单选题According to Juliet. the people she meets areArather difficult to please.Brude to women drivers.Ctalkative and generous with tips.Ddifferent in personality.

According to Juliet. the people she meets are

rather difficult to please.


rude to women drivers.


talkative and generous with tips.


different in personality.


谈到当司机遇到的人时,女士提到,司机工作的最大优势是能够遇见形形色色的人。D项“different in personality”是原文中various characters的同义转述。故D项为答案。
M: Hello. Juliet. I know you are one of the few women taxi drivers in the city now, and you drive for a living. What made you want to become a taxi driver in the first place?
  W: I took pride in driving well even when I was young, for I had to wait until I had a car to learn to drive. When I finally learned, it was something I really enjoyed and still enjoy. I remembered how smart those taxi drivers had seemed driving so well, and dressed so neatly in their uniforms and I thought I’d like to do that myself.
  M: You really enjoy driving, I see. And how long have you been a taxi driver?
  W: Er, all together 12 years.
  M: Mm, for quite some time already, hasn’t it?
  M: Then, what did you find the most difficult about becoming a taxi driver?
  W: I can still remember when I was first learning to drive—it was scary, didn’t know yet how to judge distance, and when a big truck came near it seemed like its wheels would just come right over me. Anyway, soon I learned to judge distance. I began looking ahead, stopped worrying about trucks and about what was moving on either side.
  M: In your opinion, what does it take to become a good driver?
  W: Eh, besides driving well, the most important thing a taxi driver needs to know is the streets. and I knew the city well because I had rived in it for a long time. I knew all the main streets. and even the side streets. And of course you have to keep updating your knowledge of the streets, because the city changes. There might be a new road appearing somewhere one day.
  M: Now, what about annual leaves? Do you have them?
  W: Oh, yes. When I first started, I had only ten days. Now, I have three weeks every year, with pay.
  M: Just out of curiosity. When you go on vacation to another place or city. do you drive there as well?
  W: In most cases, not. I prefer to be driven by others, if we go by car. I would also prefer to go by train or plane, if there is a choice. I have already had too much driving in my life. So, when on holiday, I just want to relax.
  M: I see. Let’s come back to your work. Are there any unpleasant aspects in your job?
  W: The only serious difficulty in this work is that it’s sometimes dangerous to drive at night. But you have a choice, and I always choose to work days rather than nights.
  M: Then, what is the best part of your job?
  W: I soon found that what I liked best about this job was being outdoors, seeing how the city changes from season to season. And there are places I’ve seen that I probably never would have seen in another job. and I love all kinds of weather. I like to leave the window down in a fine rain. And. and when I have a long drive near the end of the day, I sometimes go past my home to tell my two little children I’ll be home soon, and they always want to come along in my car.
  M: Oh, do they? I guess all kids like to be taken for a ride sometimes.
  W: Yeah, But you cannot take anyone along unless they pay or you pay for them. So I’ll have to pay their fares one of these days and take them out in my taxi, because they really think it’s fun. Out in the countryside on a long drive, with the air fresh and the sun shining, you just seem to want to drive forever. At least, that’s how it is for me.
  M: Being a taxi driver, you have to meet all kinds of people. How do you feel about that?
  W: I enjoy meeting many different people. I might not have met some if not for this job, and I’ve learned a lot about how people behave in these years.
  M: Can you tell us a bit more about it?
  W: The biggest advantage is that you come across various characters in your work. Some people are interesting, some rushed, some pleasant, some funny, some talkative. Some are so pressed for time that they change clothes in the taxi. Those who are in the greatest rush would sometimes forget to pay.
  M: Have you ever met someone who doesn’t like women drivers?
  W: Yes. Once a passenger really objected to having a woman driver. and I laughed at him so much that he stopped his fussing. Although there has been one or two cases like this, I still think most people are nice to women drivers. So, this is really an interesting part of my work.
  M: Now, my last question. Have you ever thought of changing your job?
  W: Not yet. I might, in a few years’ time. But not at this moment, because I really enjoy my work, and I do get a lot of satisfaction out of it. So, why should I?
  M: Ok. our interview is coming to the end. I’d like to wind up our interview by wishing you good luck. Thank you very much for your time, Juliet.
  W: Pleasure.


