scientists agree that light has a dual(二重)nature一it is part particle and part wave. It is a form of energy that allows us to see things around us.3 .Things that give off light are known as sources of light. During the day,the primary source of light is the sun. Other sources of light include stars,flames,flashlights,street lamps and glowing gases in glass tube.4 .When we draw the way light travels we always use straight lines. This is because nor-mally light rays travel in a straight line. However,there are some instances that can change the path and even the nature of light. They are reflection,absorption,interference(干扰), etc.5 .Physicists have attempted to measure the speed of light since the early times. In 1849, Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment by directing a beam of light to a mirror located kilometers away and placed a rotating cogwheel(旋转齿轮)between the beam and the mirror. From the rate of rotation of the wheel,number of wheel's teeth and distance of the mirror,he was able to calculate that the speed of light is 313 million meters per second. In a vacuum(真空),however,the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second. This is about a million times faster than the speed of an airplane.Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment to measure______.A: sources of lightB: the speed of lightC: the path of lightD: a straight lineE: a beam of lightF: a form of energy
共用题干Learn about Light1 .Ancient civilizations were amazed by the existence of light for thousands of years. The Greek philosophers believed that light was made up of countless,tiny particles that enter the human eye and create what we call vision. However,Empedocles and a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens believed that light was like a wave. According to them,light spread out and travelled like a straight line. This theory was accepted during the 19th century.2 .In 1905,Albert Einstein published a research paper in which he explained what is re-ferred to as the photoelectric effect. This theory explains that particles make up light.The particles Einstein was referring to are weightless bundles(束)of electromagnetic(电磁)energy called photons(光子).Today,scientists agree that light has a dual(二重)nature一it is part particle and part wave. It is a form of energy that allows us to see things around us.3 .Things that give off light are known as sources of light. During the day,the primary source of light is the sun. Other sources of light include stars,flames,flashlights,street lamps and glowing gases in glass tube.4 .When we draw the way light travels we always use straight lines. This is because nor-mally light rays travel in a straight line. However,there are some instances that can change the path and even the nature of light. They are reflection,absorption,interference(干扰), etc.5 .Physicists have attempted to measure the speed of light since the early times. In 1849, Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment by directing a beam of light to a mirror located kilometers away and placed a rotating cogwheel(旋转齿轮)between the beam and the mirror. From the rate of rotation of the wheel,number of wheel's teeth and distance of the mirror,he was able to calculate that the speed of light is 313 million meters per second. In a vacuum(真空),however,the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second. This is about a million times faster than the speed of an airplane.Paragraph 3______A: How Is the Nature of Light Explained Today?B: What Are Sources of Light?C: How Did Physicists Measure the Speed of Light?D: How Does Light Travel?E: How Did People Think of Light Years Ago?F: What Causes a Shadow?
共用题干Learn about Light1 .Ancient civilizations were amazed by the existence of light for thousands of years. The Greek philosophers believed that light was made up of countless,tiny particles that enter the human eye and create what we call vision. However,Empedocles and a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens believed that light was like a wave. According to them,light spread out and travelled like a straight line. This theory was accepted during the 19th century.2 .In 1905,Albert Einstein published a research paper in which he explained what is re-ferred to as the photoelectric effect. This theory explains that particles make up light.The particles Einstein was referring to are weightless bundles(束)of electromagnetic(电磁)energy called photons(光子).Today,scientists agree that light has a dual(二重)nature一it is part particle and part wave. It is a form of energy that allows us to see things around us.3 .Things that give off light are known as sources of light. During the day,the primary source of light is the sun. Other sources of light include stars,flames,flashlights,street lamps and glowing gases in glass tube.4 .When we draw the way light travels we always use straight lines. This is because nor-mally light rays travel in a straight line. However,there are some instances that can change the path and even the nature of light. They are reflection,absorption,interference(干扰), etc.5 .Physicists have attempted to measure the speed of light since the early times. In 1849, Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment by directing a beam of light to a mirror located kilometers away and placed a rotating cogwheel(旋转齿轮)between the beam and the mirror. From the rate of rotation of the wheel,number of wheel's teeth and distance of the mirror,he was able to calculate that the speed of light is 313 million meters per second. In a vacuum(真空),however,the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second. This is about a million times faster than the speed of an airplane.Objects are visible to the human eye as light is______.A: sources of lightB: the speed of lightC: the path of lightD: a straight lineE: a beam of lightF: a form of energy
