单选题What is the best way to revise sentence 6, (reproduced below)?Maelle and Gerard are competent, loving parents, both are engineers.A(As it is now)BMaelle and Gerard, both engineers, are competent, loving parents.CMaelle and Gerard are both competent, both loving parents, both engineers.DMaelle and Gerard are both: competent, loving parents, engineers.EMaelle and Gerard are both loving and competent parents and engineers.

What is the best way to revise sentence 6, (reproduced below)?Maelle and Gerard are competent, loving parents, both are engineers.

(As it is now)


Maelle and Gerard, both engineers, are competent, loving parents.


Maelle and Gerard are both competent, both loving parents, both engineers.


Maelle and Gerard are both: competent, loving parents, engineers.


Maelle and Gerard are both loving and competent parents and engineers.




What is the best way to make use of the natural resources ____ damaging the environment?A: withoutB: withC: byD: in

To grasp the gist of a passage in a quick way, what may a reader focus on?A.The transitional paragraphs.B.The whole passage.C.The topic sentences.D.Every sentence in the passage.

单选题In context, where would the underlined portion of sentence 14 (reproduced below) be placed most effectively in the essay?Most baby lobsters, called larval lobsters, still die but the hatcheries work.AIn sentence 1BIn sentence 3CIn sentence 8DIn sentence 10EIn sentence 15

单选题In context, what is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below)?For instance, in some schools they paid kids to read books one summer.Ain some schools where theyBsome schools are where theyCsome schools implemented programs thatDprograms in some schools were where theyEin some school programs they

单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 9 (reproduced below)?But what is surprising is that incentives don’t always work in the way like they’re supposed to.A(as it is now)BIt is the surprising fact that incentive don’t always work like they’re supposed to.CWhat is surprising, incentives don’t always work like they should.DIncentives don’t always work as they should, it is surprising.ESurprisingly, incentives don’t always work as they should.

单选题Sentence 6 (reproduced below) can best be revised in what way?Reynolds found out that when he was Lisa, it is a second-class world to be a woman looking for a job.A(As it is now)BWhen he was Lisa, Reynolds found that it was a second-class existence for a woman seeking work in the world.CAlthough as Lisa, Reynolds felt it is a second-class world to be a woman looking for a job.DReynolds as Lisa experienced the second-class world of female job applicants.EIn Reynolds’s opinion, he felt as Lisa that it is a second-class world for female job applicants.

单选题Where is the best place to insert the following sentence? Incentives are used to influence people in many walks of life.Aafter sentence 2Bafter sentence 3Cafter sentence 4Dafter sentence 5Eafter sentence 6

问答题Task II(20 points)  Directions:Write on the topic given below in no less than about 160 words on the Answer Sheet. In your essay, you should first outline your ideas, and then give examples.  Topic: What, in your opinion, is the best way to keep fit and healthy?

单选题What is the best way to deal with sentence 10?ALeave it as it is.BReplace the word his with Reynolds.CDelete the words brought up thinking they are.DInsert the word however before the words I did.EOmit the entire sentence.

单选题What is the best way to deal with sentence 10?AMove it to the beginning of the third paragraph.BOmit it.CDelete have.DConnect it to sentence 9 with the word and:'EChange it’s to this game is

单选题Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 7 (reproduced below)?He went on interviews and sent out many resumes, but all he got was rejected even with years of prior experience.A(as it is now)Band was sending out many resumes however all he was getting was rejectionCand sent out many resumes, but all he received was rejectionDand sending out many resumes, however he got rejected onlyEand, after many resumes having been sent, rejection was his only result

单选题The beginning sentence should present the most important fact because _____.Ait will influence the reader to continueBmost readers read only the first paragraphCit is line best way to write according to the schools of journalismDit details the general attitude of the writer

单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 2 (reproduced below)?His aspiration, to discover where we get our gender identity to see how women are treated for himself.A(As it is now)BHis aspiration was to discover where we get our gender identity from, to see for ourselves how women are treated in our society.CHis aspiration, to discover the roots of gender identity, and to see how women are treated for himself.DHis aspiration was to discover the roots of gender identity and experience firsthand the way women are treated.EHis aspiration was to discover the roots of gender identity and to personally experience the treatment of women by men.

单选题In context, which version of the underlined portion of sentence 5 (reproduced below) is the best?Because the victims often get depression because of their symptoms, other doctors used to bell it was psychological.Athose symptoms wereBtheir depression wasCthe victims wereDchronic fatigue syndrome wasEthey were

单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 9 (reproduced below)?Additionally, there is no cure and because there’s n no cure doctors treat the symptoms.AHowever, doctors treat the symptoms with the cure for CFS.BCurrently, doctors treat the symptoms because there is no cure for CFS.CBut doctors know there is no cure and because of that they treat the symptoms.DSince there is no cure for CFS, doctors treat the symptoms without the cure.EWhen there are symptoms, doctors treat them without the cure for CFS.

