单选题What code, inserted at line 21, is called prior to a session being migrated to a different JVM assuming the web application containing MyExample is deployed in a container which supports distributed applications?()A  public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}B  public void sessionPassivated(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}C  public void sessionDidActivate(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}D  public void sessionWillPassivate(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}

What code, inserted at line 21, is called prior to a session being migrated to a different JVM assuming the web application containing MyExample is deployed in a container which supports distributed applications?()

 public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}


 public void sessionPassivated(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}


 public void sessionDidActivate(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}


 public void sessionWillPassivate(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}


解析: 暂无解析


11.public class Counter{12.public static void main(String[]args){13.int numArgs=/*insert code here*/;14.}15.}and the command line:java Counter one fred 42 Which code,inserted at line 13,captures the number of arguments passed into the program?()A.args.countB.args.lengthC.args.count()D.args.length()E.args.getLength()

Given:Which three methods, inserted individually at line 14, will correctly complete class Two?() A.int foo() { /* more code here */ }B.void foo() { /* more code here */ }C.public void foo() { /* more code here */ }D.private void foo() { /* more code here */ }E.protected void foo() { /* more code here */ }

Given:Which four code fragments, inserted independently at line 7, will compile?() A.public void m1() { }B.protected void m1() { }C.private void m1() { }D.void m2() { }E.public void m2() { }F.protected void m2() { }G.private void m2() { }

class One {  void foo() {}  }  class Two extends One {   //insert method here  }  Which three methods, inserted individually at line 14, will correctly complete class Two?()A、 int foo() { /* more code here */ }B、 void foo() { /* more code here */ }C、 public void foo() { /* more code here */ }D、 private void foo() { /* more code here */ }E、 protected void foo() { /* more code here */ }

Which three are described in the standard web application deployment descriptor?()  A、 session configurationB、 MIME type mappingsC、 context root for the applicationD、 servlet instance pool configurationE、 web container default port bindingsF、 ServletContext initialization parameters

1. public class A {  2. public void method1() {  3. B b=new B();  4. b.method2();  5. // more code here  6. }  7. }  1. public class B {  2. public void method2() {  3.C c=new C();  4. c.method3();  5. // more code here  6. }  7. }  1. public class C {  2. public void method3() {  3. // more code here  4. }  5. }  Given:  25. try {  26. A a=new A();  27. a.method1();  28. } catch (Exception e) {  29. System.out.print(”an error occurred”);  30. }  Which two are true if a NullPointerException is thrown on line 3 of class C?()A、 The application will crash.B、 The code on line 29 will be executed.C、 The code on line 5 of class A will execute.D、 The code on line 5 of class B will execute.E、 The exception will be propagated back to line 27.

public class ExceptionTest {   class TestException extends Exception {}   public void runTest () throws TestException {}   public void test () /* Point X*/ {   runTest ();   }   }   At point X on line 4, which code can be added to make the code compile?()  A、 Throws Exception.B、 Catch (Exception e).C、 Throws RuntimeException.D、 Catch (TestException e).E、 No code is necessary.

Given: 11.public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { 12.public void service(HttpServletRequest request, 13.HttpServletResponse response) 14.throws ServletException, IOException { 15.// insert code here 16.} 17.} and this element in the web application’s deployment descriptor: 302 /html/error.html Which,inserted at line 15,causes the container to redirect control to the error.html resource?()A、response.setError(302);B、response.sendError(302);C、response.setStatus(302);D、response.sendRedirect(302);E、response.sendErrorRedirect(302);

interface A { public int getValue() }  class B implements A {  public int getValue() { return 1; }  }  class C extends B {  // insert code here  }  Which three code fragments, inserted individually at line 15, make use of polymorphism?()A、 public void add(C c) { c.getValue(); }B、 public void add(B b) { b.getValue(); }C、 public void add(A a) { a.getValue(); }D、 public void add(A a, B b) { a.getValue(); }E、 public void add(C c1, C c2) { c1.getValue(); }

Given the following code, write a line of code that, when inserted at the indicated location, will make the overriding method in Extension invoke the overridden method in class Base on the current object.   class Base {   public void print( ) {   System.out.println("base");   }   }   class Extention extends Base {   public void print( ) {   System.out.println("extension");   // insert line of implementation here   }   }   public class Q294d {   public static void main(String args[]) {   Extention ext = new Extention( );   ext.print( );   }   }   Fill in a single line of implementation.()

Which the statement is true about web container session management()?A、 Access to session-scoped attributes is guaranteed to be thread-safe by the web container.B、 To activate URL rewriting, the developer must use the HttpServletResponse.setURLRewriting method.C、 If the web application uses HTTPS, then the web container may use the data on the HTTPS request stream to identify the client.D、 The JSESSIONID cookie is stored permanently on the client so that a user may return to the web application and the web container will rejoin that session.

