问答题Excessive sugar has a strong mal-effect on the functioning of active (1) o____ such as the heart, kidneys and the brain. Shipwrecked sailors who ate and drank nothing but sugar for nine days surely went (2)____ some of this trauma.  This incident occurred when a vessel carrying a (3) ca____ of sugar was shipwrecked in 1793. The five (4)____(survive) sailors were finally rescued nine days after the accident. They were in a wasted condition due to starvation, having consumed nothing but (5)____.French physiologist F. Magendie was inspired by that incident to (6) co____ a series of experiments with (7) an____. In the experiments, he fed dogs a diet of sugar and water. All the dogs wasted and died.  The shipwrecked sailors and the French physiologist’s experimental dogs proved the same point. As a steady diet, sugar is worse than nothing. Plain water can keep you (8) a____ for quite some time. Sugar and water can kill you. Humans and animals are “unable to subsist (9)____ a diet of sugar”. The dead dogs in Professor Magendie’s (10) la____ alerted the sugar industry to the hazards of free scientific inquiry. From that day to this, the sugar industry has invested millions of dollars in behind-the-scenes, subsidized science. The best scientific names that money could buy have been hired, in the hope that they could one day come up with something at least pseudoscientific in the way of glad tidings about sugar.

Excessive sugar has a strong mal-effect on the functioning of active (1) o____ such as the heart, kidneys and the brain. Shipwrecked sailors who ate and drank nothing but sugar for nine days surely went (2)____ some of this trauma.  This incident occurred when a vessel carrying a (3) ca____ of sugar was shipwrecked in 1793. The five (4)____(survive) sailors were finally rescued nine days after the accident. They were in a wasted condition due to starvation, having consumed nothing but (5)____.French physiologist F. Magendie was inspired by that incident to (6) co____ a series of experiments with (7) an____. In the experiments, he fed dogs a diet of sugar and water. All the dogs wasted and died.  The shipwrecked sailors and the French physiologist’s experimental dogs proved the same point. As a steady diet, sugar is worse than nothing. Plain water can keep you (8) a____ for quite some time. Sugar and water can kill you. Humans and animals are “unable to subsist (9)____ a diet of sugar”. The dead dogs in Professor Magendie’s (10) la____ alerted the sugar industry to the hazards of free scientific inquiry. From that day to this, the sugar industry has invested millions of dollars in behind-the-scenes, subsidized science. The best scientific names that money could buy have been hired, in the hope that they could one day come up with something at least pseudoscientific in the way of glad tidings about sugar.


解析: 暂无解析


——Would you tell me ___you want your tea , with sugar or milk ?——Sugar , please . A、whetherB、whenC、howD、what

The common form. of sugar is derived () two plants: the sugar cane and the sugar beet. A. fromB. ofC. aboutD. on

We still have( )sugar. We don't need ____________ sugar now. A. some. . . anyB. any. . . someC. a... someD. some. . . a

7.I put _________in the milk and ateA.many sugars,much breadB.lots of sugar,many breadsC.lots of sugar,much breadD.many sugars,many breads

Mr. White has been --------(缺席的)from work for days, so he knows nothing about our new plan.

Stacie neither ( ) for the past three days. A、eats nor drankB、eating nor drinkingC、ate nor drinkingD、ate nor drank

In some parts of the world, such as in England, tea ______ with milk and sugar.A is servingB servesC is servedD served

