判断题The Silent Way is based on the premise that the students should be silent as much as possible in the classroom.()A对B错

The Silent Way is based on the premise that the students should be silent as much as possible in the classroom.()



解析: 暂无解析


The way that the osmotic pump pill works is based on a process called______.A.synthesisB.pressureC.celluloseD.osmosis

the teacher give students 2 minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions. in this way, the teacher's role is a/an _____________. A、participantB、controllerC、prompterD、organizer

The text books are designed in such a way that they will really____ the interest of teachers and students. A、cottageB、cattleC、goatD、engage

--Have your students ever seen the silent film?--No, they are too young ______ the old film.A. to seeingB. have seenC.to have seenD. to have

In English teaching, teachers should NOT pay attention to__________.A.providing independent learning and communicating opportunities for studentsB.correcting students' mistakes and errors in the process of learning immediatelyC.encouraging students to discuss, cooperate, experience, practice, and explore the way to master EnglishD.cultivating students' interest

Which of the following is true of formative assessment?A.Mainly based on testing.B.Done mostly at the end of a learning period.C.Mainly for testing students’knowledge and skill.D.Focused on students’learning progress.

Teaching activities must be based on the students' cognitive development level and the existing experienced knowledge, thus, students' personal knowledge, students' life world and are also the important curriculum resources except textbook.A.game activitiesB.labour activitiesC.attitudeD.direct experience

Teaching activities must be based on the students' cognitive development level and theexistingexperiencedknowledge,thus,students'personal knowledge,students'Lifeworld and__________ are also the important curriculum resources except textbook.A.game activitiesB.labour activitiesC.attitudesD.direct experience

Students can do _____ activities, such as, silent reading, doing written exercises, writing something down individually after brainstorming in a group, or individual speech preparations, etc.A.pair workB.whole-class workC.individualD.group work

Which of the folIowing statements about take-based language teaching is NOT true?A.Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom.B.Students are task-driven.C.Task-based language teaching is student-centered.D.Task-based language teaching is teacher-centered.

Teaching activities must be based on the students' cognitive development level and the existing experienced knowledge, thus, students' personal knowledge, students' life world and__________ are also the important curriculum resources except textbook.A.game activitiesB.labour activitiesC.attitudeD.direct experience

根据下面资料,回答Reading aloud and silent reading are two different types of reading practice. Each has a function in the teaching of reading and should not be 16 by the other. However, we need to be aware when we should use them. When we 17 teaching reading or developing reading skills, we are mostly referring to silent reading. To develop 18 readers in a foreign language, silent reading activities must be given enough 19 and time in class with the proper guidance from the 20 . Reading aloud also has its particular 21 for our students who are learning English as a foreign language. 22 can help them acquire good pronunciation and intonation, 23 them with new words and the stress patterns of English, help 24 their eontidenee in speaking the language. Therefore, opportunities should be 25 for students to read aloud only after they have comprehended the text 26 before comprehension can be very 27 and it can easily destroy their self-confidence. With 28 reading, it sets up a poor reading model for other students as well. It is 29 that we first help students learn the text through 30 reading activities and then with comprehension we give our students practice by using an audio tape to 31 a good model for practicing reading aloud. With adequate 32 , we may ask the students to read aloud to the whole class to 33 their motivation and confidence. By asking the students to read aloud, it is also a good chance for the teacher to get 34 on the students′ comprehension as we can notice 35 there are wrong pauses or mispronounced words which indicate possible difficulties or misunderstanding of the text. 第(34)题选A.suggestionB.feedbackC.promotionD.inspiration

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students can master the usage of new phrases: in front of, across from, next to.Ability aim:Students can use these words to describe the way to some places and help others to find the way correctly in their life.Emotional aim:Through various activities, students can improve their oral ability and cooperative spirit.Key and difficult point:Key Point: students can understand the meaning of these phrases and use them to describe the way to some places.Difficult Point: students can apply the knowledge in their daily life and also improve their speaking skills and cooperative spirits through different activities.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Show students some pictures of the famous scenic spots in our city. And ask them two questions: Q1: Where are these famous places?Q2: Do you know how to give directions to others in English?Step 2: Presentation1. Set a situation that our old friend Tommy is visiting our city, and he wants to go some places. Ask students to help him find his way based on the map on the blackboard.2. Ask students to listen to the tape and answer the following questions. They will be divided into three groups, and each group need to answer one question. In this process, the teacher teaches students new phrases through visual demonstration.Q1: Where’s the library?Q2: Where’s the park?Q3: Where’s the pay phone?Step 3: Practice1. Pair work. Ask students work in pairs. One acts as A, and the other acts as B. They need to practice the dialogue, and two pairs will be invited to have a show in the front.2. Describe the pictures. Students need to describe how to get to the places on the pictures by using these phrases.Step4: ProductionDo a survey: ask students to investigate the location of their partners’ homes and write down the results, some volunteers will be invited to do a report.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: ask students to draw a map about the way from their homes to school and describe it to their parents or friends.Blackboard design:1. What teaching methods are used in your class?2. How do you organize students to make a survey?

Which of the following is true of formative assessment ( )A. Mainly based on testing.B. Done mostly at the end of a learning period.C. Mainly for testing students’ knowledge and skill.D. Focused on the progress of students.

What is the purpose of using information gap activity ( )A、 To prepare students for oral presentation.B、 To provide students with an enjoyable activity based on effective communicative approaches.C、 To ask students to listen and writE、D、 To make enough input.

Which of the following is true of formative assessment ( )A、 Mainly based on testing.B、 Done mostly at the end of a learning perioD、C、 Mainly for testing students’ knowledge and skill.D、 Focused on the progress of students.

The Silent Way, Community Language Learning, and Suggestopaedia all lay emphasis on the individual and on personal learning strategies.()A对B错

The Silent Way is based on the premise that the students should be silent as much as possible in the classroom.()A对B错

The Silent Way, Community Language Learning, and Suggestopaedia all lay emphasis on the individual and on personal learning strategies.()

If the teacher uses the same techniques, some students may not have the chance to learn in the way that suits them best.()

The Silent Way is based on the premise that the students should be silent as much as possible in the classroom.()

在线卡盘上查看mac地址学习的命令为()A、sho wport1-27macaddrB、Sho wmacaddress linkma callC、Sho wfdbslot槽位号D、Sho wmacaddress link mac

判断题The instructor might catch more of the students’ attention in the appearance-based class.A对B错

单选题In English teaching, teachers should NOT pay attention to ________.Aproviding independent learning and communicating opportunities for studentsBcorrecting students' mistakes and erors in the process of learning immediatelyCencouraging students to discuss, cooperate, experience, practice, and explore the way to master EnglishDcultivating students' interest

判断题The Silent Way, Community Language Learning, and Suggestopaedia all lay emphasis on the individual and on personal learning strategies.()A对B错

单选题In English teaching,teachers should NOT pay attention to_______.Aproviding independent learning and communicating opportunities for studentsBcorrecting students'mistakes and errors in the process of learning immediatelyCencouraging students to discuss,cooperate,experience,practice,and explore the way to master EnglishDcultivating students'interest

单选题Teaching activities must be based on the students’ cognitive development level and the existing experienced knowledge, thus, students’ personal knowledge, students’ life world and _____ are also the important curriculum resources except textbook.Agame activitiesBlabour activitiesCindirect experienceDdirect experience