单选题Some thoughtless vacationers _____ the beach with cigarette packages, beer cans and paper.AexemplifiedBexterminatedClitteredDerased

Some thoughtless vacationers _____ the beach with cigarette packages, beer cans and paper.











Would you like some more beer?(),please.A. Just a littleB. No moreC. I've had enough

24. Which of the following is TRUE?A. All the cities are using hydrapulers.B. All the rubbish is made up of the packages and cans.C. In the course of recycling,water is needed in the hydrapuler.D. The Americans only eat the food in packages and cans.

What would NOT require that a detailed report of the release of hazardous cargo be made to the Department of Transportation?A.The valve on an empty portable tank that contained acetone is accidently opened and some of the residue escapes to the open seaB.A carboy of nitric acid is broken on deck while loading and is flushed overboard with no injury or damageC.Part of your deck cargo of five gallon cans of paint is damaged and leaking so you jettison them to eliminate the fire hazardD.Heavy weather causes damage to packages of a hazardous liquid that is subsequently pumped out at sea through the bilge pumping system.

Mary drew a house on the paper.A:depicted B:designedC:described D:portrayed

共用题干Earth Angels1 Joying Brescia was 8 years old when she noticed that cigarette butts(烟头)were littering her hometown beach in Isle of Palms,South Carolina.When she learned that it takes five years for the remains of a cigarette to disintegrate,she decided to take action. Joying launched a"No Butts on the Beach"campaign.She raised money and awareness about the need to keep the beaches clean.With the help of others,Joying also bought or received donations of gallon-size plastic ice-cream buckets. The buckets were filled with sand,and placed at all public-access areas of the beach.The buckets allowed people to dispose of their cigarettes before hitting the beach.Two years later,Joying says the buckets are full and the beach is nearly free of cigarette debris(残片).2 People who live in or visit Steamboat Springs,Colorado,have Carter Dunham to thank for a new state wildlife refuge that preserves 20 acres of marshland and many species of wildlife.Carter and other students wrote a management plan for the area around the Yampa River.The plan was part of a class project when Carter was a freshman at Steamboat Springs High School.Working with the Colorado Division of Wildlife,Carter and his classmates mapped the area and species of animals living there.They also made decisions about, among other things,where fences and parking areas should be built.3 Barbara Brown and her friends collect oil.It started as a project for their 4H Club after one of the girls noticed her father using motor oil to kill weeds on their farm in Victoria, Texas.They did some research and discovered that oil can contaminate ground water一a real danger in rural areas,where people live off the water on their land.The girls researched ways to recycle oil and worked with a local oil-recycling company on the issue. Now,the"Don't Be Crude"program runs oil-collection sites一tanks that hold up to 460 gallons一where people in the community can dispose of their oil.4 Five years ago,11 -year-old Ryan Hreljac was a little boy with a big dream:for all the people in Africa to have clean drinking water. His dream began in the first grade when he learned that people were dying because they didn't have clean water,and that as little as $70 could build a well, "We really take water for granted,"says Ryan,of Kemptville, Ontario,in Canada. "In other countries,you have to plan for it."Ryan earned the first $70 by doing extra chores(零工),but with the help of others,he has since raised hundreds of thousands of dollars.His efforts led to the start of the Ryan's Well Foundation, which raises money for clean water and health-related services for people in African countries and developing countries. People are grateful to Carter Dunham for his efforts to_________.A:make new materialsB:preserve wetland and animalsC:have clean airD:have clean waterE:collect cigarette buttsF:collect disDosed oil

共用题干第一篇Carbon FootprintHow often do you travel by plane?How much electricity do you use?These days everyone is worried about the size of their carbon footprint.In order to reduce global warming we need to make our carbon footprints smaller. But how much CO2 are we responsible for?A new book might be able to help.The Carbon Footprint of Everything looks at the different things we do and buy,and calculates the amount of CO2 all of the following created:the ingredients, the electricity used in the brewery,the equipment,the travel and commuting of the beer,and the packaging. It's amazing how many different things need to be included in each calculation.And it's frightening how much carbon dioxide everything produces.But all of this can help us decide which beer to drink.From Berners-Lee's calculations,it's clear that a pint(568ml)of locally-brewed beer has a smaller carbon footprint than a bottle of imported beer. This is because the imported beer has been transported from far away,and it uses more packaging. The local beer only produces 300g of CO2,but the imported beer produces 900g! So, one pint of local beer is better for the environment than three cans of cheap foreign lager from the supermarket.Berners-Lee has even calculated the carbon footprint of cycling to work.Nothing is more environmentally-friendly than riding a bike,surely?Well,it depends on what you've had to eat before. To ride a bike we need energy and for energy we need food.So if we eat a banana and then ride a kilometer and a half,our footprint is 65g of CO2.However,if we eat bacon before the bike ride,it's 200g. In fact,bananas are good in general because they don't need packaging,they can be transported by boat and they grow in natural sunlight.So,does this mean that cycling is bad for the environment?Absolutely not,for a start,if you cycle,you don't use your car,and the fewer cars on the road,the fewer traffic jams.And cars in traffic jams produce three times more CO2 than cars traveling at speed.Cycling also makes you healthy and less likely to go to a hospital. And hospitals have very big carbon footprints!So maybe it's time for us all to start making some changes.Pass me a banana and a pint of local beer,please.The main idea of this passage is to explain that_________.A:we should start making some changesB:let's eat banana and drink a pint of local beerC:how carbon footprint is createdD:how big is our carbon footprint

