单选题A military member has just returned to the United States from Europe and reports their personaldesktop computer does not work. Which of the following is the MOST logical solution to thisproblem?()AThe computer is unable to work in the US because of EU licensing arrangementsBThe power supply needs to be replaced with one rated for 110 wattsCThe power supply needs a power inverter to handle the change in cyclesDThe power supply voltage needs to be switched to 110 from 220

A military member has just returned to the United States from Europe and reports their personaldesktop computer does not work. Which of the following is the MOST logical solution to thisproblem?()

The computer is unable to work in the US because of EU licensing arrangements


The power supply needs to be replaced with one rated for 110 watts


The power supply needs a power inverter to handle the change in cycles


The power supply voltage needs to be switched to 110 from 220


解析: 暂无解析


Japan s productivity has overtaken America s in some manufacturing industries, but elsewhere the United States has ( )its lead.A、take upB、brought backC、rested onD、clung to

although the united states has produced most commercial films in the 20th century, movies did not originate in america. ()

Since 1780, when the town’s first hat factory ______ in Danbury, Connecticut, the town has been a center for hat manufacturing in the United States.A、were establishedB、was establishingC、had been establishedD、was established

Many a school in the United States ______to train men in theology.A. was set upB. were set upC. has set upD. have set up

You are Master of a vessel that is sold in a foreign country after discharge of cargo. What is your responsibility to the crew in regards to return to the United States?A.You must provide air transportation to the nearest port of entry in the United StatesB.You must provide passage to the port of original engagementC.There is no requirement for return to the United States provided the voyage has exceeded 4 weeks durationD.The crew can be employed on another United States vessel,but only if it is returning to the port of original engagement

Since the Great Depression,the United States government has protected farmers from damaging crops in grain pnces.A:slight B:surpnsingC:sudden D:harming

As both a religion and a social force,Puritanism has made a widespread influence in the United States.A: afar-reachingB: a disturbingC: an annoyingD: a favorable

The United States, which is a____of the Middle East peace talks,says Israeli settlements are an obstacle to peace, and the issue has strained relations with Israel’s right-wing government.A.volunteerB.investorC.contributorD.sponsor

The consequence of the three neutrality acts of the United States was()Ato make the United States gain time to arm itselfBto actually help the aggressors by making clear that the United States would not interveneCto get the United States involved in the warDto prevent the United States form being dragged into the war

请从下列选项中选出“在美国,人人都能买到枪”地道的英文表达。()A、In the United States,everyone can buy a gunB、In the United States,guns are available to everyoneC、In the United States,every person can buy a gun

The consequence of the three neutrality acts of the United States was()A、to make the United States gain time to arm itselfB、to actually help the aggressors by making clear that the United States would not interveneC、to get the United States involved in the warD、to prevent the United States form being dragged into the war

A military member has just returned to the United States from Europe and reports their personaldesktop computer does not work. Which of the following is the MOST logical solution to thisproblem?()A、The computer is unable to work in the US because of EU licensing arrangementsB、The power supply needs to be replaced with one rated for 110 wattsC、The power supply needs a power inverter to handle the change in cyclesD、The power supply voltage needs to be switched to 110 from 220

单选题Unlike the United States, the president of the Philippines are elected to a six-year term in office.AUnited States, the president of the Philippines are electedBUnited States, the president of the Philippines is electedCUnited States, the people of the Philippines elect a presidentDthe president of the United States, the people of the Philippines electEthe president of the United States, the president of the Philippines is elected

单选题According to the passage, a major difference between the colonization policy of the United States and that of Mexico in Texas in the 1800’s was the _____.Adegree to which policies were based on traditionBform of economic interdependency between different cultural groupsCtreatment of the native inhabitantsDrelationship between the military and the settlers

单选题请从下列选项中选出“在美国,人人都能买到枪”地道的英文表达。()AIn the United States,everyone can buy a gunBIn the United States,guns are available to everyoneCIn the United States,every person can buy a gun

单选题After 15 years in the United States, he has finally decided to _____ American citizenship.Aconcentrate onBapply forClook out forDappeal on

单选题The consequence of the three neutrality acts of the United States was()Ato make the United States gain time to arm itselfBto actually help the aggressors by making clear that the United States would not interveneCto get the United States involved in the warDto prevent the United States form being dragged into the war

单选题She told me that she has already gone to the United States four times before she attended that conference.Ahad already beenBhas already beenCalready wentDwas already going

单选题The modern Internet, first established in the mid-1980s, is based on the technology developed for the ARPANET, it was created by the United States Department of Defense in the 1960s.AARPANET, it was created by the United States Department of DefenseBARPANET; it was created by the United States Department of DefenseCARPANET, which was created by the United States Department of DefenseDARPANET, being created by the United States Department of DefenseEARPANET; the United States Department of Defense created it

单选题Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?ATypes of Doctors in the United StatesBHealth Care in the United States and BritainCTreatment of Sick Children in the United StatesDMedical Insurance in the United States and Britain

单选题Since the Second World War, most urban growth in the United States has occurred on the outskirts of existing metropolitan areas.Acounties Bedges Cstreets Dintersections

单选题A military member has just returned to the United States from Europe and reports their personaldesktop computer does not work. Which of the following is the MOST logical solution to thisproblem?()AThe computer is unable to work in the US because of EU licensing arrangementsBThe power supply needs to be replaced with one rated for 110 wattsCThe power supply needs a power inverter to handle the change in cyclesDThe power supply voltage needs to be switched to 110 from 220

单选题The passage is chiefly concerned with _____.Aarguing against the increased internationalization of United States corporationsBwarning that the application of laws affecting trade frequently has unintended consequencesCdemonstrating that foreign-based firms receive more subsidies from their governments than United States firms receive from the United States governmentDadvocating the use of trade restrictions for “dumped” products but not for other imports

单选题From the beginning of this passage we know that.Amost of the American states were prohibited to take a restBthe United States of America prohibited others from restCthe United States of America prohibited alcohol salesDmost states in the country began to allow alcohol sales

单选题Since Jonas Salk came up with his polio vaccine, infantile paralysis has virtually disappeared from the United States.Asurfaced withBraised the price ofCdiscoveredDelevated

单选题Which of the following statements most clearly contradicts the information in this passage?AWhile Texas was under Mexican control, the population of Texas quadrupled, in spite of the fact the Mexico discouraged immigration from the United States.BMost Indians living in Texas resisted Spanish acculturation and were either killed or enslaved.CBy the time Mexico acquired Texas, many Indians had already married people of Spanish Heritage.DMany Mexicans living in Texas returned to Mexico after Texas was annexed by the United States.

单选题The author intends to tell the readers that _____.Athe United States is a wealthy country although poverty and crime exist thereBcrime has become a serious problem in the United States, although it is said to be a prosperous oneCdespite the fact that crimes have been increasing rapidly in the United States, it is a country of prosperityDin spite of stories about poverty and crime in the United States, it is prospering at an increasing rate

单选题It can be inferred from the passage that the minimal basis for a complaint to the international Trade Commission is which of the following?AA foreign competitor has received a subsidy from a foreign government.BA foreign competitor has substantially increased the volume of products shipped to the United States.CA foreign competitor selling products in the United States at less than fair market value.DThe company requesting import relief has been injured by the sale of imports in the United States.