


the rest of为固定搭配。


填空题Among the typically essential debts in our lives, the most costly one is credit card debt.____

填空题Lactic acid makes your muscles hurt.____

单选题Professor Elshtain is pleased to see that Americans _____.Ahave adapted to a new set of moral standardsBare longing for the return of the good old daysChave realized the importance of material thingsDare awakening to the lowing of their moral standards

单选题According to Hancock, the telephone is a preferable medium for promoting sales because _____.Asalesmen can talk directly to their customersBsalesmen may feel less restrained to exaggerateCsalesmen can impress customers as being trustworthyDsalesmen may pass on instant messages effectively

单选题According to Robert Foss, The high death rate of teenage drivers is mainly due to _____.Atheir frequent driving at nightBtheir improper way of drivingCtheir lack of driving experienceDtheir driving with passengers

问答题Practice 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Key Factors to Success. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


填空题Stars of television and radio who score high on the likability scale have high energy personalities.____

填空题Traveling alone has a benefit that you can enjoy visiting museums, although it may be time-consuming.____

填空题When we combine fake it still you make it and visualization, it can help us succeed quickly.____

问答题Practice 8  在这样的市场中,商品供应通常很有灵活性。无论从眼前还是从长远看,对于制造商来说,供应随着市场的需求而变化。改变一个公司的产量结构要比改变一个矿井或农场的生产容易。当需求变化不太快的时候,可以把从一家工厂所获得的毛利抽走(siphon off)投资在其他不同的产品上。生意好的时候,就不断进行新的投资以使生产能力满足日益变化的需求。工人们自己也许意识不到通过他们的劳动所生产出的最终产品的变化,各个级别的产业工人们的工资水平很少受到特定市场的财富的影响。

填空题About one-third of the pollutants entering the sea come from atmospheric inputs.____

单选题According to the passage, when people grow fond of one particular brand of a product, its sales will _____.Adecrease graduallyBremain at the same levelCbecome unstableDimprove enormously

单选题AThey are interested in other kinds of reading.BThey are active in voluntary services.CThey tend to be low in education and in income.DThey live in isolated areas.

填空题4500 synthetic chemicals can be classified as POPs.____

填空题Women were supposed to score higher than men in the test, but actually they didn’t.____

问答题Practice 3  有个卖盾和矛的楚国人,夸他的盾说:“我的盾坚固得没有一个东西刺得破啊。”又夸他的矛说:“我的矛锋利得没有一个东西刺不破啊。”有人说:“用您的矛来刺您的盾,会怎么样?”那个人可就回答不出来啦。刺不破的盾和什么东西都刺得破的矛不可能同时存在。

单选题The word “spas” (Line 3, Para.1) most probably refers to _____.Asports activitiesBplaces for physical exerciseCrecreation centersDathletic training programs

单选题What do we learn about Ana Castro from the last paragraph?AShe will be deported sooner or later.BShe is allowed to stay permanently.CHer case has been dropped.DHer fate remains uncertain.

单选题AThey attend a house-sitter’s party.BThey check a house-sitter’s references.CThey interview a house-sitter’s friends.DThey read a house-sitter’s guarantee.

单选题It may be inferred from the passage that _____.Acustomer service in Israel is now improvingBwealthy Israeli customers are hard to pleaseCthe tourist industry has brought chain stores to IsraelDIsraeli customers prefer foreign products to domestic ones


单选题ABecause they have a driving license.BBecause they have received special training.CBecause the traffic conditions in London are good.DBecause the traffic system of the city is not very complex.


单选题AThe rescue operation involved many people.BThe cause of the explosions has been determined.CRescue efforts were stopped on Thursday.DThe explosions didn’t destroy the building.

填空题According to the passage, to slow the process of adaptation is the solution to “hedonic treadmill”.____

填空题About one-third of the pollutants entering the sea come from atmospheric inputs.____

单选题ATo let in the sunshine.BTo serve as its door.CTo keep the nest cool.DFor the bird to lay eggs.