sugar coated tablets

No Sweet Talk About SugarSugar's proponents call it quick energy, opponents say it's empty calories (卡路里) 。 But to the average person, who consumes a quarter of a pound of it each day, sugar is mostly an irresistibly good taste.In fact, people seem to have an innate "sweet tooth."Human societies have long equated sweetness with goodness - sweet mystery of life, sweet smell of success, sweetheart - and that enhances (增强;提高) the attraction.But in recent years, sugar has also been singled out as a potential enemy of the healthy life.Cited for such evils as distracting youngsters from more nutritious (营养的) foodstuffs, enhancing obesity (肥胖), ruining teeth and causing diabetes(糖尿病), it has become the most maligned (恶毒的) of the main components of our diet.Sugar, like starch, is a carbohydrate (碳水化合物).Its many types include sucrose (table sugar refined from sugarcane or beets), lactose (milk sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), glucose (blood sugar), dextrose (右旋糖), maltose(麦芽糖) and galactose (半乳糖).Seventy percent of the sugar in the labels on all the packaged products in your pantry (食品室) and see how many list sugar (or corn syrup) as a main ingredient (成分) 。Early this century, the average North American consumed about 76 pounds of refined sugar a year, but starches formed two thirds of his dietary carbohydrates.Today, per-capita refined sugar consumption hovers around 95 pounds, and all types of sugar represent more than half the carbohydrate calories.But in relying on sucrose-sweetened processed foods as a main carbohydrate source, we may miss the essential nutrients - fiber, vitamins and minerals - found in other carbohydrate foods like fruits, vegetables and breads.The body has no physiological need for sucrose that cannot be satisfied by other, more nutritious foods.The body can convert starches to sugar, or use the sugar in fruits and vegetables for energy.In fact, nutrition experts say that even the purported (传说的) need for sugar as quick energy is a myth except in a few rare situations, such as a diabetic in insulin shock.During exercise, the body calls upon its reserve of glycogen (肝糖) (and, if that runs low, fatty acids from the breakdown of triglycerides) to supply the muscles with needed energy.If you eat sugar before exercising, your body simply stores it.As for sugar's reputed adverse (不利的) health effects, the following can be said on the basis of available evidence:Obesity, Sugar supplies four calories per gram - about the same as protein and less half that of fat.Excess caloric intake, not sugar, causes obesity.But since calories can be highly concentrated in sugar-sweetened foods, you may eat many more calories than you need of such foods before you feel full or even realize how much you consumed.Tooth decay.Sugar definitely promotes the development of dental caries.Bacteria in the mouth digest (消化) the sugar on tooth surfaces, and produce acid which eats away the enamel (珐琅).It is the time sugar remains on the teeth, rather than the amount eaten, that makes the difference.To reduce the risk of decay, dentists recommend rinsing your mouth or brushing you teeth after consuming anything sweet, and avoiding sweets between meals.Diabetes.In diabetes, the pancreas (胰腺) fails to produce enough insulin to clear the blood of excess glucose.Thus, diabetics must curb their intake of sweets lest their blood-sugar levels rise dangerously high.But the important factor in diabetes is controlling body weight.Heart Disease.The theory that sugar is an important factor in heart disease does not have wide support among experts, who say that fats and cholesterol (胆固醇) are the more likely culprits (罪魁祸首).Some people have a tendency to develop high blood levels of fatty substances called triglycerides, which may promote atherosclerosis (动脉硬化).They are often advised to reduce their sugar intake, but losing weight is more important.Diets free of sucrose can lower abnormally high triglyceride levels, but they have been found to have little or no effect on triglyceride levels that are acceptable in the first place.1、What does the word "innate" mean?()A、born withB、implantedC、badD、healthy2、Which of the following statements is NOT true?()A、There are many types of sugar such as sucrose, lactose, fructose, etc.B、Sugar can cause many health problems such as obesity, tooth decay and diabetes.C、Sugar is not nutritious because it doesn't contain fiber, vitamin and mineral.D、Sugar is physiologically needed by the body and can not be substituted by other substance.3、"Curb their intake of sweets" can also be referred to as()their intake of sweets.A、increaseB、decreaseC、limitD、take4、Based on the ideas presented in the passage we can conclude that ().A、there is not available evidence to show sugar's bad effectsB、if you eat a lot of sweet food, you may suffer from obesity, because such food contains a lot of caloriesC、to limit sugar intake is the most important thing for the atherosclerosis patientD、most experts believe that sugar can cause heart disease5、From the passage, we know().A、sugar eats away the enamel, thus causing tooth decayB、the cause for diabetes is the excessive intake of sugarC、fats and cholesterol have nothing to do with heart diseaseD、high level triglycerides may increase the chances of atherosclerosis