共用题干Learn About Light1 Ancient civilizations were amazed by the existence of light for thousands of years?The Greek philoso- phrrs believed that light was made up of countless,tiny particles that enter the human eye and create what we call vision.However,Empedocles and a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens believed that light wag like a wave.According to them,light spread out and travelled like a straight line.This theory was acceptedduring the 19th century.2 In 1905,Albert Einstein published a research paper in which he explained what is referred to as the photoelectric effect.This theory explains that particles make up light.The particles Einstein was referring to are weightless bundles(束)of electromagnetic(电磁)energy called photons(光子).Today,scientists agree that light has a dual(二重)nature一it is part particle and part wave. It is a form of energy that allows us tosee things around us.3 Things that give off light are known as sources of light.During the day,the primary source of light is the sun.Other sources of light include stars,flames,flashllights,street lamps and glowing gases in glass tube.4 When we draw the way light travels we always use straight lines.This is because normally light rays travel in a straight line.However,there are some instances that can change the path and even the nature of light. They are reflection,absorption,interference(干扰),etc.5 Physicists have attempted to measure the speed of light since the early times.In 1849,Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment by directing a beam of light to a mirror located kilometers away and placed a rotating cogwheel(旋转齿轮)between the beam and the mirror. From the rate of rotation of the wheel, number of wheel'S teeth and distance of the mirror,he was able to calculate that the speed of light is 313 million meters per second.In a vacuum(真空),however,the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second.This is about a million times faster than the speed of an airplane.Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment to measure_________.A:sources of lightB:the speed of light C:the path of lightD:a straight lineE:a beam of lightF:a form of energy
共用题干Learn About Light1 Ancient civilizations were amazed by the existence of light for thousands of years?The Greek philoso- phrrs believed that light was made up of countless,tiny particles that enter the human eye and create what we call vision.However,Empedocles and a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens believed that light wag like a wave.According to them,light spread out and travelled like a straight line.This theory was acceptedduring the 19th century.2 In 1905,Albert Einstein published a research paper in which he explained what is referred to as the photoelectric effect.This theory explains that particles make up light.The particles Einstein was referring to are weightless bundles(束)of electromagnetic(电磁)energy called photons(光子).Today,scientists agree that light has a dual(二重)nature一it is part particle and part wave. It is a form of energy that allows us tosee things around us.3 Things that give off light are known as sources of light.During the day,the primary source of light is the sun.Other sources of light include stars,flames,flashllights,street lamps and glowing gases in glass tube.4 When we draw the way light travels we always use straight lines.This is because normally light rays travel in a straight line.However,there are some instances that can change the path and even the nature of light. They are reflection,absorption,interference(干扰),etc.5 Physicists have attempted to measure the speed of light since the early times.In 1849,Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment by directing a beam of light to a mirror located kilometers away and placed a rotating cogwheel(旋转齿轮)between the beam and the mirror. From the rate of rotation of the wheel, number of wheel'S teeth and distance of the mirror,he was able to calculate that the speed of light is 313 million meters per second.In a vacuum(真空),however,the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second.This is about a million times faster than the speed of an airplane.Objects are visible to the human eye as light is_______. A:sources of lightB:the speed of light C:the path of lightD:a straight lineE:a beam of lightF:a form of energy
A potential problem related to the physical installation of the Iris Scanner in regards to the usage of the iris pattern within a biometric system is: 在一个生物系统内的虹膜图案的使用方面涉及到的虹膜扫描仪物理安装的一个潜在问题是:()A、the optical unit must be positioned so that the sun does not shine into the aperture.光学设备必须被定位以便使太阳照进光圈B、there is are latively high rate of false accepts.有一个相对较高的错误接受率。C、the iris pattern changes as a person grows older.虹膜图案随着一个人年龄的增长而变化。D、concern that the laser beam may cause eye damage.关注激光束可能会导致眼睛损伤。
What physical characteristic does a retinal scan biometric device measure?视网膜扫描设备检测哪些人体物理特性?()A、The pattern of light receptors at the back of the eye眼底光受体组织的图案B、The pattern of blood vessels at the back of the eye眼底血管的图案C、The amount of light reaching the retina视网膜受光量
Which of the following is the process a scanner uses to scan images to a computer?()A、Light is shown through the image and onto the scanner headB、Light is reflected off a mirror onto the Charged Coupled Device (CCD)C、Light is flashed off a mirror onto the CCDD、Light is reflected off the image and into a camera
单选题What is the light characteristic of a lighted,preferred-channel buoy? ()AGroup flashingBComposite group flashingCInterrupted quick flashingDFixed and flashing
单选题What physical characteristic does a retinal scan biometric device measure?视网膜扫描设备检测哪些人体物理特性?()AThe pattern of light receptors at the back of the eye眼底光受体组织的图案BThe pattern of blood vessels at the back of the eye眼底血管的图案CThe amount of light reaching the retina视网膜受光量
单选题A potential problem related to the physical installation of the Iris Scanner in regards to the usage of the iris pattern within a biometric system is: 在一个生物系统内的虹膜图案的使用方面涉及到的虹膜扫描仪物理安装的一个潜在问题是:()Athe optical unit must be positioned so that the sun does not shine into the aperture.光学设备必须被定位以便使太阳照进光圈Bthere is are latively high rate of false accepts.有一个相对较高的错误接受率。Cthe iris pattern changes as a person grows older.虹膜图案随着一个人年龄的增长而变化。Dconcern that the laser beam may cause eye damage.关注激光束可能会导致眼睛损伤。
单选题On navigational aids,what does the light characteristic Fl(2+1) mean?()AA flashing light combined with a fixed light of greater brightnessBLight flashes combined in groups,with a different number of flashes in each groupCA light showing groups of two or more flashes at regular intervalsDA fixed light varied at regular intervals by groups of two or more flashes of greater brightness
单选题What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ship’s position().AHuge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and an extremely low barometerBFlat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and an extremely low barometerCFlat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and high pressureDHuge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and high pressure
单选题The luminous range of a light takes into account the().Aglare from background lightingBexisting visibility conditionsCelevation of the lightDobserver's height of eye
问答题图案表面(Pattern Face)的类型有哪些?