单选题While _______ an efficiency test on an engine, certain precautions should be observed.AmakingBto makeCbeing made Dmade

While _______ an efficiency test on an engine, certain precautions should be observed.



to make


being made    




在进行发动机的效率测试时要采取一些预防措施。while引导从句时,如主从句的主语一致,且从句谓语又含有be,则从句主语和be可省略。while后可直接跟现在分词、名词、形容词或介词短语。在本题中从句和主句的主语都是人,从句省略了people/workers are。


Seldom ______ any mistake during my past fifteen years of service here. A.I did makeB.did I makeC.should I makeD.I made

There is a woman at the counter who seems very angry and I think she means ______ trouble. A.having madeB.makeC.to makeD.to have made

Dad wondered where I'd been, and I ________ a story about being at Grandma's A.made outB.made upC.looked outD.looked up

()these points in mind, and you ()a great impression.A. Bearing ... makeB. Bear ... will makeC. To bear ... have made

“ ________ this cake, you ll need 2 eggs, 175 g sugar and 175 g flour.“ A. MakingB. To makeC. MakeD. Having made

I ________ always ________ that mistakes. A. am, makingB. /, makeC. will, makeD. /, to make

You () such a stupid mistake if you had followed my advice. A、may not makeB、might not makeC、shouldn t have madeD、might not have made

32 The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune——A is madeB would makeC was to be madeD had made

5.I think we'll just_________.A.make itB. makeC. be made itD. made it

What is NOT a requirement for testing the line throwing appliance on a vessel?A.The appliance should be tested every three monthsB.A regular service line should be used when testingC.A regular projectile should be used when testingD.An entry about the test must be made in the Official Log Book

Family members worked hard__________sure that they had enough food.A.makingB.makeC.madeD.to make

A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him()to the door.AhurryingBhurriedChurryDto hurry

单选题When using a mksysb and base media to clone a system, which of the following will cause the installation to fail()Amksysb made on a single processor machine but is being installed on a multiple processor machine, no editing of the image.data fileBmksysb made on machine with mirrored rootvg and new machine only has one disk in rootvg, no editing of the image.data fileCmksysb made on a machine with 32GB of RAM but being installed on a machine with only 8GB of RAMDmksysb made on a machine with virtual Ethernet adapter but being installed on a machine which only has a physical Ethernet adapter

单选题Regarding a Diesel engine crankcase, the general arrangement and installation should preclude the possibility of ()Afree entry of air to the crankcaseBwater entering the crankcase while engine wash-downs are being performedCexcessive oil leakage during periods of increased blow-byDsub-cooling internal components

单选题While _______ an efficiency test on an engine, certain precautions should be observed.AmakingBto makeCbeing made Dmade

单选题The atmosphere()certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.Acomposes ofBis made upCconsists ofDmakesup of

单选题If a crankcase explosion has occurred in a diesel engine, and the crankcase remains intact, which of following precautions should be observed?()AThe cylinder indicator cocks should be openedBThe sump lube oil scavenge pump should be secured immediatelyCThe explosion relief valves should be manually openedDThe crankcase should remain unopened until the engine has cooled

单选题Most of the significant improvements in public works were made while Rory was mayor of the city, they made the inhabitants of the city both happier and safer.Acity, they made the inhabitants of the city both happier and saferBcity, which both made its inhabitants happier as well as saferCcity and this made their inhabitants happier as well as having more safetyDcity, these improvements made its inhabitants happier and saferEcity; these improvements made the inhabitants of the city both happier and safer

单选题While _____ an efficiency test on an engine, certain precautions should be observed.AmakingBto makeCbeing madeDmade

单选题What is NOT a requirement for testing the line throwing appliance on a vessel? ()AThe appliance should be tested every three monthsBA regular service line should be used when testingCA regular projectile should be used when testingDAn entry about the test must be made in the Official Log Book

单选题Which of the following statements is true regarding the installation of piston rings on two-stroke/cycle, diesel engines as compared to four-stroke/cycle, diesel engines?()AIn a two-stroke/cycle engine, the rings run hotter, requiring the end gap to be greaterBSome provision must be made in a two-stroke/cycle engine to keep the rings from binding in the portsCNo gap is required to exist between the ends of the ring when cold in a two-stroke/cycle engine, but a small gap is required in a four-stoke/cycle engineDThe gaps should be staggered on either side of a piston in a two-stroke/cycle engine, while staggering is not necessary in a four-stroke/cycle engine

单选题What safety precautions should be observed by the crew while working around machinery in an engine room?()AThey should wear safety shoesBThey should wear ear protectionCThey should not wear jewelryDAll of the above

单选题A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him()to the door.AhurryingBhurriedChurryDto hurry

单选题During the watch keeping at sea, routine adjustments should be ()Amade and noted as required by the duty engineerBreported to chief engineer immediately after being made by duty engineerCnever made before getting permission from chief engineerDmade as required but not logged

单选题Adjustments to the compensating needle valve in a hydraulic governor should be made with the engine at ()Amaximum power at a normal loadBmaximum power and load under normal conditionsChalf speed and normal temperatureDnormal operating temperature without a load

单选题Whether a ship is sailing before the wind or sailing in the rough sea, we must reduce the fuel injection of the main engine.For the former one, it aims to prevent the main engine being(), while for the later one, it aims to prevent the main engine being().Aoverspeed;overloadBoverload;overspeedCover torque;overspeedDlow mechanical efficiency;overload

单选题The committee is totally opposed _____any changes being made in the plans.AofBonCtoDagainst

单选题A breeches buoy is being rigged from the shore to a stranded vessel. The initial shot line passed to the vessel is normally made fast to a().Ahawser which is used to pass a tail-block and whip to the vesselBhawser with breeches buoy and harness attachedChawser which should be made fast to the vessel below the intended location of the tail-blockDtail-block and whip which may be used to pass a hawser to the vessel