共用题干Free Statins with Fast Food could Neutralize Heart RiskFast food outlets could provide statin drugs free of1so that customers can reduce the heart disease dangers of fatty food,researchers at Imperial College London 2in a new study.Statins reduce the3of unhealthy“LDL” cholesterol in the blood. A wealth of trial data has proven them to be highly effective at lowering a person's heart attack4.In a paper published in the American Journal of Cardiology,Dr Darrel Francis and colleagues calculate that the reduction in heart attack risk offered by a statin is5to offset the increase in heart attack risk from6a cheeseburger and drinking a milkshake.Dr Francis,from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London,who is the senior author of the study,said:“Statins don't cut out all of the7effects of cheeseburgers and French fries. It's better to avoid fatty food altogether. But we've worked out that in terms of your8of having a heart attack. Taking a statin can reduce your risk to more or less the same9 as a fast food meal increases it.”“It's ironic that people are free to take as many unhealthy condi-ments in fast food outlets as they10,but statins,which are beneficial to heart health,have to be prescribed. It makes sense to make risk-reducing statins available just as easily as the unhealthy condiments that are 11 free of charge. It would cost less than 5 pence per/u>12一not much different to a sachet of sugar.”Dr Francis said.When people engage in risky behaviours like driving or smoking,they're encouraged to take13that lower their risk,like14a seatbelt or choosing cigarettes with filters.Taking a statin is a rational way of15some of the risks of eating a fatty meal.7._________A: unhealthy B: strong C: different D: doubtful

I don’t want ( ) sugar in my CoffeeA anyB some C aD an

共用题干Deaths Associated with Sugary Soft DrinksSugar-sweetened sodas,sports drinks and fruit drinks may be associated with about 180,000 deaths around the world each year,according to a recent research.Sugar-sweetened beverages are consumed throughout the world,and contribute to excess body weight,which increases the risk of developing diabetes,cardiovascular diseases and some cancers. Using data collected as part of the 2010 Global Burden of Diseases Study,the researchers linked intake of sugar-sweetened beverages to 133,,000 diabetes deaths,44,000 deaths from cardiovascular diseases and 6,000 cancer deaths.Seventy-eight percent of these deaths due to over-consuming sugary drinks were in low and middle-income countries,rather than high-income countries."In the U.S.,our research shows that about 25,000 deaths in 2010 were linked to drinking sugar-sweetened beverages,"said Mr. Singh,a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.Of nine world regions,Latin America/Caribbean had the most diabetes deaths(38,000)related to the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in 2010.Japan,one of the countries with lowest per-capita consumption of sugary beverages in the world,had the lowest death rate associated with the consumption of sugary beverages,at about 10 deaths due to per million adults."Because we were focused on deaths due to chronic diseases,our study focused on adults.Future research should assess the amount of sugary beverage consumption in children across the world and how this affects their current and future health,"Singh said.The American Heart Association recommends adults consume no more than 450 calories per week,from sugar-sweetened beverages,based on a 2,000 calorie diet and offers tips to help you make better lifestyle choices and eat healthier.The study focused on the entire population.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干The Tough Grass That Sweetens Our LivesSugar cane was once a wild grass that grew in New Guinea and was used by local people for roofing their houses and fencing their gardens. Gradually a different variety evolved which contained sucrose(蔗糖) and was chewed on for its sweet taste.Over time,sugar cane became a highly valuable commercial plant,grown throughout the world.___________(46)Sugar became a vital ingredient in all kinds of things , from confectionery(糖果点心)to medicine, and,as the demand for sugar grew,the industry became larger and more profitable.________(47)Many crops withered(枯萎)and died,despite growers'attempts to save them,and there were fears that the health of the plant would continue to deteriorate.In the 1960s,scientists working in Barbados looked for ways to make the commercial species stronger and more able to resist disease.They experimented with breeding programmes,mixing genes from the wild species of sugar cane,which tends to be tougher,with genes from the more delicate,commercial type. ________(48)This sugar cane is not yet ready to be sold commercially,but when this happens,it is expected to be incredibly profitable for the industry.__________(49)Brazil,which produces one quarter of the world's sugar,has coordinated an interna-tional project under Professor Paulo Arrudo of the Universidade Estaudual de Campinas in Sao Paulo.Teamsof experts have worked with him to discover more about which parts of the genetic structure of the plant are important for the production of sugar and its overall health.Despite all the research,however,we still do not fully understand how the genes act in sugar cane._________(50)This gene is particularly exciting because it makes the plant resistant to rust,a disease which probably originated in India,but is now capable of infecting sugar cane across the world.Scientists believe they will eventually be able to grow a plant which cannot be destroyed by rust._________(46)A:Eventually,a commercial plant was developed which was 5 percent sweeter than before,but also much stronger and less likely to die from disease.B:Unfortunately,however,the plant started to become weaker and more prone to disease.C: One major gene has been identified by Dr Angelique D, Hont and her team in Montpelier, France.D:The majority of the world's sugar now comes from this particular commercial species.E:Sugar cane is now much more vigorous and the supply of sugar is therefore more guaranteed.F: Since the 1960s,scientists have been analysing the mysteries of the sugar cane'S genetic code.

