单选题This is the school _____ library is the largest in our city.AwhichBwhoseCitsDit’s

This is the school _____ library is the largest in our city.











21. --- What do you think of their school?--- It’s really beautiful. But I don’t think their school is as big as ____.A. ours B. us C. we D. our

The teacher discussed with Jim, _____problems was poor study habits. A. one of whichB. one of whoseC. whoseD. who's

Anyone knows the news _____will tell you about it. A.whichB.whoseC.whoD.whom

Our school has a big library.It has many books on different subjects. Students can read books and newspapers in the __21__ room. They can also borrow books from the library. But they the desk when Amy hurried in. She told Miss Susan that she couldn't find the library book " Harry Potter "__24__. At that moment, Lucy came into the library with Amy's book. She found it in the classroom. Amy was very __25__. She thanked Lucy and said that she would be more careful from then on.21.A.readingB.returnC.happyD.anywhereE.kind22.A.readingB.returnC.happyD.anywhereE.kind23.A.readingB.returnC.happyD.anywhereE.kind24.A.readingB.returnC.happyD.anywhereE.kind25.A.readingB.returnC.happyD.anywhereE.kind

Tax,______ can be used in public services, is very important to our country. A.whichB.thatC.what

There are books in our school library than in yours. A.so manyB.much moreC.many moreD.such many


She is the one _______ grade is the highest in our class. A.whomB.whoseC.whoD.which

().I need to look for some papers to add to my research report.A. Do you like the library in our school?B. How many papers have you read so far?C. Why not comfortably stay at home to log onto the Web?

Knowledge we gained in school is very important,()we will depend in the future. A、in whichB、of whichC、to whichD、on which

We do not have a____school in our institute. Tvide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S.A: continueB: bayC: assistanceD: graduate

That's the man()house was burned down. A、whoB、whoseC、whichD、that

The largest public library in the U. S. is (). A.Library of CongressB.Library of HarvardC.Franklin LibraryD.Roosevelt Library

Do you know the lady ______ is interviewing our headmaster? A、whichB、whoC、whomD、whose

In our school,library books ()in two weeks. A.returnB.must returnC.will returnD.must be returned

请教:2009年12月大学英语三级考试A级真题第2大题第6小题如何解答?【题目描述】21. Would you please pass me the book ________ cover is black?A) whichB) whoseC) thatD) its

24 As a child, Jack studied in a village school,——is named after his grandfather.A whichB whereC whatD.that

There______ (be) lots of things in our school

The newspaper identified the journalist ___________ wrote the anonymous editorial predicting a stock market crash.A.whichB.whoseC.whoD.whom

There are some new books in the school library.They are__books.A.childB.childrens'C.childrenD.children's

Mr. Smith()a most important part in the development of our city.A、tookB、hadC、playedD、made

Beijing is()capital of China. It's()very big city.A、a;theB、the;aC、a;a

单选题I hear that another big library ______ in their school two years ago.Awill be builtBis buildingCwas builtDhas been built

填空题人人有责使学校成为无烟场所。It is everyone’s ____ to make our school smoking-free environment.

单选题A group of () will come to our school tomorrow.AGermanyBGermansCGermanDJapaneses

单选题You can’t borrow books from the school library ______ you get your student card.AbeforeBifCwhileDas

单选题The young man______visited our school this morning is Maria's brother.AwhoBwhichCwhoseDwhat