单选题Passage 2For Chen Hua,28,an automobile engineer in Shanghai,reading out English text aloud after taking pronunciation lessons on a mobile app has become an evening routine. Chen might skip dinner,but wouldn't trade even one language class delivered by the app for anything.Not having been using English much since leaving college,Chen feels the pressure to pick it up using spare time. The"pressure"arises from a constant fear of being left behind as English-proficient peers appear to get ahead. Academic circles refer to this as "middle-class anxiety",which is grasping some sections of China's population.In a report released by leading online recruiter Zhaopin in January,one-fourth of surveyed white-collar workers said they feel more stressed than inspired,citing reasons from unstable paychecks to gloomy career prospects. Most important of all many people worry that the worth and utility of their knowledge and qualifications could erode due to thriving technological progress,globalism and entrepreneurship."Intensified peer pressure, especially at workplaces, is one factor that fuels our business,"said Wang Yi, CEO of Liulishuo, an English-learning app that Chen uses every day. Wang,a Princeton computer science graduate and former product manager at Google Inc, launched the app over five years ago with the intention to disrupt China's hidebound brick-and-mortar language schools.Liulishuo-it is Chinese for"speaking fluently"-brings social media and gaming elements to the genre. Wang said that unlike pre-school or K12 education, the adult-learning market is characterized by an inherent desire for self-improvement. Students of online adult education courses feel the fee is money well spent.To personalize offerings, Liulishuo has introduced big data and algorithms to quantify multiple dimensions of speech, as well as automatically tailor courses so that the courses could walk a fine line between challenging the students and discouraging them to the extent that they quit learning.Actually, this is not just confined to language courses. China's growing learners have shown they will spend time on the right educational programs.What was the purpose of Wang Yi launching Liulishuo over five years ago?ATo pick up English.BTo satisfy the desire for self-improvement.CTo break China's old-fashioned way of learning.DTo intensify peer pressure, especially at workplaces.

Passage 2For Chen Hua,28,an automobile engineer in Shanghai,reading out English text aloud after taking pronunciation lessons on a mobile app has become an evening routine. Chen might skip dinner,but wouldn't trade even one language class delivered by the app for anything.Not having been using English much since leaving college,Chen feels the pressure to pick it up using spare time. The"pressure"arises from a constant fear of being left behind as English-proficient peers appear to get ahead. Academic circles refer to this as "middle-class anxiety",which is grasping some sections of China's population.In a report released by leading online recruiter Zhaopin in January,one-fourth of surveyed white-collar workers said they feel more stressed than inspired,citing reasons from unstable paychecks to gloomy career prospects. Most important of all many people worry that the worth and utility of their knowledge and qualifications could erode due to thriving technological progress,globalism and entrepreneurship."Intensified peer pressure, especially at workplaces, is one factor that fuels our business,"said Wang Yi, CEO of Liulishuo, an English-learning app that Chen uses every day. Wang,a Princeton computer science graduate and former product manager at Google Inc, launched the app over five years ago with the intention to disrupt China's hidebound brick-and-mortar language schools.Liulishuo-it is Chinese for"speaking fluently"-brings social media and gaming elements to the genre. Wang said that unlike pre-school or K12 education, the adult-learning market is characterized by an inherent desire for self-improvement. Students of online adult education courses feel the fee is money well spent.To personalize offerings, Liulishuo has introduced big data and algorithms to quantify multiple dimensions of speech, as well as automatically tailor courses so that the courses could walk a fine line between challenging the students and discouraging them to the extent that they quit learning.Actually, this is not just confined to language courses. China's growing learners have shown they will spend time on the right educational programs.What was the purpose of Wang Yi launching Liulishuo over five years ago?

To pick up English.


To satisfy the desire for self-improvement.


To break China's old-fashioned way of learning.


To intensify peer pressure, especially at workplaces.




有关高尿酸血症的危害,错误的是()。 A、HUA明显增加终末肾病的风险B、HUA是脑卒中独立危险因素,并加重患者预后不良C、HUA是冠心病的独立危险因素,并加重冠心病不良预后D、无症状高尿酸血症对人体没有危害

28. From the passage we know the children were_________ .A.happyB.cleverC.tiredD.lazy

TALKING ABOUT BOXING DAYA. People will give money and other giftsB. Come on. Let s go.C. Boxing Day D. Well, I see.E. Yes, indeed so. _Zhang Hua and Peter are talking about Boxing Day after dinner._ …PETER:Do you know what do we call the day after Christmas DayZHANG HUA:(1)But I don t know much about it.PETER:Boxing Day is on December 26, the day after Christmas. People celebrate theholiday in many Commonwealth nations.ZHANG HUA:(2)What would you usually do on Boxing DayPETER:(3)to charitable institutions, needy individuals, and people in service jobs. And on that day, there are many discounts in the shopping centers and department stores.ZHANG HUA:I guess the shopping centers must be very crowded.PETER:(4)Do you want to go shoppingZHANG HUA:I won t miss this opportunity.PETER:I want to go too. (5)ZHANG HUA:All right.

