单选题A condition that can increase the foaming tendency of lube oil is ()Aexcessively high oil temperaturesBwater or moisture contaminationCfuel dilutionDlife its cylinder relief vales

A condition that can increase the foaming tendency of lube oil is ()

excessively high oil temperatures


water or moisture contamination


fuel dilution


life its cylinder relief vales


解析: 暂无解析


The author uses figures in Paragraph 2 to show _______.A. the tendency of cutting household wasteB. the increase of packaging recyclingC. the rapid growth of super marketsD. the fact of packaging overuse

What is the function of the after-coolers installed in the diesel engine air intake system?A.Decrease the air densityB.Increase the exhaust temperatureC.Decrease the lube oil temperatureD.Increase the air density

Oil oxidation as a result of excessively high lube oil temperature, is harmful to a diesel engine BecauseA.oil foaming will always occurB.large quantities of oil are consumedC.lube oil viscosity is always decreasedD.corrosive by-products are usually formed

单选题Auxiliary diesel engines can be automatically shut down as a result of ()Alow lube oil temperatureBlow lube oil pressureChigh exhaust temperatureDhigh cooling water pressure

单选题A substantial increase pressure could be an indication of a/an ()Aworn cylinder linerBfaulty cylinder relief valveCexcessive lube oil pressureDexcessive scavenge air pressure

单选题A substantial increase in crankcase pressure could be an indication of ()Aexcessive lube oil pressureBthe proper seating of new ringsCa worn cylinder linerDa malfunctioning cylinder relief valve

单选题It can be gathered from this article that the tendency to faint most probably is _____.Agenetically determinedBindependently developedCvirus infectedDemotionally affected

单选题A dirty lube oil strainer can result in()AcrankcaseBlow lube oil temperatureCexcessive oil consumptionDlow bearing oil pressure

单选题A lube oil filter can be used to remove most contaminants from lube oilA contaminant which will remain in the lube oil after filtering is ().AacidBfuel oilCsedimentDwater

单选题Excessive oil foaming in the crankcase of a refrigeration compressor can result in ().Aoverheated compressor bearingsBexcess lube oil viscosityCcarbon deposits on the compressor piston ringsDwax crystals forming in the lubricant

单选题Which of the listed conditions can cause a diesel engine to use too much lube oil?()ADirty lube oil filterBToo much piston ring wearCHigh lube oil viscosityDLow lube oil temperature

单选题Excessive lubricating oil consumption in a running diesel engine can be caused by ()Aclogged lube oil pipingBexcessive valve-guide clearanceChigh lube oil viscosityDlow lube oil temperature

单选题Fuel oil contamination of an auxiliary diesel engine lube oil can result in()Aan increased flash pointBhigher lube oil pressuresCan increased viscosityDlower lube oil pressures

单选题Improperly fitted piston rings in a diesel engine can cause()Aexcessive lube oil consumptionBlower than normal lube oil temperatureChigher than normal exhaust back pressureDexcessive crankshaft end play

单选题What function is provided by the crankcase ventilation system on some diesel engines?()AIncreases the sludge forming tendency of lube oilBPrevents the accumulation of combustible gasesCImproves lube oil coolingDImproves cold weather starting

单选题Which of the following conditions can cause excessive lube oil consumption in a diesel engine?()ALow lube oil temperatureBDirty lube oil strainerCLow lube oil pressureDHigh lube oil temperature

单选题Lube oil filters remove contaminants more efficiently if the oil being filtered is ().Aunder high pressureBunder low pressureCheated to reduce viscosityDcooled to increase viscosity

单选题What condition will result in the automatic shutdown of a diesel engine? ()AHigh jacket water pressureBHigh lube oil pressureCLow lube oil pressureDExcessive turbo charger speed

单选题Foaming of the oil in a refrigeration compressor crankcase is caused by ().Arefrigerant boiling out of solution from the lube oilBliquid refrigerant flooding the compressor and systemClube oil viscosity being reduced by refrigerant dilutionDcompressor suction pressure suddenly increasing

单选题Operating a diesel engine under light loads and at low temperatures for an exhaust for an extended period can result in()Aformation of carbon on the intake and exhaust portsBhigh water jacket temperaturesCoverheated pistons and cylindersDan increase in lube oil viscosity due to fuel dilution

单选题Excessive oil foaming in the crankcase of a refrigeration compressor at start up can cause().Acompressor damage from improper lubricationBrefrigerant absorption by the lubricantCincreased viscosity in the lubricantDcarbon deposit on the compressor suction valves

单选题Scale and dirt accumulation in the waterside of a lube oil cooler will be indicated by a gradual increase in the lube oil().ATBN numberBviscosityCtemperatureDfoaming

单选题A condition that can increase the foaming tendency of lube oil is ()Aexcessively high oil temperaturesBwater or moisture contaminationCfuel dilutionDlife its cylinder relief vales

单选题A diesel engine is operating with excessively high exhaust temperatures at all cylindersTo correct this condition, you should FIRST ().Areduce the engine loadBincrease the cooling water flowCincrease the lube oil pressureDadjust the fuel rack

单选题A four-stroke cycle, turbocharged, 1000 horsepower diesel engine has been operating under loadThe load suddenly increases, causing excessive black exhaust smoke, and a rapid rise in the lube oil temperatureIn response to this condition, you should:()Areduce loadBcheck your exhaustCadjust cooling water temperatureDincrease lube oil flow

单选题Oil oxidation, as a result of excessively high lube oil temperature, is harmful to a diesel engine because ()Aoil foaming will occurBlarge quantities of oil are consumedClube oil viscosity is always decreasedDcorrosive by-products are usually formed

单选题Shifting weight aft in heavy weather will reduce the tendency to yaw,but may increase the tendency to().Abe poopedBpitchpoleCbroachDsquat

单选题Misfiring in a diesel engine at light loads can be caused by()Ahigh lube oil temperatureBlow lube oil temperatureCexcessive cylinder coolingDhigh air injection pressure