单选题Error may be introduced into a magnetic compass by().Amaking a structural change to the vesselBa short circuit near the compassCbelt bucklesDAll of the above

Error may be introduced into a magnetic compass by().

making a structural change to the vessel


a short circuit near the compass


belt buckles


All of the above


解析: 暂无解析


The compass error of a magnetic compass that has no deviation is ______.A.zeroB.equal to variationC.eliminated by adjusting the compassD.constant at any geographical location

Which one of the followings is incorrect about magnetic compass?______.A.The magentic compass is compulsory on my vesselB.The magentic compass is prone to errorC.The magentic compass is always placed inside steel constructionsD.The magentic compass needs to be calibrated to compensate for local magnetic distortion

Magnetic information on a chart may be ______.A.found in the center(s) of the compass rose(s)B.indicated by isogonic linesC.found in a note on the chartD.All of the above

A vessel is heading magnetic north and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 003°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment?A.Move the quadrantal spheres closer to the compassB.Raise the heeling magnet if the red end is upC.Remove some of the Flinders barD.Raise or lower the athwartship magnets

Compass error is equal to the ______.A.deviation minus variationB.variation plus compass courseC.combined variation and deviationD.difference between true and magnetic heading

Deviation is the angle between the ______.A.true meridian and the axis of the compass cardB.true meridian and the magnetic meridianC.magnetic meridian and the axis of the compass cardD.axis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian

Error may be introduced into a magnetic compass by ______.A.making a structural change to the vesselB.a short circuit near the compassC.belt bucklesD.All of the above

If a magnetic compass is not affected by any magnetic field other than the Earth’s which statement is TRUE?______.A.Compass error and variation are equalB.Compass north will be true northC.Variation will equal deviationD.There will be no compass error

Magnetic compass deviation______.A.varies depending upon the bearing usedB.is the angular difference between magnetic north and compass northC.is published on the compass rose on most nautical chartsD.is the angular difference between geographic and magnetic meridians

Magnetic heading differs from compass heading by______.A.compass errorB.true headingC.variationD.Deviation

单选题The magnetic compass magnets are acted on by the horizontal component of the Earth’s total magnetic force. This magnetic force is GREATEST at the().Anorth magnetic poleBsouth magnetic poleCmagnetic prime vertical meridianDmagnetic equator

单选题Which statement about the Flinders bar of the magnetic compass is CORRECT().AIt compensates for the error caused by the vertical component of the Earth's magnetic fieldBIt compensates for error caused by the heeling of a vesselCIt compensates for quadrantal deviationDIt is only needed in equatorial waters

单选题If a magnetic compass is not affected by any magnetic field other than the Earth’s,which statement is TRUE? ()ACompass error and variation are equalBCompass north will be true northCVariation will equal deviationDThere will be no compass error

单选题Deviation is the angle between the().Atrue meridian and the axis of the compass cardBtrue meridian and the magnetic meridianCmagnetic meridian and the axis of the compass cardDaxis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian

单选题A vessel is heading magnetic northwest and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 312°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment? ()AIf the quadrantal spheres are all the way out,replace them with smaller spheresBIf the quadrantal spheres are all the way in,replace them with larger spheresCIf the quadrantal spheres are all of the way out,move the spheres inDIf the quadrantal spheres are all the way out,replace them with larger spheres.

单选题A vessel is heading magnetic north and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 003°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment? ()AMove the quadrantal spheres closer to the compassBRaise the heeling magnet if the red end is upCRemove some of the Flinders barDRaise or lower the athwartship magnets

单选题A vessel is heading magnetic northwest and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 317°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment? ()AIf the quadrantal spheres are out as far as possible replace them with smaller spheresBIf the quadrantal spheres are in as far as possible remove one of the spheresCIf the quadrantal spheres are in as far as possible replace them with smaller spheresDIf the quadrantal spheres are out as far as possible,move the quadrantal spheres in

单选题Variation in a compass is caused by().Aworn gears in the compass housingBmagnetism from the earth's magnetic fieldCmagnetism within the vesselDlack of oil in the compass bearings

单选题The principal purpose of magnetic compass adjustment is to().Areduce the variation as much as possibleBreduce the deviation as much as possibleCreduce the magnetic dip as much as possibleDallow the compass bowl to swing freely on its gimbals

单选题Error may be introduced into a magnetic compass by().Amaking a structural change to the vesselBa short circuit near the compassCbelt bucklesDAll of the above

单选题What is an advantage of the magnetic compass aboard vessels?()ACompass error is negligible at or near the earth's magnetic polesBIt does not have to be checked as oftenCIt is reliable due to it's essential simplicityDAll points on the compass rose are readily visible

单选题The magnetic compass operates on the principle that().Alike magnetic poles attractBunlike magnetic poles repelCunlike poles attractDthe poles of the compass line up with the geographic poles of the earth

单选题The error in a magnetic compass caused by the vessel’s magnetism is called().AvariationBdeviationCcompass errorDbearing error

单选题The compass error of a magnetic compass that has no deviation is().AzeroBequal to variationCeliminated by adjusting the compassDconstant at any geographical location

单选题Magnetic compass deviation().Avaries depending upon the bearing usedBis the angular difference between magnetic north and compass northCis published on the compass rose on most nautical chartsDis the angular difference between geographic and magnetic meridians

单选题When adjusting a magnetic compass for error,a deviation table should be made().Abefore correcting for any deviationBafter correcting for variationCafter adjusting the fore-and-aft and athwartships permanent magnetsDbefore the quadrantal correctors are placed on the compass

单选题Compass error is equal to the().Adeviation minus variationBvariation plus compass courseCcombined variation and deviationDdifference between true and magnetic heading

单选题Magnetic information on a chart may be ().Afound in the center(s) of the compass rose(s)Bindicated by isogonic linesCfound in a note on the chartDAll of the above