In a new school, Liu Hui wonders how to build a good relationship with his new classmates and is asking for Li Hua's advice._LI HUA:Hi, Liu Hui. Have you got something on your __1___LIU HUI:Hmmm, I'm ... a little ... upset.LI HUA:Anything wrong It's only the___2__ of the first semester . How are you getting on with your school lifeLIU HUI:My classmates are from different places, with all those different backgrounds . I'm not___3__ how to get along with them.LI HUA:That's not difficult. Try your___4__ to find common topics to talk with them about.LIU HUI:What kind of common topicsLI HUA:Hobbies, games, hometown, family and so on.LIU HUI:Well. I see. Breaking the ice is a good way to make ___5__. Thank you very much.LI HUA:My pleasure.

At the City Social Work Center, Zhang Hua is introducing the center to Liu Hui._ LIU HUI: Zhang Hua, I heard you work___1__ at this City Social Work Center. ZHANG HUA: That's right. I love this job. LIU HUI: What is__2___ about this Social Work Center ZHANG HUA: It offers help to people who are in__3___ such as people who are homeless, sick, or having family problems, etc. LIU HUI: Does it help children or adults ZHANG HUA: Well, both. I would say we___4__ those who may be lonely ,weak or ill. LIU HUI: That sounds interesting. You must feel happy to be able to help people. ZHANG HUA: Yeah. That's why I love working here. It's a very rewarding job. I can show you around, if you like. LIU HUI: That's ___5__. I can't wait!

用所给单句完成对话,并将答案序号写在答题线上。Molly and Zhang Hua are talking about hobbies.A. I prefer swimming and going joggings whenever I get the chance.B. Do you like yoga?C. Do you have any hobbies?D. but they are in different ways.E. The key to do exercise is to do it regularly.Molly:___26_____ ( )Zhang Hua: Oh, yes. I enjoy playing tennis and riding my mountain bike. I also enjoy listening to music and cooking. What about you?Molly:_____27_____ ( )Zhang Hua : Great! These are good to our health. How often do you go jogging?Molly : I try to do at least a little every day. ____28_____( )Zhang Hua: Exactly right.Molly:_____29___ ( )Zhang Hua : Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Yoga is now the most popular exercise. Lots of people are doing that. They think its a good way of losing weight. It can calm you down and make you think of nothing, just concentrate on yourself.Mfolly : That sounds like Tai Chi in China.Zhang Hua: Yeah,____30_____ ( )

合法的电子邮件地址是( )。A.chen.em.kuai.con.cnB.em.kuai.tom.cn.chenC.q:m.kuai.com.en@wangD.chen@em.hxig.com.cn

A friendly football match will be held ______ the visiting Shanxi Team and Shanghai Team in Shanghai Hongkou Gymnasium. A.betweenB.inC.amongD.with

听力原文:Many banks in America now carry accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.(5)A.Many banks in America accept accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.B.Many banks in America start business with the Bank of China, Shanghai.C.Many banks in America have accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.D.Many banks in America owe money to the Bank of China, Shanghai.

设A$=“北京”,B$="Shanghai",则表达式LEFTS(A $,2)+STRINGS(3,“-”)+ LEFTS(BS,8)桅成的字符串是A.“北京---”B.“北京---Shanghai”C.“Shanghai”D.“北京Shanghai”

When will an Engineer Officer in charge of watch call Chief Engineer?

设“A$=“北京”,B$="Shanghai””,则表达式“LEFTS(A$,2)+STRINGS(3,“-”)+LEFTS(BS,8)”构成的字符串是 ______。A.“北京---”B.“北京---Shanghai”C.“Shanghai”D.“北京 Shanghai”

An engineer has typed four different single - line prefix lists in a word processor. The four answers show the four different single -lin e prefix lists. The engineer then does a copy/paste of the configuration into a router.Which of the lists could match a subnet whose prefix length is 27?()A. ip prefix - list fred permit ge 16 le 28B. ip prefix - list barney permit le 28C. ip prefix - list wilma permit ge 25D. ip prefix - list betty permit ge 28

What was Jack Scott in the passage? __________ .A. He was a pilot B. He was a policeman at the airport C. He was an engineer

help. There was Uncle Chen, gentleman living 82______

Yao Ming is from Shanghai. Liu Xiang is from Shanghai, too.(合并为一句)Yao Ming_____ Liu Xiang_______ from Shanghai.

Li Hua's English book is in the desk.(对划线部分提问)_______ _______Li Hua's English book?

