单选题The symbol ☆ represents one of the fundamental arithmetic operators:+, -, ×, or ÷. If (x☆y)÷(y☆x)=1 for all positive values of x and y, then ☆ can represent ______.A+ onlyB÷onlyC+ or × onlyD- or × onlyE+, -, ×, ÷

The symbol ☆ represents one of the fundamental arithmetic operators:+, -, ×, or ÷. If (x☆y)÷(y☆x)=1 for all positive values of x and y, then ☆ can represent ______.

+ only




+ or × only


- or × only


+, -, ×, ÷


(x × y)÷(y × x) = (xy)/(yx) = 1 and (x+y)÷(y+x)=(x+y)/(y+x)=1.


In the following statements about functional dependency, which one is incorrect?A.Ifthen X→X'.B.If X→Y andthen X→Y'.C.If X→Y andthen X'→Y.D.If X→Y and Y→Z, then X→Z.

In the following statements about functional dependency, which one is incorrect?A.If X→Y and Y→Z, then X→Z.B.If X→Y and, then X→Y'.C.If X→Y and, then X'→Y.D.If, then X→X'.

Which of the following indicate(s)possible values for the variables when the segment finishes execution?(74).Ⅰ. x=1,y=2Ⅱ. x=1,y=3Ⅲ. x=4, y=6A.ⅠB.Ⅰ,ⅡC.Ⅰ, ⅢD.ⅡandⅢ

以下程序运行后的输出结果是 ______。 Sub add(x,y) x=x+y Print "x=";x;",y=";y End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() x=1 y=1 Call add((x),(y)) Print"x="; x;",y=";y End SubA.x=1,y=1 x=2,y=2B.x=2,y=1 x=1,y=1C.x=1,y=1 x=1,y=1D.x=2,y=1 x=2,y=1

与y=(x>0? 1:x0)y=1 else if(x 与y=(x>0? 1:x<0? -1:0);的功能相同的if语句是A.if(x>0)y=1 else if(x<0)y=-1; else y=O;B.if(x) if(x>0)y=1; else if(x<0)y=-1;C.y=-1; if(x) if(x>0)y=1; else if(x==0)y=0; else y=-1;D.y=0; if(x>=0) if(x>0)y=1; else y=-1;

与y=(x>0?1:x0)y=1; else if(x 与y=(x>0?1:x<0?-1:0):的功能相同的if语句是( )A.if(x>0)y=1; else if(x<0)y=-1; else y=0; else y=0;B.if(x) if(x>0)y=1; else if(x<0)y=-1;C.y=-1; if(x) if(x>0)y=1; else if(x==0)y=0; else y=-1;D.y=0; if(x>=0) if(x>0)y=1; else y=-1:

已知y1(x)和y2(x)是方程y''+p(x)y'+Q(x)y=0的两个线性无关的特解, Y1(x)和Y2 (x)分别是方程y''+p(x)y'+Q(x)y=R1(x)和y''+p(x)y'+Q(x)y=R2(x)的特解。那么方程y''+p(x)y'+Q(x)y=R1(x)y+R2(x)的通解应是:A. c1y1+c2y2B. c1Y1(x)+c2Y2(x) C. c1y1+c2y2+Y1(x) D. c1y1+c2y2+Y1(x)+Y2(x)

1. public class X implements Runnable(  2. private int x;  3. private int y;  4.    5. public static void main(String[]args)  6. X that = new X();  7. (new Thread(that)).start();  8. (new Thread(that)).start();  9. )  10.    11. public void run()  (  12. for (;;)  (  13. x++; 14. y++;  15. System.out.printIn(“x=” + x + “, y = ” + y);  16.     ) 17. ) What is the result?()A、 Errors at lines 7 and 8 cause compilation to fail.B、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that might not always be the same on the same line (for example, “x=2, y=1”).C、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by “x=1, y=1”).D、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears only for once (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by “x=2, y=2”).

public class X implements Runnable {  private int x;  private int y;  public static void main(String [] args) {  X that = new X();  (new Thread( that )).start();  (new Thread( that )).start();  }  public void run() {  for (;;) {  synchronized (this) {  x++;  y++;  }  System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() +  “x = “ + x + “, y = “ + y);  }  }  }   What is the result?()  A、 Compilation fails.B、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that might not always be the same on the same line (for example, “x = 2, y = 1”).C、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x = 1, y = 1”). In addition, each value appears only once (for example, “x = 1, y = 1” followed by “x = 2, y = 2”). The thread name at the start of the line shows that both threads are executing concurrently.D、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x = 1, y = 1”). In addition, each value appears only once (for example, “x = 1, y = 1” followed by “x = 2, y = 2”). The thread name at the start of the line shows that only a single thread is actually executing.

public class X implements Runnable (   private int x;   private int y;    public static void main(String args) (   X that = new X();   (new Thread(that)) . start( );   (new Thread(that)) . start( );   )    public synchronized void run( ) (    for (;;) (    x++;    y++;    System.out.printIn(“x = “ + x + “, y = “ + y);    )   )    )   What is the result?()A、 An error at line 11 causes compilation to fail.B、 Errors at lines 7 and 8 cause compilation to fail.C、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that might not always be the same on the same line  (for example, “x=2, y=1”)D、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (forexample, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by  “x=1, y=1”)E、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by  “x=2s, y=2”)

public class X implements Runnable(    private int x;   private int y;   public static void main(Stringargs)  X that = new X();   (new Thread(that)).start();  (new Thread(that)).start();  )  public void run() (  for (;;) (  x++;   y++;   System.out.printIn(“x=” + x + “, y = ” + y);   )   )   What is the result?()  A、 Errors at lines 7 and 8 cause compilation to fail.B、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that might not always be the same on the same line  (for example, “x=2, y=1”).C、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by  “x=1, y=1”).D、 The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears only for once (for example, “x=1, y=1”  followed by “x=2, y=2”).

