单选题He()lunch with a customer now.AhasBhaveCis having

He()lunch with a customer now.





is having


解析: 暂无解析


He was so _________ from things around him that I wondered whether he did listen to what I said just now. A.separatedB.detachedC.dispatchedD.touched

He used to like Jane but she means ________ to him now. A. everythingB. nothingC. somethingD. anything

I’ll give him your message___he comes back from lunch. A. untilB. as soon asC. whileD. before

Don't () him. He is writing a letter now. A、disturb toB、disturbC、disturbing

Geoffrey ()French before, but he () at university now. A、study didn’t/studiesB、didn’t study/studyC、did not study/studiesD、didn’t studied/studies

He ___ to his customer and halved the price. A.yieldedB.quotedC.leakedD.drew

He()lunch in the canteen right now.A. hasB. is havingC. have

Hello, I'd like to speak to Phil.He's out to lunch now.()A. Sorry, you can't.B. I don't know.C. Would you mind calling back later?

He is talking to a customer,(改为一般疑问句)

He______________be hungry一he's just had lunch.A. can'tB. mustC. ought toD. might

If he had received six more votes, he ________ he chairman now. A. isB. wasC. has beenD. would be

If he had receive six more votes, he ____the chairman now. A.isB. was notC.has beenD. hasn’t

Sam must be ______ in his bedroom now. He is going to leave for Paris tomorrow. A. deceivingB. catchingC. attemptingD. packing

John said that he ________ having lunch when Paul called him. A.wasB.isC.willD.would

My father ( ) for an important phone call at the moment. He can't go to have lunch with you, I am afraid.A. waitB. waitingC. is waiting

Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ________ our chairman now.[A] must have been[B] would have been[C] were[D] would be

A project manager is called to an informal meeting with the customer and a problem is raised. This problem has major implications for the project manager’s company, but the customer wants to pursue a solution at the meeting, The project manager should()A.Tell the customer that he will not address any problemsB.Tell the customer that the problem is not sufficiently defined to company to a solutionC.Collect as much information on the problem without committing his company to a solutionD.Give the customer a range of solutions that might be acceptable to his company

Tom goes to that pub every night to have a bottle of beer. He is a()customer.A.reliableB.regularC.reluctantD.religious

He()lunch in the canteen right now.AhasBhaveCis having

He()lunch with a customer now.AhasBhaveCis having

He()lunch in the canteen right now.A、hasB、haveC、is having

He()lunch with a customer now.A、hasB、haveC、is having

单选题Which of the following sentences is pronounced with a rise-fall tone?AHe won't come home for lunch, will he?BHave you finished your homework?CAre you a student or a teacher?DHow are you?

单选题Terry is having lunch at a salad bar. There are two types of lettuce to choose from, as well as three types of tomatoes, and four types of olives. He must also choose whether or not to hare one of the two types of soup on the side. If Terry has decided to hare the salad and soup combo and he picks one type of lettuce, one type of tomato, and one type of olive for his salad, how many total options does he have for his lunch combo?A9B11C24D48E54

单选题A: I’d like to speak to the manager, please.  B: ______AWho are you?BThanks for calling.CHold the line, please. I’ll see if he is around.DYes, but the line is busy now.

单选题He()lunch with a customer now.AhasBhaveCis having

单选题I’m afraid Mr Harding ______ see you now. He’s busy.Acan’tBmustn’tCshouldn’tDneedn’t

单选题No sooner had he sat down to lunch_____there was a knock at the door.AwhenBthatCasDthan