DAnne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. Why do some people change their names? There can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember. On the other hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an unusual name because he wants to be different.People have a lot of reasons for changing their names. Film stars, singers, sportsmen and some other famous people often change their names because they want names that are not ordinary, or that have special sound. They chose the “new name” for themselves instead of the name their parents gave them when they were born.Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have moved to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example, Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he moved to the United States. He uses the name Ken at his job and at school. But with his family and Chinese friends, he uses Li Kaiming. For some people, using different names makes life easier in their new country.In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husband’s after she gets married. But today, many women are keeping their own family name and not using their husband’s. Sometimes , women use their own name in some situations (情况)and their husband’s in other situations . And some use both their own name and their husband’s.根据短文内容,完成下面表格。different peoplereason to change the nameHannaIt is ____61____ for people to remember.JosephHe wants to have a name that’s ____62_____.famous peopleTheir name may sound _____63_____.Li KaimingUsing different names can make ____64_____ easier.a womanAfter she gets _____65_____, she may change her name.61._________________________________________________________________________

According to the passage, growing lab meat is technically difficult because _________A. meat is a tissue not difficult to be made artificiallyB. it is too expensive to produce a single pound of lab meatC. different cell types play different roles in flavors and mouth-feelsD. exact cell structure imitation is not essential to make the lab meat delicious

What is the 'biggest city in the world? That is, (21) city has the largest population? This seems like (22) question to answer, but actually it isn't.It's actually rather difficult to say which cities (23) the largest. There are two reasons for this difficulty. First of all, it isn't easy to determine a city's boundaries, that is, where a city ends. Nowadays, nearly all cities have a large (24) area around them. So when we talk about the population of a city, we often mean the population of the whole metropolitan area around the city. That means that it's difficult to determine what the population of a city is because it's difficult to define what a city is.The second reason that it is difficult to 25 the population of different cities is this: it is almost impossible to get (26) about the population of all cities for the same year. For example, we might get an estimate of New York's population in 1979 and an (27) of Mexico City's population in 1981. So we real ly can't compare the numbers because the information is for (28) different years. And the population of cities changes rather quickly, especially in some cases. For example, the population of Jakarta, Indonesia, may increase by 5% each year, so the population figure will change rather quickly.So we can say that these are our two (29) for comparing the populations of cities: one, it's difficult to determine the (30) of a city, and two, it is difficult to get accurate information.21. A. whatB. whichC. whereD. how

Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?A.Women are biologically more vulnerable to stress.B.Women are still suffering much stress caused by men.C.Women are more experienced than men in coping with stress.D.Men and women show different inclinations when faced with stress.

People who disagree with women's opinions believe______.A. women can't do what men canB. men can earn money more easily than womenC. men's responsibilities are different from women'sD. men have to work much harder than women

What made some people different from others according to Confucius?A.FamilyB.PotentialC.KnowledgeD.Community

She ____________ herself ____________ looking after the old people in her area. A.concerns…with…B.views…as…C.treats…as…D.suspects…of…

According to the passage, early-twentieth-century education reformers believed that ______.A) different groups needed different kinds of educationB) special programs Should be set up in frontier communities to modernize themC) corporations and other organizations damaged educational progressD) more women should be involved in education and industry

Which of the following statements is true according to the article?A. Men do better than women when it comes to learning English.B.Women stand out at remembering people's names.C. Men excel at typing as many words in a particular category as possible in the giventime.D. Women excel at dealing mathematic problems.

According to the second paragraph, life expectancy______.( )[A] shows that an older man is expected to live to 84.8[B] for men is longer than for women today[C] for women was shorter than for men in 1900[D] for people has been getting longer since 1900