共用题干第一篇Carbon FootprintHow often do you travel by plane?How much electricity do you use?These days everyone is worried about the size of their carbon footprint.In order to reduce global warming we need to make our carbon footprints smaller. But how much CO2 are we responsible for?A new book might be able to help.The Carbon Footprint of Everything looks at the different things we do and buy,and calculates the amount of CO2 all of the following created:the ingredients, the electricity used in the brewery,the equipment,the travel and commuting of the beer,and the packaging. It's amazing how many different things need to be included in each calculation.And it's frightening how much carbon dioxide everything produces.But all of this can help us decide which beer to drink.From Berners-Lee's calculations,it's clear that a pint(568ml)of locally-brewed beer has a smaller carbon footprint than a bottle of imported beer. This is because the imported beer has been transported from far away,and it uses more packaging. The local beer only produces 300g of CO2,but the imported beer produces 900g! So, one pint of local beer is better for the environment than three cans of cheap foreign lager from the supermarket.Berners-Lee has even calculated the carbon footprint of cycling to work.Nothing is more environmentally-friendly than riding a bike,surely?Well,it depends on what you've had to eat before. To ride a bike we need energy and for energy we need food.So if we eat a banana and then ride a kilometer and a half,our footprint is 65g of CO2.However,if we eat bacon before the bike ride,it's 200g. In fact,bananas are good in general because they don't need packaging,they can be transported by boat and they grow in natural sunlight.So,does this mean that cycling is bad for the environment?Absolutely not,for a start,if you cycle,you don't use your car,and the fewer cars on the road,the fewer traffic jams.And cars in traffic jams produce three times more CO2 than cars traveling at speed.Cycling also makes you healthy and less likely to go to a hospital. And hospitals have very big carbon footprints!So maybe it's time for us all to start making some changes.Pass me a banana and a pint of local beer,please.According to Berners-Lee,which of the following produces the most carbon dioxide?A:A pint of local beer we drink.B:A pint of imported beer we drink.C:A banana we eat before a bike ride.D:The bacon we eat before a bike ride.

共用题干第一篇Carbon FootprintHow often do you travel by plane?How much electricity do you use?These days everyone is worried about the size of their carbon footprint.In order to reduce global warming we need to make our carbon footprints smaller. But how much CO2 are we responsible for?A new book might be able to help.The Carbon Footprint of Everything looks at the different things we do and buy,and calculates the amount of CO2 all of the following created:the ingredients, the electricity used in the brewery,the equipment,the travel and commuting of the beer,and the packaging. It's amazing how many different things need to be included in each calculation.And it's frightening how much carbon dioxide everything produces.But all of this can help us decide which beer to drink.From Berners-Lee's calculations,it's clear that a pint(568ml)of locally-brewed beer has a smaller carbon footprint than a bottle of imported beer. This is because the imported beer has been transported from far away,and it uses more packaging. The local beer only produces 300g of CO2,but the imported beer produces 900g! So, one pint of local beer is better for the environment than three cans of cheap foreign lager from the supermarket.Berners-Lee has even calculated the carbon footprint of cycling to work.Nothing is more environmentally-friendly than riding a bike,surely?Well,it depends on what you've had to eat before. To ride a bike we need energy and for energy we need food.So if we eat a banana and then ride a kilometer and a half,our footprint is 65g of CO2.However,if we eat bacon before the bike ride,it's 200g. In fact,bananas are good in general because they don't need packaging,they can be transported by boat and they grow in natural sunlight.So,does this mean that cycling is bad for the environment?Absolutely not,for a start,if you cycle,you don't use your car,and the fewer cars on the road,the fewer traffic jams.And cars in traffic jams produce three times more CO2 than cars traveling at speed.Cycling also makes you healthy and less likely to go to a hospital. And hospitals have very big carbon footprints!So maybe it's time for us all to start making some changes.Pass me a banana and a pint of local beer,please.The underlined word "brewery" in Paragraph 3 most probably means "_______".A:a factory where beer is madeB:a machine which makes beerC:a container where beer is storedD:one of the things from which beer is made

May I have a glass of beer,please?()一Beer?Sorry,there’s____left,butwould you like some juice instead?A、noneB、somethingC、no oneD、nothing

