单选题It was _____ it raised many difficult questions that the book took a long time to come out.AsinceBbecauseCafterDwhen

It was _____ it raised many difficult questions that the book took a long time to come out.











A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, () was to be expected. A. thatB. soC. whatD. as

This is a very difficult mission because there will be many unexpected obstacles _____. A. on the wayB. to the wayC. for the wayD. in the way

Meeting foreign language requirements for the PhD_________A. is the most frequent reason for dropping outB. is more difficult for the science candidate than for the humanities candidateC. is an essential part of many PhD programsD. does not vary in difficulty among universities

For many years, people electric cars. However, making them has been more difficult than predicted.A.had dreamed ofB.have dreamed ofC.dreamed ofD.dream of

Only the Chinese have successfully _____ giant pandas and raised so many of their babies. A.rearedB.expandedC.adaptedD.bought

Many are finding it difficult to make ____ meet, especially whose with young children. a. endb. an endc. ends

Questionnaires can be a simple way to get to know your audience's opinions. Though it is easy to write a questionnaire, you need a lot of skill and experience to write a good one. Luckily, good design Questionnaires can be a simple way to get to know your audiences opinions. Though it is easy to write a questionnaire, you need a lot of skill and experience to write a good one. Luckily, good design skills can be learned in a short time.Keep Your Questionnaire Simple and Visually AttractiveKeep your questionnaire short and simple. A short and simple questionnaire is more likely to be completed and returned. It is also important to make your questionnaire as attractive as possible. You should keep the following design elements in mind:Text: Choose a font style. that is easy to read, and make sure the font size is large enough for your respondents to read.Paragraphs: Long paragraphs can be daunting for readers, so try to keep your blocks of text to a handful of lines.White space: Ensure that there is space between questions and sections and dont make margins too small.Keep Questions Brief and Easy to UnderstandBe brief and direct with your questions. Do not use any unnecessary words and phrases. Brief questions that use simple language are easy to read and understand, so the participants wont find it difficult to fill in the questionnaire.Make Sure Questions Are In the Right OrderYou should start your questionnaire with general questions and then move to specific ones. Try to avoid jumping back and forth between general and specific questions.Use Open-Ended Questions ProperlyOpen-ended questions mean respondents can answer freely using their own words. They can provide more detailed information, but they take more time and effort to answer and can be more difficult to analyze. You should not use too many open-ended questions in one questionnaire.In a word, taking the time to develop a well-designed and participant “friendly questionnaire will give you useful data that can help you make the right decisions.21. The questionnaire contains following elements except() A. testB. paragraphC. address22. In order to keep your questionnaire visually attractive, you should().A. choose different font styles in a questionnaireB. write long paragraphs instead of short onesC. leave enough space between questions and sections23. You should start your questionnaire with()questions and then move to ones.A. general, specificB. specific, generalC. short, long24. What could be the best title for this passage?A. Designing an Effective Questionnaire.B. Questionnaire is the best way to collect data from many people.C. Questionnaire benefits our life.25. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Questionnaire design skills can be learned in a short time.B. Open-ended questions cannot provide more detailed inform. better not use too many open-ended questions in one questionnaire.C. Its worth taking the time to develop a well-designed and participant-friendly questionnaire.

当需要将一个函数boo1 isnumber(char c)声明为内联函数时,则此内联函数的函数原型为( )。A.enum boo1 isnumber(char c);B.define boo1 isnumber(char c);C.inline boo1 isnumber(char c);D.extem boo1 isnumber(char c);

It is often difficult to get correct information on campus crime because some colleges 。A. receive too many visitorsB. mirror the rest of the nationC. hide the truth of campus crimeD. have too many watchdog groups

Signs can carry as many _________ as words.A.questions B.examples C.tears and smiles D.messages

Male nurse are difficult to hire as many men reject this_______ out of the long-existing discrimination.A.conceptB.responsibilityC.identityD.personality

Many automobile accidents were ____ careless driving.A.attributed to B.resulted in C.contributed toD.raised from

It is difficult to list all of John's attributes because he has so many different talents and abilities.A:qualities B:interestsC:preferences D:virtues

In addition,many exceptions( )the rules of English usage make it difficult to master.to

The questions that the speaker raised were well __________ the average adult.A.beyondB.onC.pastD.through

Many factory workers find their jobs tiresome.A:difficult B:pointlessC:profitable D:boring

I′m very sorry to have__________you with so many questions on such an occasion.A.interferedB.offendedC.impressedD.bothered

It is difficult to know why a work of art produces some emotions,but it has been known for a very long time that paintings,music and poetry have the power to touch us,to repel us and to______intense pleasure or displeasure.A.riseB.ariseC.raiseD.arouse

下列BOO项目论述正确的有( )。A、BOO项目的所有权在期满后须交还给政府B、BOOT项目的所有权在期满后不再交还给政府C、采取BOO方式,从项目建成到移交给政府这一段时间一般比采用BOOT方式短一些D、BOO即建设-拥有-经营E、BOO与BOOT属于BOT基本模式的变化与发展模式

单选题Which of the following questions is answered according to the passage?AWhat advantages does EMS have over the private couriers?BWhen was EMS set up?CHow many countries have started EMS?DWhat items are not allowed in EMS?

单选题A retail customer has a database application that is accessed by a large number of people through a web interface from multiple remote locations. Which questions will provide the information necessary to design the best performing storage solution of the following?()AHow many web servers will be connected to the database?BHow many concurrent applications will run against the database?CHow many concurrent users will be accessing the database?DWhat are the types of transactions run against the database?

单选题In a planned economy it was often difficult to secure spare parts,Aso many companies manufacture them all by themselves.Bso many companies have to stop the production lines while waiting.Cso many companies place large orders for emergencies.Dso many companies feel quite headache about this problem.

单选题In a planned economy it was often difficult to secure spare parts, ______.Aso many companies manufacture them all by themselvesBso many companies have to stop the production lines while waitingCso many companies place large orders for emergenciesDso many companies feel quite headache about this problem

单选题What is NOT mentioned about Mr. Fraser?AHe is running for mayor.BHe has worked in local politics for many years.CHe was raised in Carlton-Greenlane.DHe owns a successful business in the city.

问答题George took a test of a certain number of questions, each question having the same value. He answered 10 questions incorrectly. This resulted in an accuracy score of 60%. How many questions were in the test?

单选题I'm very sorry to have() you with so many questions on such an occasion.AinterferedBoffendedCimpressedDbothered

单选题It was _____ it raised many difficult questions that the book took a long time to come out.AsinceBbecauseCafterDwhen

单选题It was difficult to()how many trees had been destroyed.AmeasureBtestCestimateDevaluate