共用题干Pop Music in AfricaYoung musicians in African countries are creating a new kind of pop music. The tunes and the rhythms of their music combine African traditions with various forms of music popular today,such as hip-hop,rap,rock,jazz,or reggae. The result is music that may sound familiar to listeners anywhere in the world,but at the same time is distinctly African. It is different also in another way:Many of the songs are very serious and they deal with important social or political issues in Africa today.Eric Wainaina is one of these African musicians.He grew up in Nairobi,Kenya,in a family of musicians.As a teenager,he listened to pop music from the United States,and later he moved to Boston to study at the Berklee College of Music. Now he has produced a CD in Kenya. Eric's most popular song,“Land of‘A Little Something’”is about Kenya's problem of bribery,or paying others for illegal favors.He wants people to listen to his songs and think about how to make Kenya a better place to live.Another musician who writes serious songs is Witness Mwaijaga from Tanzania. Her own experiences have helped her understand the suffering of many African women. At the age of fifteen she lost her home,but she was luckier than other homeless young people. She could make a living by writing songs and singing on the street. By the time she was eighteen years old,She had become a star. Her songs are written in rap or hip-hop style about the problems that she sees in Tanzania,especially AIDS and the lack of rights for women.Baaba Maal,from Senegal,also feels that pop music must go beyond entertainment. He says that in Senegal,storytellers have alwaysbeen important people. In the past,they were the ones who kept the history of their people alive. Baaba believes that songwriters now have a similar responsibility. They must write about the world around them and help people understand how it could be better. The words of his songs are important,in fact.They speak of peace and cooperation among Africans,as well as the rights of women,love for one's family, and saving the environment.One of South Africa's most popular musicians is Brenda Fassie. She is sometimes compared to Madonna,the American pop star,because she likes to shock people in her shows. But she also likes to make people think. She became famous in the 1980s for her simple pop songs against apartheid. Now that apartheid has ended,her songs are about other issues in South African culture and life. To sing about these,she uses local African languages and a new pop style called kwaito.In recent years,people outside of Africa have also begun to listen to these young musici-ans. Through music,the younger generation of Africans are connecting with the rest of the world and,at the same time,influencing the rest of the world.Witness Mwaijaga writes about the problem of women partly because______.A:she has had a difficult life herselfB: there are many problems in TanzaniaC: she has had an easy life herselfD: there are no other women singers

共用题干Women with AIDSFor a long time women with HIV were ignored because the focus was totally on HIV men.The gay community was very much in sight and vocal and successfully got support for its cause.Now we are rapidly approaching the point where about one half of all AIDS cases in the world are women .But no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women seriously enough.Women usually have a worse time dealing with HIV than men do.In most cases,the woman is taking care of children as well as her sick partner. She may not even have time to take care of her-self. The HIV- positive woman ends up shouldering the family as well as her own personal prob- lems.Men,however,are usually the ones who have insurance income and access to doctors.They get care.Women often do not.The discrimination against HIV-positive women is simply terrible.They are likely to be more inactive than men in home and workplace because too many people think that women are the cause of the discase .This is not at all true.They get it from a man.They don't just simply have HIV.Of cause,there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV.They are scared that other peo- ple will know they are HIV-positive and that they will,therefore be discriminated against.For ex-ample,it's very difficult for people with HIV to travel.They are not allowed to enter many coun- tries,including the United States,China and Russia.The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolation.Once the woman knows she's HIV-positive,she lives in fear that other people will find out. She's so frightened she will go into hiding,into an isolated place by herself. It's not at all uncommon to meet a woman who has been HIV-positive for nearly 10 years and has never told anyone,except her doctor. And the resulting stress is enough to make her sick.But HIV-positive women who get support,who can discuss their trouble and then do something about it-whether that means taking better care of them-selves or going to the United Nations to struggle for their rights-are likely to live longer. Active women don't die out of shame in a corner. This happens to too many HIV-positive women. Active women with AIDS tend live longer.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

共用题干Women with AIDSFor a long time women with HIV were ignored because the focus was totally on HIV men.The gay community was very much in sight and vocal and successfully got support for its cause.Now we are rapidly approaching the point where about one haff of all AIDS cases in the. world are women. But no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women seriously enough.Women usually have a worse time dealing with HIV than men do.In most cases,the woman is taking care of children as well as her sick partner. She may not even have time to take care of herself. The HIV-positive woman ends up shouldering the family as well as her own personal problems. Men,however,are usually the ones who have insurance income and access to doctors.They get care.Women often do not.The discrimination against HIV-positive women is simply terrible.They are likely to be more inactive than men in the home and workplace because too many people think that women are the cause of the disease.This is not at all true.They get it from a man.They don't just simply have HIV.Of course,there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV.They are scared that other people will know they are HJV-positive and that they will,therefore be discriminated against. For example,it's very difficult for people with HIV to travel.They are not allowed to enter many countries,including the United States,China and Russia.The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolatjon.Once the woman knows she's HIV-positive,she lives in fear that other people will find out.She's so frightened she will go into hiding,into an isolated place by herself. It's not at all uncommon to meet a woman who has been HIV-positive for nearly 10 years and has never told anyone,except her doctor. And the resulting stress is enough to make her sick.But HIV-positive women who get support,who can discuss their trouble and then do something about it一whether that means taking better care of themselves or going to the United Nations to struggle for their rights一are likely to live longer. Active women don't die out of shame in a corner. This happens to too many HIV-positive women.Women with AIDS are encouraged to tell their trouble to others.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Women with AIDSFor a long time women with HIV were ignored because the focus was totally on HIV men.The gay community was very much in sight and vocal and successfully got support for its cause.Now we are rapidly approaching the point where about one haff of all AIDS cases in the. world are women. But no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women seriously enough.Women usually have a worse time dealing with HIV than men do.In most cases,the woman is taking care of children as well as her sick partner. She may not even have time to take care of herself. The HIV-positive woman ends up shouldering the family as well as her own personal problems. Men,however,are usually the ones who have insurance income and access to doctors.They get care.Women often do not.The discrimination against HIV-positive women is simply terrible.They are likely to be more inactive than men in the home and workplace because too many people think that women are the cause of the disease.This is not at all true.They get it from a man.They don't just simply have HIV.Of course,there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV.They are scared that other people will know they are HJV-positive and that they will,therefore be discriminated against. For example,it's very difficult for people with HIV to travel.They are not allowed to enter many countries,including the United States,China and Russia.The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolatjon.Once the woman knows she's HIV-positive,she lives in fear that other people will find out.She's so frightened she will go into hiding,into an isolated place by herself. It's not at all uncommon to meet a woman who has been HIV-positive for nearly 10 years and has never told anyone,except her doctor. And the resulting stress is enough to make her sick.But HIV-positive women who get support,who can discuss their trouble and then do something about it一whether that means taking better care of themselves or going to the United Nations to struggle for their rights一are likely to live longer. Active women don't die out of shame in a corner. This happens to too many HIV-positive women.There are more AIDS cases in the United States,China and Russia.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