Which is the earliest line in the following code after which the object created on the line marked (0) will be a candidate for being garbage collected, assuming no compiler optimizations are done? ()  public class Q76a9 {   static String f() {   String a = "hello";   String b = "bye"; // (0)   String c = b + "!"; // (1)   String d = b;  b = a; // (2)   d = a; // (3)   return c; // (4)  }   public static void main(String args[]) {   String msg = f();   System.out.println(msg); // (5)   }   }  A、The line marked (1).B、The line marked (2).C、The line marked (3).D、The line marked (4).E、The line marked (5).

Given:   10. class One {   11. void foo() { }   12. }   13. class Two extends One {   14. //insert method here   15. }   Which three methods, inserted individually at line 14, will correctly complete class Two?()A、 public void foo() { /* more code here */ }B、 private void foo() { /* more code here */ }C、 protected void foo() { /* more code here */ }D、 int foo() { /* more code here */ }  E、 void foo() { /* more code here */ }

You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service to replace an existing ASMX Web service.The WCF service contains the following code segment. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 [ServiceContract( )] 02 03 public interface IEmployeeService 04 { 05 [OperationContract( )] 06 EmployeeInfo GetEmployeeInfo(int employeeID); 07 08 } 09 10 public class EmployeeService : IEmployeeService 11 { 12 13 public EmployeeInfo GetEmployeeInfo(int employeeID) 14 { 15 ... 16 } 17 } 18 19 20 public class EmployeeInfo 21 { 22 ... 23 public int EmployeeID { get; set; } 24 public string FirstName { get; set; } 25 public string LastName { get; set; } 26 27 }The existing Web service returns the EmployeelD as an attribute of the Employeelnfo element in the response XML.You need to ensure that applications can consume the service without code changes in the client. What should you do?()A、Insert the following code at line 02. [DataContractFormat()] Insert the following code at line 22. [DataMember()]B、Insert the following code at line 02. [XmlSerializerFormat()] Insert the following code at line 22. [XmlAtttibute()]C、Insert the following code at line 09. [XmlSerializerFormat()] Insert the following code at line 22. [XmlAttribute()]D、Insert the following code at line 19. [DataContractFormat()] Insert the following code at line 22. [DataMember()]

You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .NET Framework 3.5. The application requires a thread that accepts a single integer parameter.    You write the following code segment (Line numbers are included for reference only.) Thread myThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoWork)) ;  myThread.Start(100); You need to declare the method signature of the DoWork method.   Which method signature should you use?()A、public void DoWork();B、public void DoWork(int nCounter);C、public void DoWork(object oCounter);D、public void DoWork(Delegate oCounter);

单选题11.public class Counter{ 12.public static void main(String[]args){ 13.int numArgs=/*insert code here*/; 14.} 15.} and the command line:java Counter one fred 42 Which code,inserted at line 13,captures the number of arguments passed into the program?()Aargs.countBargs.lengthCargs.count()Dargs.length()Eargs.getLength()

单选题11. public class Counter {  12. public static void main(String[] args) {  13. int numArgs = /* insert code here */;  14. }  15. }  and the command line: java Counter one fred 42 Which code, inserted at line 13, captures the number of arguments passed into the program?()A args.countB args.lengthC args.count()D args.length()E args.getLength()

多选题Given: Which three methods, inserted individually at line 14, will correctly complete class Two?()Aint foo() { /* more code here */ }Bvoid foo() { /* more code here */ }Cpublic void foo() { /* more code here */ }Dprivate void foo() { /* more code here */ }Eprotected void foo() { /* more code here */ }

