名词解释题产褥期抑郁症(Postpartum depression)

产褥期抑郁症(Postpartum depression)


解析: 暂无解析


对于产褥期抑郁症患者治疗期间的哺乳问题,恰当的描述是( )A.产褥期抑郁症患者药物治疗期间禁总哺乳B.产褥期抑郁症患者均能哺乳c.产褥期抑郁症患者禁忌哺乳D.产褥期抑郁症患者采用药物治疗期间,如果用药得当可以进行哺乳E.产褥期抑郁症患者采用药物治疗期间均可以进行哺乳

关于产褥期抑郁症的治疗方法描述正确的是()。 A.产褥期抑郁治疗可以通过心理治疗和药物治疗B.产褥期抑郁症必需应用药物治疗C.产褥期抑郁症只需心理治疗D.产褥期抑郁症不需要药物治疗E.一般产后能自愈

对于产褥期抑郁症的治疗方法描述恰当的是 A、产褥期抑郁症不需要药物治疗B、产褥期抑郁症必须应用药物治疗C、产褥期抑郁症可以采用药物治疗D、产褥期抑郁症可以通过心理治疗E、产褥期抑郁症可以通过心理治疗和药物治疗

共用题干DepressionEveryone occasionally feels blue or sad.But these feelings are usually short-lived and pass within a couple of days.Depression is a common but serious illness.Major depression prevents a person from functioning normally.It interferes with a person's ability to work,sleep,study,eat,and enjoy once-pleasurable activities.Minor depression is character-ized by having symptoms for 2 weeks or longer that do not meet full criteria for major depression. Without treatment,people with minor depression are at high risk for developing major depressive disorder.The severity,frequency,and duration of symptoms vary depending on the individual and his or her particular illness.They include persistent sad,anxious,feelings of hopelessness,guilt,worth-lessness,or helplessness,loss of interest in activities or hobbies once-pleasurable,fatigue and decreased energy,difficulty in concentrating,remembering details,and making decisions,insomnia, early-morning wakefulness,or excessive sleeping,suicide attempts.Depression also may occur with other serious medical illnesses such as heart disease,stroke, cancer,HI V/AIDS,diabetes,and Parkinson's disease.Depression is related to a combination of genetic,biological,environmental,and psychological factors.Research indicates that depressive illnesses are disorders of the brain.Brain-imaging tech-nologies,such as magnetic resonance imaging(MRI),have shown that the brains of people who have depression look different than those of people without depression.Some types of depression tend to run in families.In addition,trauma,loss of a loved one,a difficult relationship,or any stressful situation may trigger a depressive episode.Biological,life cycle,hormonal,and psychosocial factors that women experience may be related to women's higher depression rate.For example,women are especially vulnerable to developing postpartum depression after giving birth.Besides,during the transition into menopause,some women experience an increased risk for depression.It is still unclear,though,why some women faced with enormous challenges develop depression,while others with similar challenges do not.Some women experience an increased risk for depression when_________.A:feelings of guilt or worthlessnessB:developing postpartum depression after giving birthC:going through a transition into menopauseD:symptoms for 2 weeks that is slightly different from major depressionE:his family member has depression tooF: heart disease,stroke,cancer,HIV/AIDS,diabetes,and Parkinson's disease