There are many stereotypes about the character of people in various parts of the United States.In the Northeast and Midwest,people are said to be closed and private.In the South and West,however,they are often thought of as being more open and hospitable.Ask someone from St.Louis where the nearest sandwich shop is,and he or she will politely give you directions.A New Yorker might eye you at first and after deciding it is safe to talk to you,might give you a rather unexpected explanation.A person from Georgia might be very kind about directing you and even suggest some different places to eat.A Texan just might take you to the place and treat you to lunch.American stereotypes are abundant.New Englanders are often thought of as being friendly and helpful.Southerners are known for their hospitality and warmth.People from the western part of the United States are often considered very outgoing.These differences in character can be traced to different factors such as climate,living conditions,and historical development.When travelling from place to place,Americans themselves are often surprised at the differing degrees of friendliness in the United States.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.New Yorkers are usually open with strangerB.People from the South are usually considered good hostC.The friendliest Americans travel from place to placD.Different parts have different customs and habit

资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon (外科医生) , but a serious eye problem forced he r to give up the idea.Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her won hospital, she also set up the first medical school for women.According to the passage, all of the following are “firsts” in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell, except that she ________ .A.was the first woman doctorB.and several other women founded the first hospital for women childrenC.became the first woman physicianD.set up the first medical school for women

She is always diplomatic when she deals with naughty students.A: firmB: tactfulC: outspokenD:rude

共用题干第一篇Florence NightingaleFlorence Nightingale was born in Florence,Italy,while her wealthy English parents were traveling in Europe.As a child,she traveled to many places with her family and learned how to speak several languages.When Nightingale was 17,she told her family that she was going to help sick people. Her parents did not approve,but Nightingale was determined.She traveled to hospitals all over Europe.She saw that doctors were working too hard. She saw that patients died because they did not get enough care.Nightingale felt that women could be doing more to help doctors take care of sick people.Nightingale knew that in order for nurses to do more,they needed special training in how to take care of sick people.Nightingale went to a hospital in Germany to study nursing. Then she returned to London and became the head of a group of women called Gentlewomen During Illness.These women cared for sick people in their homes.In 1854,England was fighting a war with Russia.War reporters wrote about the terrible conditions in the hospitals that cared for the wounded.People demanded that something be done about it.A leader of the government asked Florence Nightingale to take some nurses into the war hospitals.So,in November 1854,Nightingale finally got to work in a hospital.She took along 38 nurses whom she had trained herself.At first,the doctors on the battlefields did not want Nightingale and her nurses in their hospitals.They did not believe that women could help.But in fact,the nurses did make a difference.They worked around the clock,tending the sick.Thanks to their hard work, many wounded soldiers survived.After the war,Nightingale and her nurses were treated like heroes.Finally,in 1860, she started the Nightingale School for Nurses.In time,thanks to Florence Nightingale, nursing became an important part of medicine. Nightingale played a great role inA:the building of war hospitals.B:the education of women.C:the development of nursing.D:the improvement of working conditions for women.

