单选题两个公司都有CD这一概念,一个公司中指Certificate of Deposit financial instrument,另一个公司中指Compact Disc music media.这两个公司如何在同一个SOA中交互而不产生问题。()A将数据绑定于不同的WSDL端口B为不同数据使用SOAP信封C在ESB中对命名进行协调以确保唯一性D使用XML名字空间

两个公司都有CD这一概念,一个公司中指Certificate of Deposit financial instrument,另一个公司中指Compact Disc music media.这两个公司如何在同一个SOA中交互而不产生问题。()









解析: 暂无解析



当前,《保险法》中没有公司治理监管这一概念,也没有明确对存在重大公司治理风险公司的监管措施。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

吸收合并为一个公司吸收其他公司,被吸收的公司解散。新设合并为两个以上公司合并设立一个新的公司,合并各方解散。 ( )

听力原文: A certificate of deposit (CD) is a time deposit with a bank. Time deposits may not be withdrawn on demand like a check account. CDs are generally issued by commercial banks but they can be bought through brokerages. They bear a specific maturity date that usually lasts from 3 months to 5 years, a specified interest rate, and can be issued in any denomination, very similar to bonds. CDs offer a slightly higher yield than T-Bills because of the slightly higher default risk for a bank, but overall the likeliness of a large bank going broke is pretty slim. Of course, the amount of interest you earn depends on a number of factors such as the current interest rate environment, how much money you invest, the length of time, and your specific bank.24. What is a CD?25.Which of the followings generally issue CDs?26.How long does a specific maturity usually last?27.Why do CDs pay higher return to investors than T-bills?(24)A.A term deposit that can be drawn at any time.B.A time deposit with a bank.C.A current deposit.D.A cheek account.


Apart from borrowing from hanks, a firm or an individual can obtain funds in a financial market in two ways. The most common method is to issue a (61) , such as a bond or a mortgage, which is a (62) by the borrower to pay the holder of it at (63) until a specified date, when a final payment is made. The (64) of it is the time of expiration date. The second method of raising funds is by issuing (65) , such as common stock, which are claims to share in the net income and the assets of a business.(46)A.debt instrumentB.letter of creditC.letter of guaranteeD.certificate of deposit

A certificate of deposit (CD) is issued by a depository- institution (56) that the holder has deposited at the institution a certain mount of money for a certain period of time. By issuing a certificate of deposit, a bank, or (57) institution, gives its pledge to (58) the certificate at maturity and to pay a certain rate of interest for the use of the deposited funds.Certificates of deposit are issued in several different forms. They may be negotiable or nonnegotiable, If a CD is negotiable it may be sold on the secondary market (59) to maturity. Usually only large CDs are issued in negotiable form. CDs may also be issued either in bearer or registered form. Negotiable CDs are usually always issued in bearer form. because of the ease with which ownership may be (60) .(41)A.evidenceB.factC.proofD.prove


每一个工厂都有能力生产50-250个品种的产品。公司在一个地区的产品线宽度(产品型号与款式的数量)是根据这个公司在这一地区所有生产厂商的生产链宽度加权平均而得。比如,一个公司在环渤海的两个工厂的产品宽度分别为100和200,如果这两个工厂的出货量相同,则该公司在环渤海地区的产品宽度为100。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

对于场景:一个公司负责多个项目,每个项目(Project)由一个员工(Employee)团队( Team)来开发。下列UML概念图中,(41)最适合描述这一场景。A.图AB.图BC.图CD.图D

如果两个公司都有CD这个概念,其中一个是指存款单和金融证券,另一个是指光盘和音乐媒介。怎样是它们在同一个SOA中交互而不存在问题?() A.绑定数据到不同的WSDL端口B.使用SOAP封装以区别数据C.协调企业服务总线中的命名以确保唯一性D.使用XML命名空间来限定数据

A Certificate of Financial Responsibility attests that the vessel ______.A.has financial backing to meet any liability resulting from the discharge of oilB.has the minimum required amount of P & I and hull insuranceC.will assume the responsibility for any damage or loss to the shipperD.has financial reserves to meet reasonable expected crew costs of an intended voyage




财务管理(Financial Management)与公司财务(Corporate Finance)是相同的概念。





单选题公司法规定的新设合并是指(  )。[2002年真题]A两个公司合并为一个新公司,原公司解散B两个公司合作联营C一个公司吸收其他公司,被吸收的公司解散D两个公司发起成立一新公司,原公司继续保留



判断题财务管理(Financial Management)与公司财务(Corporate Finance)是相同的概念。A对B错

单选题A Certificate of Financial Responsibility attests that the vessel().Ahas financial backing to meet any liability resulting from the discharge of oilBhas the minimum required amount of P I and hull insuranceCwill assume the responsibility for any damage or loss to the shipperDhas financial reserves to meet reasonable expected crew costs of an intended voyage