单选题Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 15 (reproduced below)?Also, very few young adults really think about what kinds of qualifications and skills the candidates might or might not have they just pick the one whom their parents or their friends like.A(as it is now)Bthe qualifications and skills of the candi- dates, but insteadCwhat kinds of qualifications and skills the candidates might have, they insteadDthe qualifications and skills of the candi- dates, theyEwhat are the qualifications and skills of the candidates, they instead

单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 7 (reproduced below)?The vibrant costumes, including black leather jackets, reflected the 1950% the time period Lurhmann uses.AThe vibrant costumes and black leather jackets, reflected the 1950’s, the time period Lurhmann uses.BThe black leather jackets and other vibrant costumes echo the 1950’s, the time period Lurhmann used in his production.CLurhmann uses black leather jackets and other vibrant costumes of the 1950’s in his production to suggest the time period of the production.DThe vibrant costumes, and jackets imitated those of the 1950’s, the time period Lurhmann uses in his production.EThe black leather jackets and other vibrant costumes reproduced the time period of the 1950’s of which Lurhmmnn uses in his production.

单选题What is the function of the underlined portion of sentence 12 (reproduced below)?However, despite the rock music and modern slang, starving artists were still starving artists and greedy landlords were still greedy landlords: the musical was a huge success.ATo demonstrate that all cultures use modern slangBTo focus on the tribulations of starving artists who cannot pay their rentCTo convey that there are certain constants in cultures, regardless of their eraDTo show that cultures frequently change and reinvent themselvesETo determine that all artists, regardless of era; prefer rock music

单选题In context, what is the best way to deal with sentence 8?AChange mixed to mixing.BInsert However at the beginning.CChange having been to was.DDelete including small onions or even little pickled carrots.EChange made with to made for.

单选题In context, which of the following is the most effective revision of the underlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below)?But they can also sometimes cause great harm.AOn the other hand,BFurthermore,CAnother issue is the fact thatDTo my knowledge,EConsequently,

单选题In context, which of the following is the best revision of sentence 3 (reproduced below)?That thing that makes them want to do it is called an incentive, and what makes them not want to do them would be a disincentive.AIt is an incentive making someone want to do something, and a disincentive making them not want to do it.BAn incentive is what makes someone want to do something, and a disincentive is what makes someone want to avoid doing something.CIncentives make someone want to do things, but disincentives are the things making them not want to do it.DPeople are made to want to do something by incentives, and a disincentive is for not wanting to do it.EIt is incentives that make people want to do something, disincentives on the other hand being what makes people want to avoid doing something.

单选题Which of the following is the best revision of the underlined portion of sentence 1 (reproduced below)?For most young people in America who are approaching voting age, choosing a president is very much like the process by which you choose a homecoming queen.A(as it is now)Bthe process of choosing a homecoming queenCthat of choosing a homecoming queenDThe way you choose a homecoming queenEchoosing a homecoming queen

单选题In context, which of the following is the best revision of the underlined portion of sentence 3 (reproduced below)?It is because our brains are always working to find the causes of the significant events that we perceive.A(As it is now)BThey are saying that it isCFor example, it is, these scientists say,DThese scientists believe we adopt superstitionsEFurthermore, the scientists say it is

单选题Which of the following is the best way to revise sentences 13 and 14 (reproduced below) in the context of the passage?There are many recreations and nature attractions in this area, like golf courses, lakes, rivers, caverns, and mountains. People really don't know what the place has w offer.AYou might not realize that this area offer a range of natural attractions and recreations activities, including golf courses, lake, river, caverns, and mountains.BPeople unfamiliar with Branson might not realize that this area offers a tango of natural attractions and recreational activities, including golf courses, lakes, rivers, caverns, and mountains.CPeople might not realize that golf courses, lakes, river, caverns,, and mountains might all be found in Branson if they were to visitDPeople unfamiliar with Brason do not that golf courses, lakes, river, caverns. mountains-can all be found in the Branson area if they were to visit.EYou might not realize, if unfamiliar with Branson, 'the range of natural and recreational resources available in the city, golf courses, lakes, rivers, caverns, and mountains being just a few.

单选题What is the best way to revise sentence 4 (reproduced below)?Safe but not boring, a good combination.A(As it is now)BSafe but not boring. A good combination.CIt’s safe but not boring, which is a good combination.DIt’s safe but not boring; therefore it was a good combination.ESafe but not boring and a good combination.

单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentence 2 (reproduced below)?The medical community doesn't know the cause, has difficulty diagnosing it, and it is hard to test.AThe medical community does not know the cause of the disease, has difficulty diagnosing it, and cannot test for it.BBecause the medical community does not know the cause, they cannot diagnose or test for it.CThe medical community does not know the cause and has difficulty diagnosing it, so it is hard to test.DThe medical community does not know the cause, diagnosis, or test.EAdditionally, the medical community cannot cause, diagnose, or test for the disease.

单选题Which of the following is the best revision of the underlined portion of sentence 8(reproduced below)?You have probably had the experience of thinking about a paper or a math problem for so long that it’s like one’s brain gets frozen.Ait seems that your brain gets frozenBone’s brain gets frozenCyour brain seems to freezeDyour brains seem to freezeEone’s brain seems to freeze