单选题There is () in any water cooling system for a diesel engine allowing for expansion and water make-up in the system as well as air vent and chemicals addition.Aa setting tankBa service tankCa head tankDan expansion joint

There is () in any water cooling system for a diesel engine allowing for expansion and water make-up in the system as well as air vent and chemicals addition.

a setting tank


a service tank


a head tank


an expansion joint


解析: 暂无解析


In a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system, the amount of coolant flowing through the heat exchanger is controlled by the __.A.suction pressure regulatorB.thermostatic bypass valveC.sea water temperatureD.water level in the expansion tank

Which of the following factors tends to increase scale formation on the saltwater side of a heat exchanger used in a diesel engine cooling water system?A.Baffle plates that have been bent during prior removalB.Leaks m the cooler tube nestC.Operating the engine while maintaining a high sea water outlet temperatureD.A punctured sea water strainer supplying cooling water to the heat exchanger

High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ______.A.air in the cooling systemB.an overhauled water pumpC.correct amount of coolantD.no air in the cooling system

单选题If the coolant temperature of a closed cooling water system for a diesel engine gradually increases, the trouble usually is ()Aa broken shaft on the freshwater pumpBan excessive accumulation of scale exchangerCan incorrect thermostatic element operating rangeDlube oil in the cooling water

单选题Lube oil accumulating in the cooling water system of a diesel engine will result in ()Alube cooler failureBpoor heat transferCmechanical lubricator failureDcamshaft seizure

单选题Which of the following factors tends to increase scale formation on the saltwater side of a heat exchanger used in a diesel engine cooling water system?()ABaffle plates that have been bent during prior removalBLeaks in the cooler tube nestCOperating the engine while maintaining a high sea water outlet temperatureDA punctured sea water strainer supplying cooling water to the heat exchanger

单选题The device allowing for the change in volume of the cooling water in a propulsion diesel engine closed cooling system is the ().Afresh water expansion tankBsea water expansion tankCthermostatic expansion valveDjacket water cooler accumulator

单选题One of the purposes for water cooling the exhaust manifold in marine diesel engine is to ()Areduce lube oil temperatureBraise exhaust temperature reduceCexcessive heating of engine roomDreduce load on cooling water pump

单选题If the operating element of a thermostatic valve installed in a diesel engine cooling system malfunctions, it may result in ()Aa low level in the engine expansion tankBexcessively high coolant pressureCimproper temperaturesDmalfunctioning of the jacket water heater

单选题If the jacket water temperature in an auxiliary diesel engine cooling system is lower than normal, the probable cause is ()Aair binding of the engine cooling systemBa cracked water cooled exhaust manifoldCblockage in the heat exchangerDfaulty operation of the thermostat

单选题Where is the cooling water from the compensating tank in the cooling water system of main engine lead to?()Adischarge side of the centrifugal pumpBsuction side of the centrifugal pumpCthe lowest point of the cooling water systemDinlet of the main engine

单选题High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ().Aair in the cooling systemBan overhauled water pumpCcorrect amount of coolantDno air in the cooling system

单选题In a closed cooling system for a turbocharged, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine, fluctuating water pressure can be caused by ()Aimproper venting of the cooling systemBcarrying the expansion tank water level too highCa totally clogged impeller in the cooling water pumpDan incorrectly set cooling system temperature control

单选题The expansion tank for a diesel engine closed cooling system is designed to maintain a constant head on the system and ().Areduce water temperatureBreduce water turbulenceCprovide an air cushionDallow for an increase in water volume as the engine warms up

单选题The highest pressure in any closed diesel engine freshwater cooling system is at the ().Ajacket water outletBexpansion tank inletCheat exchanger inletDcooling water pump outlet

单选题In a diesel engine cooling system, the high temperature alarm contact maker will be activated on excessively high water discharge temperature from the ()Araw water pump dischargeBexpansion tank outletCcooling water heat exchangerDoutlet engine jacket water outlet

单选题If the water level dropped rapidly in the expansion tank of a closed diesel engine cooling water system, you should suspect a ().Aloss of suction in the circulating pumpBleak in the primary cooling systemCbroken raw water pump shaftDburned or cracked piston in one cylinder

单选题Which of the following problems can cause fluctuating pressures in the closed cooling system of a main propulsion diesel engine?()ADefective temperature controls in the systemBCavitation in the cooling water pumpCOpened vent in the cooling systemDRestricted water passages in the engine

单选题Lube oil in the fresh water cooling system of a diesel engine may result from a ()Acamshaft seizureBlube oil pump failureClube oil cooler failureDlube oil pump overflow

单选题Temperature control valves installed in the jacket cooling water system of a diesel engine modulates the rate of water flow through the ().Acooling water pumpBnozzle cooling passagesCcylinder jacketsDheat exchanger

单选题A diesel engine cooling water system with a pH factor of 30 indicates a condition of ().Aslight acidityBslight alkalinityCexcessive alkalinityDexcessive acidity

单选题Which of the following statements is correct for the design and installation of diesel engine cooling water systems?()AAn alarm device with audible and visible signals is required for all cooling water systemsBPropulsion engines with bores over 200 mm are to be fitted with cooling water jacketsCEach totally enclosed cooling system shall be provided with a suitable head tankDDrain cocks are to be provided at the lowest points of all cylinder water jackets

单选题In any diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system, the lowest pressure exists at the ().Ajacket water outletBcooling water pump outletCheat exchanger outletDexpansion tank atmospheric vent

单选题In a diesel engine cooling water system, a pH of 60 indicates a/an ().Aslightly acidic conditionBslightly alkaline conditionCovertreatment of waterDneutral condition of water

单选题There is () in any water cooling system for a diesel engine allowing for expansion and water make-up in the system as well as air vent and chemicals addition.Aa setting tankBa service tankCa head tankDan expansion joint

单选题In the process of the stand-by, warm-up the engine usually through give preheat of which parts of the diesel engine?()Acooling water of the cooling systemBfuel of the FO systemCLO of the LO systemDcooling water of the cooling system and LO of the LO system

单选题High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ().Aa worn water pumpBnot enough coolantCair in the cooling systemDall of the above

单选题The jacket water temperature in a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system is normally controlled by ()Aregulating the level of corrosion inhibitor in the primary cooling systemBthe level of the freshwater expansion tankCvarying the engine load to meet temperature requirementsDthe operation of the thermostatic valve