共用题干Deaths Associated with Sugary Soft DrinksSugar-sweetened sodas,sports drinks and fruit drinks may be associated with about 180,000 deaths around the world each year,according to a recent research.Sugar-sweetened beverages are consumed throughout the world,and contribute to excess body weight,which increases the risk of developing diabetes,cardiovascular diseases and some cancers. Using data collected as part of the 2010 Global Burden of Diseases Study,the researchers linked intake of sugar-sweetened beverages to 133,,000 diabetes deaths,44,000 deaths from cardiovascular diseases and 6,000 cancer deaths.Seventy-eight percent of these deaths due to over-consuming sugary drinks were in low and middle-income countries,rather than high-income countries."In the U.S.,our research shows that about 25,000 deaths in 2010 were linked to drinking sugar-sweetened beverages,"said Mr. Singh,a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.Of nine world regions,Latin America/Caribbean had the most diabetes deaths(38,000)related to the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in 2010.Japan,one of the countries with lowest per-capita consumption of sugary beverages in the world,had the lowest death rate associated with the consumption of sugary beverages,at about 10 deaths due to per million adults."Because we were focused on deaths due to chronic diseases,our study focused on adults.Future research should assess the amount of sugary beverage consumption in children across the world and how this affects their current and future health,"Singh said.The American Heart Association recommends adults consume no more than 450 calories per week,from sugar-sweetened beverages,based on a 2,000 calorie diet and offers tips to help you make better lifestyle choices and eat healthier.Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages may link to high blood pressure.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

We’ve______sugar.Ask him to lend us some.A.run away withB.run downC.run offD.run out of

还原糖(reducing sugar)

单选题PPL scientists will try to solve their problem by ______.Aremoving the sugar molecule on the surface of pig cells.Bdistinguishing human tissues form those of pigs.Cusing the sugar-free nucleus in cloning a pig.Dtaking out the sugar genes from the cell of a pig.

单选题The shop doesn't have brown sugar in()at the moment, but they expect to have some tomorrow.AstoreBstorageCstockDportion

问答题Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will

单选题Mother told Rose to buy some sugar in the supermarket and _____.Ashe did soBso she didCso did sheDshe did such

单选题— Would you like some tea, please?— Yes, and I prefer tea ______ some sugar.AtoBforCwithDfrom

单选题A series of brief showers accompanied by strong,shifting winds may occur along or some distance ahead of a(n)().Aupper front aloftBcycloneCoccluded frontDcold front

单选题The strong wind will make us()here for some days.ATo stayBStayingCStayDStayed

单选题We've______sugar. Ask Mrs. Jones to lend us some.Arun away withBrun downCrun offDrun out of

单选题We can safely conclude that ______.Apeople in the 19th century were eager to eat sugarBif shipwrecked sailors had drunk fresh water, things would have been even worseCone or more scientists have been hired to cheat in regard to sugarDscientists can do nothing without the money subsidized secretly

单选题Sugar manufactures have ______.Atried hard to make experiments on their own with sugar on humans and animalsBinvested millions of dollars in buying best names of scientists to sell sugar.Choped to encounter some scientific findings about sugar.Dtried hard to establish public relations in order to open the market for sugar.

单选题All of the following are true about sugar EXCEPT ______.ARefined sugar alone can be a diet for people to live on for a few daysBSugar can cause diabetes, cancer and heart diseasesCUnrefined sugar was once good and very cheap if used to feed and fatten livestockDSugar cannot be used as a daily diet