单选题You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service to replace an existing ASMX Web service.The WCF service contains the following code segment. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 [ServiceContract( )] 02 03 public interface IEmployeeService 04 { 05 [OperationContract( )] 06 EmployeeInfo GetEmployeeInfo(int employeeID); 07 08 } 09 10 public class EmployeeService : IEmployeeService 11 { 12 13 public EmployeeInfo GetEmployeeInfo(int employeeID) 14 { 15 ... 16 } 17 } 18 19 20 public class EmployeeInfo 21 { 22 ... 23 public int EmployeeID { get; set; } 24 public string FirstName { get; set; } 25 public string LastName { get; set; } 26 27 }The existing Web service returns the EmployeelD as an attribute of the Employeelnfo element in the response XML.You need to ensure that applications can consume the service without code changes in the client. What should you do?()AInsert the following code at line 02. [DataContractFormat()] Insert the following code at line 22. [DataMember()]BInsert the following code at line 02. [XmlSerializerFormat()] Insert the following code at line 22. [XmlAtttibute()]CInsert the following code at line 09. [XmlSerializerFormat()] Insert the following code at line 22. [XmlAttribute()]DInsert the following code at line 19. [DataContractFormat()] Insert the following code at line 22. [DataMember()]

多选题Given:   11. // insert code here   12. private N min, max;   13. public N getMin() { return min; }   14. public N getMax() { return max; }   15. public void add(N added) {   16. if (min == null || added.doubleValue()  max.doubleValue())  19. max = added;   20. }   21. }   Which two, inserted at line 11, will allow the code to compile?()AABBCCDDEEFF

多选题interface A { public int getValue() }  class B implements A {  public int getValue() { return 1; }  }  class C extends B {  // insert code here  }  Which three code fragments, inserted individually at line 15, make use of polymorphism?()Apublic void add(C c) { c.getValue(); }Bpublic void add(B b) { b.getValue(); }Cpublic void add(A a) { a.getValue(); }Dpublic void add(A a, B b) { a.getValue(); }Epublic void add(C c1, C c2) { c1.getValue(); }

单选题Which statement is true about web container session management?()AAccess to session-scoped attributes is guaranteed to be thread-safe by the web container.BTo activate URL rewriting, the developer must use the HttpServletResponse.setURLRewriting method.CIf the web application uses HTTPS, then the web container may use the data on the HTTPS request stream to identify the client.DThe JSESSIONID cookie is stored permanently on the client so that a user may return to the web application and the web container will rejoin that session.

单选题Which is the earliest line in the following code after which the object created on the line marked (0) will be a candidate for being garbage collected, assuming no compiler optimizations are done? ()  public class Q76a9 {   static String f() {   String a = "hello";   String b = "bye"; // (0)   String c = b + "!"; // (1)   String d = b;  b = a; // (2)   d = a; // (3)   return c; // (4)  }   public static void main(String args[]) {   String msg = f();   System.out.println(msg); // (5)   }   }AThe line marked (1).BThe line marked (2).CThe line marked (3).DThe line marked (4).EThe line marked (5).

单选题public class Foo {  public void main( String[] args ) {  System.out.println( “Hello” + args[0] );  }  }   What is the result if this code is executed with the command line?()A HelloB Hello FooC Hello worldD Compilation fails.E The code does not run.

多选题class One {  void foo() {}  }  class Two extends One {   //insert method here  }  Which three methods, inserted individually at line 14, will correctly complete class Two?()Aint foo() { /* more code here */ }Bvoid foo() { /* more code here */ }Cpublic void foo() { /* more code here */ }Dprivate void foo() { /* more code here */ }Eprotected void foo() { /* more code here */ }

单选题public class ExceptionTest {  class TestException extends Exception {}  public void runTest () throws TestException {}  public void test () /* Point X*/  {  runTest ();  }  }   At point X on line 4, which code can be added to make the code compile?()A Throws Exception.B Catch (Exception e).C Throws RuntimeException.D Catch (TestException e).E No code is necessary.

单选题What code, inserted at line 21, is called prior to a session being migrated to a different JVM assuming the web application containing MyExample is deployed in a container which supports distributed applications?()A  public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}B  public void sessionPassivated(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}C  public void sessionDidActivate(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}D  public void sessionWillPassivate(HttpSessionEvent ev){...}

单选题Given: 11.public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { 12.public void service(HttpServletRequest request, 13.HttpServletResponse response) 14.throws ServletException, IOException { 15.// insert code here 16.} 17.} and this element in the web application’s deployment descriptor: 302 /html/error.html Which,inserted at line 15,causes the container to redirect control to the error.html resource?()Aresponse.setError(302);Bresponse.sendError(302);Cresponse.setStatus(302);Dresponse.sendRedirect(302);Eresponse.sendErrorRedirect(302);