While configuring a new adapter using cfgmgr, an administrator receives a warning message indicating that some device packages are not installed.  Additionally, the adapter displays in the Defined state.  Which command will resolve the issue and make the adapter available?()  A、shutdown -FrB、cfgmgr -i C、mkdev -l D、mknode /dev/

class Beverage {   Beverage() { System.out.print("beverage "); }   }   class Beer extends Beverage {   public static void main(String [] args) {   Beer b = new Beer(14);   }   public int Beer(int x) {   this();   System.out.print("beer1 ");   }   public Beer() { System.out.print("beer2 "); }  }   结果是什么?()  A、beer1 beverageB、beer2 beverageC、beverage beer1D、编译失败

现有  class Beverage {  Beverage ()  {  System.out.print ("beverage ");  }        }  class Beer extends Beverage {  public static void main{string [] args) {        Beer b = new Beer (14) ;       }  public int Beer(int x) {       this () ;  System.out.print ("beerl") ;      }  public Beer() { System.out.print("beer2 "); }     }  结果是什么?() A、beerl beverageB、beer2 beverageC、beverage beer2 beerlD、编译失败

单选题CAN YOU BEACH means().Acan you go to the beachBcan you run the vessel upon a beach to prevent its sinking in deep waterCcan you handle the vessel along the beachDcan berth along the beach

单选题All entries in logbook,()made,must not be erased or amended.AonceBwhetherCpreviousDjust

单选题现有  class Beverage {  Beverage ()  {  System.out.print ("beverage ");  }        }  class Beer extends Beverage {  public static void main{string [] args) {        Beer b = new Beer (14) ;       }  public int Beer(int x) {       this () ;  System.out.print ("beerl") ;      }  public Beer() { System.out.print("beer2 "); }     }  结果是什么?()Abeerl beverageBbeer2 beverageCbeverage beer2 beerlD编译失败

单选题Some tourists choose a swim at Seapoint Beach probably because they can _____.Aget themselves interested in the sights aroundBenjoy several unusual and exciting activitiesChave a wonderful surf on the south of the beachDcall the lifeguards during bathing period

单选题Some thoughtless vacationers _____ the beach with cigarette packages, beer cans and paper.AexemplifiedBexterminatedClitteredDerased

单选题What would NOT require that a detailed report of the release of hazardous cargo be made to the Department of Transportation? ()AThe valve on an empty portable tank that contained acetone is accidently opened and some of the residue escapes to the open seaBA carboy of nitric acid is broken on deck while loading and is flushed overboard with no injuryor damageCPart of your deck cargo of five gallon cans of paint is damaged and leaking so you jettison them to eliminate the fire hazardDHeavy weather causes damage to packages of a hazardous liquid that is subsequently pumped out at sea through the bilge pumping system

单选题While configuring a new adapter using cfgmgr, an administrator receives a warning message indicating that some device packages are not installed.  Additionally, the adapter displays in the Defined state.  Which command will resolve the issue and make the adapter available?()Ashutdown -FrBcfgmgr -i Cmkdev -l Dmknode /dev/

单选题During large storms, when waves crash against the beach, large amounts of sand is suspended in the water and may drift with the current.Awaves crash against the beach, large amounts of sand is suspendedBthe beach is crashed against by waves, large amounts of sand are suspendedCthe beach is crashed against by waves suspending large amounts of sandDwaves crash against the beach, large amounts of sand are suspendedEwaves crash against the beach, the suspending of large amounts of sand is

单选题Where to? I'm so thirsty. ()AWhy don‘t we go now.BWhy don‘t we enjoy some beer at that bar.CWhy didn‘t you look up the map?DWhy didn‘t you tell me about it earlier.

单选题May I have a glass of beer,please?()一Beer?Sorry,there’s____left,butwould you like some juice instead?AnoneBsomethingCno oneDnothing

单选题What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?AThe effective use of cigarette ends.BThe process of recycling cigarette ends.CThe difficulty in recycling cigarette ends.DThe reason for breaking down cigarette ends.

单选题While configuring a new adapter using cfgmgr, an administrator receives a warning message indicating that some device packages are not installed. Additionally, the adapter displays in the Defined state. Which command will resolve the issue and make the adapter available?()Ashutdown -FrBcfgmgr -i lpp_sourceCmkdev -l device_nameDmknode /dev/device_name

单选题The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? ()ASurgingBSpillingCPlungingDConverging

单选题class Beverage {   Beverage() { System.out.print("beverage "); }   }   class Beer extends Beverage {   public static void main(String [] args) {   Beer b = new Beer(14);   }   public int Beer(int x) {   this();   System.out.print("beer1 ");   }   public Beer() { System.out.print("beer2 "); }  }   结果是什么?()Abeer1 beverageBbeer2 beverageCbeverage beer1D编译失败

单选题All entries in Logbook,()made, must not be erased.AonceBwhetherCpreviousDjust

单选题You just purchased a refurbished router that contains a configuration from a previous deployment. What should you do, before entering a new configuration into the router?()ARAM should be erased and the router restarted.BFlash should be erased and the router restarted.CNVRAM should be erased and the router restarted.DThe new configuration should be entered and saved.