单选题The spokesman admitted that the government’s thoughtless policy had caused a crisis that ______.Acould never have happenedBmight have happenedCshould never have happenedDwould never have happened

The spokesman admitted that the government’s thoughtless policy had caused a crisis that ______.

could never have happened


might have happened


should never have happened


would never have happened


发言人承认政府这项考虑不周的政策引起了一场本不该发生的危机。should never have happened本不应该发生但却发生了,含有指责对方或自责的含意。could never have happened 本来不能够发生但却发生了。might have happened表推测,过去某事“也许”发生了。would never have happened本来不会发生。


The new government's first __________ is the economy. A.collegeB.colleagueC.challengeD.change

真核生物DNA-pol作用,正确的是()。 A、pol-α有切除修复的功能B、pol-β是线粒体DNA复制的酶C、pol-γ有引物酶活性D、pol-ε作用与polⅡ相似E、pol-δ相当于原核生物polⅢ


______ is the spokesman for the imagist movement. A.T. S. EliotB.Saul BellowC.Ezra PoundD.William Faulkner

F. S. Fitzgerald was the spokesman of the Jazz Age.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Taxes provide most of the government’s _________.A.revenuesB.expensesC.profitsD.rewards

The author's attitude towards the government's policy is ______.A. negativeB. doubtfulC. positiveD. unknown

参与原核DNA修复合成的酶是( )。A.DNA-polδB.DNA-polαC.DNA-polγD.DNA-polⅠE.DNA-polⅢ

参与原核DNA复制的酶是( )。A.DNA-polδB.DNA-polαC.DNA-polγD.DNA-polⅠE.DNA-polⅢ

参与真核DNA复制引发过程的酶是( )。A.DNA-polδB.DNA-polαC.DNA-polγD.DNA-polⅠE.DNA-polⅢ

The ()expressed their passive view about the government’s policy. A.criticsB.politicsC.economicsD.tractors



转录产物是45S-rRNA的聚合酶是 A. RNA-pol I B. RNA-pol II C. RNA-pol III D. RNA-pol

He is quite thoughtless,for very seldom can he__________other people′s troubles.A.agree withB.interfere withC.identify withD.rest with


单选题When the manager pointed out that the error was in the clerk's own handwriting, he curled _____ and admitted his fault.AoutBawayCdownDup

单选题hnRNA是(  )。ARNA-polⅠ转录生成BRNA-polⅢ转录生成C30s RNA加工生成DRNA-polⅡ转录生成E45s rRNA加工生成

单选题Some medical care is paid by the U. S. government for _____.Apeople living in the countryBnon-government officialsCpeople with insuranceDthe poor and the old

单选题AIncreasing government’s handouts to the poor.BGovernment’s creation of more jobs.CEncouraging people to find jobs themselves.DRelying on government relief.


单选题Some thoughtless vacationers _____ the beach with cigarette packages, beer cans and paper.AexemplifiedBexterminatedClitteredDerased

单选题The government spokesman()publicly that offenders would be punished.ApronouncedBannouncedCclaimedDdemanded

单选题Before building a house, you will have to _____ the government’s permission.Aget fromBfollowCreceiveDask for

单选题Some members of the British government criticized Diana becauseAshe had not consulted the government before the visitBshe was ill-informed of the government’s policyCthey were actually opposed to banning landminesDthey believed that she had misinterpreted the situation in Angola


单选题Some medical care is paid by the U. S. government for ______.Apeople living in the countryBnon government officialsCpeople with insuranceDthe poor and the old