单选题______Ain Bon Cwith Dto
他们相信下一段婚姻会开心些,所以结束这段婚姻。do sth. in hope that表示做某事的同时希望某事发生。with hope是带着某种希望做某事请。hope不与on或to搭配。
他们相信下一段婚姻会开心些,所以结束这段婚姻。do sth. in hope that表示做某事的同时希望某事发生。with hope是带着某种希望做某事请。hope不与on或to搭配。
单选题It is useful to science considering the earth as an object in space.Ato considerBwhich considers CconsidersDthe consideration of
单选题Too many regulatory organizations have a development-first mindset and enforcement and oversight are ineffective, if not altogether lacking.Aneglect Bignorance Cblunder Dsupervision
单选题For many adolescents, participation in sports is one way that they can feel true self-esteem.Aloyalty Bliberty Cselfishness Dpride
单选题After crude oil is extracted from a well, it is usually piped to a refinery.Aunrefined Btoxic Ctransparent Dturbid
单选题Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe models of the online fashion stores were not suitable.BSome online fashion stores still make profits.CThere are online stores in Italy that make money.DSweden’s online stores are doing well by discount.
单选题For what was the doctor in the passage charged?AFor his incompetence.BFor his unnecessary services to the patients.CFor unusually large number of night visits.DAll the above.
问答题尾气污染 近年来,中国汽车保有量年平均增长达15%左右。汽车总量剧增,大量排放有害气体,成为危害国人身心健康的“无形杀手”。据统计,在全国总死亡人数中,呼吸系统疾病占22.64%,居死亡人数第一位,这与大气的污染有直接关系。专家分析,城市大气污染70%以上来自汽车尾气排放。北京大气中74%的碳氢化合物、63%的一氧化碳和37%的氮氧化物均来自汽车尾气。 专家还指出,中国汽车尾气污染的根本源头是现代汽车工业技术水平低下,新车质量不高,能源消耗高。中国汽车设计与制造技术水平大多尚停留在国际60年代水平。大多数汽车装配492型发动机,整体性能差,电子喷射技术差,汽油燃烧不充分,机内净化问题没有解决好,没有严格的新车尾气排放标准。汽车尾气污染城市环境问题已引起国家有关部门及民众的高度重视,一些治理措施正在逐步有效地展开。国务院规定,中国将在2000年完全禁止生产、销售和使用含铅汽油。
问答题中国海洋事业的发展 海洋覆盖了地球表面的71%,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分,也是资源的宝库,环境的重要调节器。人类社会的发展必然会越来越多地依赖海洋。 二十一世纪是人类开发利用海洋的新世纪。维护《联合国海洋法公约》确定的国际海洋法律原则,维护海洋健康,保护海洋环境,确保海洋资源的可持续利用和海上安全,已成为人类共同遵守的准则和共同担负的使命。 中国是一个发展中的沿海大国。中国高度重视海洋的开发和保护,把发展海洋事业作为国家发展战略,加强海洋综合管理,不断完善海洋法律制度,积极发展海洋科学技术和教育。中国积极参与联合国系统的海洋事务,推进国家间和地区性海洋领域的合作,并认真履行自己承担的义务,为全球海洋开发和保护事业作出了积极贡献。
单选题Niagara Falls is a great tourist attraction, luring millions of visitors each year.Aserving Battracting Centertaining Dreceiving
单选题The scenery on the way was truly spectacular , with beautiful mountains, rivers and valleys, and I took a lot of pictures from the window.Anotorious Bamazing Cnoble Ddiplomatic
单选题From the last paragraph, we can see that __________.Aa teacher’s influence on children is always positiveBchildren should be encouraged to reach their own decisions by ignoring objective factsCif improperly handled, a teacher’s influence can be very harmful to the childrenDchildren may develop prejudices if the teacher’s attitude is wrong
单选题According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?AConnections with businesses overseas.BAbility to speak the client’s language.CTechnical know-how.DBusiness experience.
单选题A land ethic of course cannot prevent the conversion, management, and use of the resources of soil, waters, plants and animals.Aaltercation Balternation Calteration Dallocation
单选题Camels have extra, almost transparent, eyelids through which they can see in sandstorms.Aadditional Binvaluable Cprotective Dsensitive
单选题Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a tamadn family?AA tamarin family consists of Father, Mother and their children.BThe family life is organized like humans.CAll the family members share the responsibility in the upbringing.DTamarin brains are big for their size.
单选题The Atlantic coast of Patagonia is increasingly vulnerable. Squid fishing is depleting food stocks vital to marine life.Aessential Bpreliminary Csophisticated Dsheer
单选题For children, playing is an automatic and integral component of growing up.Areminder Bcorrosion Cjunction Dpart
单选题Leonard da Vinci, the famous Italian painter, was also distinguished for his contributions to architecture.Awell-known Bbright Cimaginary Dpublic
单选题He was such a good friend that he was practically a member of the family.Avirtually Btheoretically Cskillfully Dseasonally
单选题______ATherefore BYet CMoreover DThus