




单选题The underwater listening system was originally designed ______.Ato trace and locate enemy vesselsBto monitor deep-sea volcanic eruptionsCto study the movement of ocean currentsDto replace the global radio communications network


填空题Muscle cells contain a high-energy phosphate compound called creatine phosphate.____

问答题Practice 1  中华文明历来注重(prominence)社会和谐,强调团结互助。中国人早就提出了“和为贵”的思想,追求天人和谐、人际和谐、身心和谐,向往“人人相亲,人人平等,天下为公”的理想社会。今天,中国提出构建和谐社会,就是要建设一个民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱(fraternity)、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会,实现物质和精神、民主和法治、公平和效率、活力和秩序的有机统一。中国人民把维护民族团结作为自己义不容辞的职责,把维护国家主权和领土完整(territorial)作为自己至高无上的使命。

单选题AWhy less people were killed in the earthquake in Los Angeles.BChanges made to construction methods of buildings and highways.CHow to make buildings more resistant to earthquake.DThe outline of the history of the development of quake-resistant building materials.

单选题Kimberly had been given to Mr. Mays _____.Aby sheer accidentBout of charityCat his requestDfor better care

填空题Once the monitored alarm is set off, service personnel will phone your home first.____

问答题Practice 2  鸦片战争后的100多年中,列强又多次发动对中国的侵略战争,使中国的主权与领土完整继续遭到破坏,使中国人民遭受殖民主义者的欺辱;同时,中国也涌现出许许多多的抵抗侵略,挽救国家危亡的可歌可泣的事。如太平天国运动、戊戌变法运动、义和团运动等,特别是1911年孙中山领导的辛亥革命,推翻了中国2,000多年的封建君主专制制度,建立了中华民国;1919年的五四运动,为中国共产党的诞生奠定了基础;1921年,中国共产党的诞生,使中国革命出现了新局面。1949年,在中国共产党的领导下,中国人民赶走了帝国主义势力,推翻了国民党在大陆的统治,结束了半殖民地半封建社会的历史,取得了革命的胜利。


填空题The seats of the committees are distributed between the two parties based on their respective membership in the Congress.____

单选题The key problem in dealing with returned plastic beverage containers is _____.Ato sell them at a profitable priceBhow to turn them into useful thingsChow to reduce their recycling costsDto lower the prices for used materials

单选题How did the immigrants in Salt Lake City feel about “Operation Safe Travel”?AGuilty.BOffended.CDisappointed.DDiscouraged.

单选题The deep-sea listening system makes use of ______.Athe sophisticated technology of focusing sounds under waterBthe capability of sound to travel at high speedCthe unique property of layers of ocean water in transmitting soundDlow-frequency sounds traveling across different layers of water

填空题For years, Gerardo Jerry Jimenez has been helping the kids suffered from domestic violence.____


问答题Practice 3  宾馆的商务中心提供图文传真(facsimile)、复印(photocopying)、多语种打字(multi-lingual word-processing)及翻译、邮电、订票等服务。宾馆还随时提供客房送餐服务。宾馆曾多次安排国内外重要会议,接待经验丰富,并有足够供会议代表团和旅游团体使用的停车泊位,是国内外教育界、科技界、文艺界专家学者以及其他各界人士开展学术研究和文化交流的理想场所。

填空题Winter Solstice means spring is coming when it comes around Dec. 21st.____

填空题To visualize it and practice will help you turn into an NBA star more quickly.____

填空题When free-association is involved, pub talks may rarely evolve logically.____


单选题Why are people unwilling to “play the game” (Line 4, Para 3) _____.AThey are not good at manipulating colleagues.BThey feel such behavior is unprincipled.CThey think the effort will get nowhere.DThey believe that doing so is impractical.

填空题Lactic acid makes your muscles hurt.____

填空题I use AOL’s (TWX) Truveo.com to retrieve clips of business speakers to study their body language.____

填空题When a pub staff takes part in a pub-argument, it suggests that the argument is public.____


填空题Air rushes toward the equator from the north and south because of the lower air pressure.____

