三角形铁路枢纽 triangle railway junction terminal
三角形铁路枢纽 triangle railway junction terminal
( 12 ) “ 图形 ” 类 Shape 中定义了纯虚函数 CalArea() ,“ 三角形 ” 类 Triangle 继承了类Shape ,请 将Triangle 类中的 CalArea 函数补充完整。class Shape{public:virtual int CalArea()=0;}class Triangle: public Shape{public:Triangle{int s, int h}: side(s),height(h) {}【 12 】 { return side*height/2 ; }private:int side;int height;};
According to those who welcomed the railway, the railway itself should include all the following except that ______.A) the railway enables people travel fastB) the railway brings comfort to peopleC) the railway makes the world peacefulD) the railway leads the world to war as well
单选题如何将下面的三角面显示方式更改为四边面的显示方式().A取消配置显卡驱动面板中的使用三角形条带(Use Triangle Strips)勾选B改变显卡驱动程序软件加速方式C勾选视图的边面(Edged Faces)显示方式D在配置显卡驱动面板中的,取消显示所有三角形边(Display All Triangle Edges)相应勾选