单选题The symbol ☆ represents one of the fundamental arithmetic operators:+, -, ×, or ÷. If (x☆y)÷(y☆x)=1 for all positive values of x and y, then ☆ can represent ______.A+ onlyB÷onlyC+ or × onlyD- or × onlyE+, -, ×, ÷

多选题If x and y are both positive even integers, which of the following expressions must be even? (Select all such expressions.)AxyB(x+1)yCx(y+1)

单选题public class X implements Runnable {  private int x;  private int y;  public static void main(String [] args) {  X that = new X();  (new Thread( that )).start();  (new Thread( that )).start();  }  public void run() {  for (;;) {  synchronized (this) {  x++;  y++;  }  System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() +  “x = “ + x + “, y = “ + y);  }  }  }   What is the result?()A Compilation fails.B The program prints pairs of values for x and y that might not always be the same on the same line (for example, “x = 2, y = 1”).C The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x = 1, y = 1”). In addition, each value appears only once (for example, “x = 1, y = 1” followed by “x = 2, y = 2”). The thread name at the start of the line shows that both threads are executing concurrently.D The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x = 1, y = 1”). In addition, each value appears only once (for example, “x = 1, y = 1” followed by “x = 2, y = 2”). The thread name at the start of the line shows that only a single thread is actually executing.

单选题For all real values of x and y, let x◆y be defined by the equation x◆y = 2 -xy. If -1 a 0 and 0 b 1, then which of the following must be true?A-2a+b-1B-la+b0C0a+blDla+b2E2a+b3

单选题1. public class X implements Runnable(  2. private int x;  3. private int y;  4.    5. public static void main(String[]args)  6. X that = new X();  7. (new Thread(that)).start();  8. (new Thread(that)).start();  9. )  10.    11. public void run()  (  12. for (;;)  (  13. x++; 14. y++;  15. System.out.printIn(“x=” + x + “, y = ” + y);  16.     ) 17. ) What is the result?()A Errors at lines 7 and 8 cause compilation to fail.B The program prints pairs of values for x and y that might not always be the same on the same line (for example, “x=2, y=1”).C The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by “x=1, y=1”).D The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears only for once (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by “x=2, y=2”).

单选题public class X implements Runnable(    private int x;   private int y;   public static void main(Stringargs)  X that = new X();   (new Thread(that)).start();  (new Thread(that)).start();  )  public void run() (  for (;;) (  x++;   y++;   System.out.printIn(“x=” + x + “, y = ” + y);   )   )   What is the result?()A Errors at lines 7 and 8 cause compilation to fail.B The program prints pairs of values for x and y that might not always be the same on the same line  (for example, “x=2, y=1”).C The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by  “x=1, y=1”).D The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears only for once (for example, “x=1, y=1”  followed by “x=2, y=2”).

单选题If each of the equations below is graphed on the xy-plane, which one will produce a line with a positive slope containing the point (3, 2)?Ax+y=5Bx - y = 1C3x-2y = 10Dx2 -y=5Ex +y2 = 7


单选题If x and y are positive numbers greater than 1, and wx/y+w =1 then w= ______.A(x-1)/(y-1)By/(x-1)C(x+1)/yD(x-y)/(x+y)Ey/(x+1)

单选题X = {-4,-2, 1,3}, Y= {-1,4,5}. If x is a number from set X, and y is a number from set Y. The probability that x + y is positive is closest to ______.A0.5B0.6C0.7D0.8E0.9

单选题Let @ represent one of the four basic arithmetic operations such that, for any nonzero real numbers P and Q, P @ 0=P and P @ Q=Q @ P. Which arithmetic operation(S) does the symbol @ represent?A×onlyB+onlyC-onlyD-and×E+and÷

单选题Phil has x quarters, y dimes, and z nickels and nothing else. Which of the following expressions represents the amount of money that Phil has, in dollars?A0.25x + 0.10y + 0.05zB2.5x + 1. 0y + 0.5zC25x + 10y + 5zD0.25x + 0.10y + 0.5zE25x + 10y + 50z

单选题public class X implements Runnable (  private int x;  private int y;  public static void main(String [] args) (  X that = new X();  (new Thread(that)) . start( );  (new Thread(that)) . start( );  )  public synchronized void run( ) (  for (;;) (   x++;  y++;  System.out.printIn(“x = “ +  x  + “, y = “ + y);  )  )  )   What is the result?()A An error at line 11 causes compilation to fail.B Errors at lines 7 and 8 cause compilation to fail.C The program prints pairs of values for x and y that might not always be the same on the same line (for example, “x=2, y=1”)D The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by “x=1, y=1”)E The program prints pairs of values for x and y that are always the same on the same line (for example, “x=1, y=1”. In addition, each value appears twice (for example, “x=1, y=1” followed by “x=2s, y=2”)

单选题If 0ab3c4, then which of the following must be true?Ⅰ. ab is positiveⅡ. ab is negativeⅢ. abc is negativeAⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCⅢ onlyDⅠ and Ⅲ onlyEⅡ and Ⅲ only

单选题X= {1, 2, 4} Y= {1, 3, 4}12 If, in the sets above, x is any number in set X and y is any number in set Y, how many different values of x+y are possible?AFiveBSixCSevenDEightENine

单选题x, y, and z are positive integers. Which of the following lists all the possible ways for x + y + z to be an odd number?I. One of the numbers is odd.II. Two of the numbers are odd.III. Three of the numbers are odd.AIBI and IICI and IIIDII and III

问答题What is the average (arithmetic mean) of x and y?  (1) The average of x+3 and y+5 is 14.  (2) The average of x,y and 16 is 12.