名词解释题premature chromosome condensation,PCC (染色体早熟凝集)
premature chromosome condensation,PCC (染色体早熟凝集)
When collecting condensation for drinking water,______.A.A sponge used to mop up and store condensation must be kept salt freeB.Only condensation on the bottom of the canopy should be collectedC.It should be strained through a finely woven clothD.Chlorine tablets should be used to make it drinkable
单选题When collecting condensation for drinking water,().Aa sponge used to mop up and store condensation must be kept salt freeBonly condensation on the bottom of the canopy should be collectedCit should be strained through a finely woven clothDchlorine tablets should be used to make it drinkable
名词解释题卵巢早衰(Premature ovarian fail-ure)