Hello, may I speak to Zhao Hua?()AMy name is Zhao HuaBI'm Zhao HuaCThis is Zhao Hua speakingDZhao Hua is me

Hello, may I speak to Zhao Hua?()A、My name is Zhao HuaB、I'm Zhao HuaC、This is Zhao Hua speakingD、Zhao Hua is me

An engineer has typed four different single - line prefix lists in a word processor. The four answers show the four different single -lin e prefix lists. The engineer then does a copy/paste of the configuration into a router. Which of the lists could match a subnet whose prefix length is 27?()A、ip prefix - list fred permit ge 16 le 28B、ip prefix - list barney permit le 28C、ip prefix - list wilma permit ge 25D、ip prefix - list betty permit ge 28

单选题No sooner () than they started to repair the sludge pump.Athe second engineer had got into the engine roomBthe second engineer got into the engine roomChas the second engineer got into the engine roomDdid the second engineer get into the engine room

单选题The duty officer and engineer should obey regulation for the speed of the M-E that established by ()AcaptainBchief engineerCchief engineer and captain consult togetherDchief engineer and superintend consult together

单选题What is the best title for this passage?AA Plan To The Shanghai ExpoBSummer fun ahead!CA Trip To ShanghaiDThe Big Exam

单选题Who can apply for a premium ticket from SAL according to the passage?AA passenger who has traveled several times by plane.BA passenger who wants to travel on any airlines flights.CA passenger who has traveled on Shanghai Airlines flights.DA passenger who has accumulated enough air miles on SAL flights.

单选题Passage 2For Chen Hua,28,an automobile engineer in Shanghai,reading out English text aloud after taking pronunciation lessons on a mobile app has become an evening routine. Chen might skip dinner,but wouldn't trade even one language class delivered by the app for anything.Not having been using English much since leaving college,Chen feels the pressure to pick it up using spare time. The"pressure"arises from a constant fear of being left behind as English-proficient peers appear to get ahead. Academic circles refer to this as "middle-class anxiety",which is grasping some sections of China's population.In a report released by leading online recruiter Zhaopin in January,one-fourth of surveyed white-collar workers said they feel more stressed than inspired,citing reasons from unstable paychecks to gloomy career prospects. Most important of all many people worry that the worth and utility of their knowledge and qualifications could erode due to thriving technological progress,globalism and entrepreneurship."Intensified peer pressure, especially at workplaces, is one factor that fuels our business,"said Wang Yi, CEO of Liulishuo, an English-learning app that Chen uses every day. Wang,a Princeton computer science graduate and former product manager at Google Inc, launched the app over five years ago with the intention to disrupt China's hidebound brick-and-mortar language schools.Liulishuo-it is Chinese for"speaking fluently"-brings social media and gaming elements to the genre. Wang said that unlike pre-school or K12 education, the adult-learning market is characterized by an inherent desire for self-improvement. Students of online adult education courses feel the fee is money well spent.To personalize offerings, Liulishuo has introduced big data and algorithms to quantify multiple dimensions of speech, as well as automatically tailor courses so that the courses could walk a fine line between challenging the students and discouraging them to the extent that they quit learning.Actually, this is not just confined to language courses. China's growing learners have shown they will spend time on the right educational programs.What does the underlined word"middle-class anxiety"in Paragraph 2 referto?AUsing mobile apps constantly.BBeing unable to use English frequently.CFeeling the pressure to pick up English.DWorrying about being surpassed by English-proficient peers.

单选题Hello, may I speak to Zhao Hua?()AMy name is Zhao HuaBI'm Zhao HuaCThis is Zhao Hua speakingDZhao Hua is me

单选题Passage 2For Chen Hua,28,an automobile engineer in Shanghai,reading out English text aloud after taking pronunciation lessons on a mobile app has become an evening routine. Chen might skip dinner,but wouldn't trade even one language class delivered by the app for anything.Not having been using English much since leaving college,Chen feels the pressure to pick it up using spare time. Thepressurearises from a constant fear of being left behind as English-proficient peers appear to get ahead. Academic circles refer to this as middle-class anxiety,which is grasping some sections of China's population.In a report released by leading online recruiter Zhaopin in January,one-fourth of surveyed white-collar workers said they feel more stressed than inspired,citing reasons from unstable paychecks to gloomy career prospects. Most important of all many people worry that the worth and utility of their knowledge and qualifications could erode due to thriving technological progress,globalism and entrepreneurship.Intensified peer pressure, especially at workplaces, is one factor that fuels our business,said Wang Yi, CEO of Liulishuo, an English-learning app that Chen uses every day. Wang,a Princeton computer science graduate and former product manager at Google Inc, launched the app over five years ago with the intention to disrupt China's hidebound brick-and-mortar language schools.Liulishuo-it is Chinese forspeaking fluently-brings social media and gaming elements to the genre. Wang said that unlike pre-school or K12 education, the adult-learning market is characterized by an inherent desire for self-improvement. Students of online adult education courses feel the fee is money well spent.To personalize offerings, Liulishuo has introduced big data and algorithms to quantify multiple dimensions of speech, as well as automatically tailor courses so that the courses could walk a fine line between challenging the students and discouraging them to the extent that they quit learning.Actually, this is not just confined to language courses. China's growing learners have shown they will spend time on the right educational programs.People surveyed feel more stressed than inspired due to the following reasons EXCEPT_______Aunstable paychecksBless promising career prospectsCless spare time for their online educationDless worth and utility of their knowledge and qualifications

单选题A magneto is a technical term forAan automobile.Ban engine.Ca part of an automobile engine.