单选题The word “they” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to.Adry townsBfinancial musclesCcounty officialsDreal estate developers

The word “they” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to.

dry towns


financial muscles


county officials


real estate developers


推断题。第二段最后一句提到了“they”,指代的应该是上文的内容。而该最后一句之前提到“business interests”,并指出它们包括“real estate developers, grocery chains, restaurant groups and Wal-Mart”。因此real estate developers是其中一分子,故选D项为正确答案。


The underlined word “ There” in the second paragraph refers to (指的是)____________.

The underlined word “rainbow” in the last paragraph refers to ______.A. the rainbow in the sky.B. the stripes on the pavementC. something imaginative and funD. important lessons learned in childhood

The underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refers to 。A. criminals B. pigeonsC. the stolen cars D. demands for money

The underlined word“inform”in Paragraph 2 probably means“ ”.A.affectB.changeC.disturbD.reject

The underlined word “rainbow” in the last paragraph refers to ______.A. the rainbow in the skyB. the stripes on the pavementC. something imaginative and funD. important lessons learned in childhood

Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word "ambient" in Paragraph 2?A.SurroundingB.FamiliarC.ForeignD.Local

资料:Now you are preparing a report for the business negotiation which will be held next Friday.There are 5 sentences excerpted from the report,each sentence has four words or phrases underlined.The four underlined ports of the sentence are marked(A),(B),(C),(D).You are to identify the one underlined word or phase that should be collected or rewritten.Then,find the number of the question and mark your answer.“China’s residential housing market would hit the iceberg(A)very soon and after the collision,risks in the property market will result in(B)more serious risks in the financial sector”,said Pan Shiyi,a real estate tycoon,at the China Entrepreneurs Forum held in Beijing on May 23,it (C)may be a little exaggerating,but risks in the housing market are real as following a strong performance in 2013,China’s real estate market has shown signs of cooling down(D). A.AB.BC.DD.D

单选题The word “literally” underlined in Paragraph 2 most probably means ______.AnamelyBsuperficiallyCimaginativelyDactually

单选题The expression “political and financial muscle” underlined in Paragraph 2 is an example of.AsimileBmetaphorCmetonymyDpersonification

单选题The word “they” underlined in Paragraph 1 refers to ______.AorganismsBfishCtoxinsDflesh

单选题The noun phrase “the medicine” underlined in Paragraph 1 refers to the _________.AturtleBmedicine made from turtleCcancer cureDpet trade

单选题The underlined word “it” (in Paragraph 3) refers to _____.Aa rockBthe group of beesCa hillDthe river

单选题The word “They” underlined in Paragraph 3 refers to.A415 counties in the SouthBalcohol sales in other placesCattempts by Wal-Mart and othersDchurch groups and religious leaders

单选题The word “threat” underlined in Paragraph 2 means ______.AdebateBhumiliationCriskDbother

单选题The phrase “giant retailer” in Paragraph 4 refers most poosibly to.AWal-MartBa dry countyCArkansasDcorporate headquarters

单选题The word these in the first paragraph refers to _____.AlettersBphotographsCpaintingsDobjects

单选题In Paragraph 2, the underlined word “that” refers to _____.Abeing good at somethingBsetting a practical goalCputting in more timeDsucceeding in life

单选题The word “they” underlined in Paragraph 4 refers to ______.Ahealth workersBofficialsCvictimsDcases

单选题The word “there” underlined in Paragraph 4 refers to.Aour own planetBthe outer surface of the sunCthe core of a black dwarfDthe planet mercury

单选题The word “it” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to______.ApublishingBbooksClifeDchildhood

单选题In Paragraph 4, the underlined word “it” refers to _____.Aacting well at work and in politicsBfeeling depressed for the news mediaCaccepting and understanding what has happenedDsaying something negative when bad things come

单选题The underlined word that in Paragraph 4 refers to (指代) “______”.Areturning the ringBsetting up a pageCliving in the streetsDreceiving money

单选题The word “it” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to __________.Athe experimentBeconomic motivationCthe Western Electric Hawthorn plantDthe Hawthorne effect

单选题The word “dissemination” underlined in Paragraph 4 means ______.AplantationBdistributionCreceptionDdirection

单选题The underlined word “trash” in Paragraph 2 probably means _____.ArubbishBpoisonCdisasterDruin

单选题The phrase “people in this age group” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to ______.AinfantsBpeople in their twentiesCpeople in their thirties and fortiesDelderly people

单选题Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word"momentum" in Paragraph 2?AMoment.BMotive.CAchievement.DIncentive.