单选题______Apreoccupied BabsorbedCengaged Dindulged










句意:害羞的人趋于对他们自己过分关注。preoccupied心事重重的;关注于…的。Be preoccupied with使全神贯注;使沉浸于。be absorbed in全神贯注于。be engaged in忙于。be indulged in 沉迷于。


He was _______ a line of slow-moving traffic. (A)lost in(B) interested in(C) indulged in(D) stuck in

We are engaged in the development of real ________. A、establishmentB、stateC、estate


He was _______ the preparation of an international conference when I arrived in Beijing.A.engaged toB.engaged forC.engaged onD.engaged in

It was clear to everyone that my father indulged () the do-it-yourself game.A、/B、onC、forD、in

What are large banks in large cities engaged in besides supplying bank deposit services?A.They are engaged in international trade.B.They do some particular business with foreigners.C.They provide some specific ancillary services.D.They establish correspondent banks in small cities.

He has never felt himself so powerfully ____to the scientific ideal. A.interestedB.absorbedC.confidentD.attracted

Tom was busily ______ painting the furniture.A、engagedB、engaged inC、engaged toD、engaged with


He was busily engaged ______ writing letters. A. on B. inC. with D. by

[A] subjected [B] engaged [C] intended [D] committed

A rigid replica of the International Code flag "A" may be shown by a vessel ______.A.pulling a submarine cableB.engaged in diving operationsC.engaged in underway replenishmentD.transferring explosives

Which vessel when anchored at night,would not be required to show anchor lights?A.A vessel engaged in underwater operationsB.A vessel engaged in mine clearanceC.A vessel engaged on pilotage dutyD.A vessel engaged in survey operations

A vessel is considered to be "restricted in her ability to maneuver" under the Rules if she is ______.A.at anchorB.mineclearingC.engaged in fishingD.engaged in towing

A vessel sailing shall keep out of the way of all of the following vessels except a vessel ______.A.not under commandB.engaged on pilotage dutyC.restricted in her ability to maneuverD.engaged in fishing

He was()the preparation of an international conference when I arrived in Beijing.A、engaged toB、engaged forC、engaged onD、engaged in

After seeing that the gears are free to() , put the windlass into gear.A、moveB、turnC、engageD、be engaged

单选题A pilot vessel may continue to sound an identity signal if she is ().Aunderway,but not making wayBagroundCbeing towedDnot engaged in pilotage duty

填空题What line of products is Amway engaged in?____.

单选题After seeing that the gears are free to() , put the windlass into gear.AmoveBturnCengageDbe engaged

问答题Because the coach was so preoccupied on an developing and practicing trick plays, she did not spend enough time            A         B                           Cdrilling the fundamental skills. No error  D                E

单选题I tried() but the line was engaged.AphoneBphonedCphoningDto phone

单选题When Robert discovered that the company was engaged in dishonest business, he immediately _____ all connections with it.AoffsetBseparatedCseveredDvanquished

单选题Which vessel when anchored at night,would not be required to show anchor lights? ()AA vessel engaged in underwater operationsBA vessel engaged in mine clearanceCA vessel engaged on pilotage dutyDA vessel engaged in survey operations

单选题Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, _____ preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all.AsoBtooCveryDhow

单选题A vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons,provisions or cargo while under way can be regarded as().Aa vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverBa vessel engaged in laying,serving or picking up a navigation mark,submarine cable or pipelineCa vessel not under commandDa power-driven vessel

单选题A vessel showing a rigid replica of the International Code flag “A” is engaged in().Adiving operationsBdredgingCfishingDmineclearance operations

单选题()is not a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.AA vessel engaged in laying,servicing or picking up a navigation mark,submarine cable or pipelineBA vessel engaged in dredging,surveying or underwater operationsCA vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons,provisions or cargo while underwayDA power driven vessel which because of her draught in relation to the available depth and width of navigation water is severely restricted in her ability to deviate from the course she is following