单选题You’d better find some information about Nike’s “Chamber of Fear” advertisement, _____?Awouldn’t youBhad youChadn’t youDshould you

You’d better find some information about Nike’s “Chamber of Fear” advertisement, _____?

wouldn’t you


had you


hadn’t you


should you


you’d better即you had better,其反意疑问用hadn’t,故选C。


You must have made the mistake, ()? A.mustn’t youB.haven’t youC.didn’t youD.hadn’t you

You have been to Tibet,( )? I was told that the snow-covered mountains were very beautiful. A. have youB. haven’t youC. don’t youD. are you

Let’s clean the classroom, ______? A.will youB.shall weC.do youD.don’t you

Don't be careless again, ______?A. will youB. are youC. did youD. do you

You seldom have to do the cooking,______?A. have youB. haven't youC. do youD. don't you

(), he is not a man worthy of trust. A、To be frank with youB、Being frank with youC、Be frank with youD、To have been frank with you

You won’t choose this brand name,() A、won’t youB、will youC、don’t you

You are planning to export this product to Europe()? A. don't youB. aren't youC. are you

——Mary, you clean the room today, ?——But I cleaned it yesterday. It’s Lily’s turn.A、don’t youB、will youC、do youD、didn’t you

If it ________ for the doctor’s care, I wouldn’t be speaking to you now. A. is notB. was notC. hadn’t beenD. hasn’t

In accordance with our agreement, we have()at 30 day’sight for the amount of the enclosed invoice. A、drawn on youB、written to youC、called on youD、dispatched to you by airmail

() I would go there myself. A、were I youB、I were youC、If I had been youD、Had I been you

__________, I would take an umbrella with me.A、Had I been youB、I were youC、Were I youD、I had been you

you had some trouble finding where i live, ______?A、didn’t youB、hadn’t youC、do ID、don’I

Be sure to meet him at the airport on time, ______? A.will youB.aren't youC.can youD.don't you

— Wow! Carl has done some really amazing things!— Don’t believe everything he tells you. He was probably pulling your leg.() A.cheering you upB.ridiculing youC.teasing youD.dragging your leg

Let ______ the real fact of the accident.A.I tell youB.me to tell youC.I to tell youD.me tell you

Don′t do that again, ___________?A.will youB.do youC.does youD.can you

Open the window,__?A.do youB.don't youC.will youD.won't you

You oughtn't to have been there,__?A.hadn't youB.didn't youC.oughtn't youD.ought you

Don't forget to post the letter for me,__?A.do youB.will youC.are youD.can you

You never told us why you were late for the party, A.weren’t youB.didn’t youC.had youD.did you

YouareplanningtoexportthisproducttoEurope,()A、don't youB、aren't youC、are you

Have a cup of tea,()? Thanks a lotA、don't youB、haven't youC、shall weD、will you

Would you like some more coffee?()A、Yes. I wouldB、No, I wouldn'tC、No, thank youD、I've had enough

Goodbye, Miss Liu. I'm very pleased()A、to meet youB、having met youC、be meeting youD、to have met you

单选题What is the author’s attitude to “avoidance”?AAvoiding the thing you fear will make you fear more.BYou can’t avoid all the fears in your life.CYou will feel better if you choose to avoid fear.DYour fears can be got rid of if you try to avoid them.

单选题You’d better find some information about Nike’s “Chamber of Fear” advertisement, _____?Awouldn’t youBhad youChadn’t youDshould you