共用题干第一篇Florence NightingaleFlorence Nightingale was born in Florence,Italy,while her wealthy English parents were traveling in Europe.As a child,she traveled to many places with her family and learned how to speak several languages.When Nightingale was 17,she told her family that she was going to help sick people. Her parents did not approve,but Nightingale was determined.She traveled to hospitals all over Europe.She saw that doctors were working too hard. She saw that patients died because they did not get enough care.Nightingale felt that women could be doing more to help doctors take care of sick people.Nightingale knew that in order for nurses to do more,they needed special training in how to take care of sick people.Nightingale went to a hospital in Germany to study nursing. Then she returned to London and became the head of a group of women called Gentlewomen During Illness.These women cared for sick people in their homes.In 1854,England was fighting a war with Russia.War reporters wrote about the terrible conditions in the hospitals that cared for the wounded.People demanded that something be done about it.A leader of the government asked Florence Nightingale to take some nurses into the war hospitals.So,in November 1854,Nightingale finally got to work in a hospital.She took along 38 nurses whom she had trained herself.At first,the doctors on the battlefields did not want Nightingale and her nurses in their hospitals.They did not believe that women could help.But in fact,the nurses did make a difference.They worked around the clock,tending the sick.Thanks to their hard work, many wounded soldiers survived.After the war,Nightingale and her nurses were treated like heroes.Finally,in 1860, she started the Nightingale School for Nurses.In time,thanks to Florence Nightingale, nursing became an important part of medicine.On the battlefields Nightingale and her nurses proved to beA:as bad as the doctors had expected.B:quite generous.C:less than useful.D:very helpful.

共用题干Verity Allen's New Show on Colors1 Different colors can affect us in many different ways;that's according to Verity Allen.In her new se- ries'Color me Healthy',Verity looks at the ways that colors can influence how hard we work and thechoices we make.They can even change our emotions and even influence how healthy we arc.2 "Have you ever noticed how people always use the same colors for the same things?" says Verity."Ourtoothpaste is always white or blue or maybe red.It'g never green.Why not?For some reason we think that blue and white is clean,while we think of green products as being a bit disgusting. It's the same for businesses.We respect a company which writes its name in blue or black,but we don't respect one that uses pink or orange.People who design new products can use these ideas to influence what we buy."3 During this four-pait series,Verity studies eight different colors,two colors in each program.Shemeets people who work in all teipects of the color industry,from people who design food packets to people who name the colors of lipsticks.4 Some of the people she meets clearly have very little scientific knowledge to support their ideas,such as the American"Color Doctor"who believes that serious diseases can be cured by,he use of colored lights. However,she also interviews real scientists who are studying the effects of green and red lights on mice,withsome surprising results.5 Overall,it's an interesting show,and anyone who watches it will probably find out something new.But because Verity goes out of her way to be polite to everyone she meets on the series,it's up to the viewers to make their own decisions about how much they should believe.During her four一part series,Verity meets people who work in_____________.A:little scientific knowledge B:make their own decisionsC:design new productsD:change our emotionsE:name the coioro of lipotick5F:all aspects of the color industry

单选题According to the author, the United States claims to be a nation _____.Acomposed of people having different valuesBencouraging individual pursuitsCsharing common interestsDfounded on shared ideals

单选题According to this advertisement, at the Forum people ______.Acome together in order to form an organizationBexpress different opinions and discuss public affairsCeat together to celebrate their success or victoryDwork together for the purpose of business

单选题For a long time people believe that ______.Amen and women have exactly the same brains in their headsBmen and women have quite different brains in their headsCmen are better at mathematics while women better at languagesDmen and women see the world around them in different ways

单选题According to Juliet. the people she meets areArather difficult to please.Brude to women drivers.Ctalkative and generous with tips.Ddifferent in personality.

单选题AThey are rather difficult to please.BThey are rude to women drivers.CThey are talkative and generous with tips.DThey are different in personality.

判断题People from different religious and racial background would find it more difficult to be accepted by the host countries, according to what is proposed.A对B错

单选题According to SustainAbility, what is the reason for the appearance of so many different definitions for globalization?AThere’s no authoritative definition for globalization.BOthers’ definitions are more convincing than professor Levitt’s.CDifferent people have different ideas on globalization.DThings are different after two decades’ time.

单选题According to Elshtain, the current moral decline may be reversed ______.Aif people can return to the “golden age”Bwhen women and men enjoy equal rightsCwhen people rid themselves of prejudiceDif less emphasis is laid on material things