spinal nerve()A、由前支和后支合成B、前支全部形成神经丛C、前支属于运动性D、后支属感觉性E、都是混合性

spinal nerve()

  • A、由前支和后支合成
  • B、前支全部形成神经丛
  • C、前支属于运动性
  • D、后支属感觉性
  • E、都是混合性


In the US. one experiment in nerve regeneration involves______(cut)a big nerve in a rat's leg,leaving its leg paralysed.

The fasiculus that goes through the posterior limb of the internal capsule is the ()。 A、medial lemniscusB、corticonuclear tractC、corticospinal tractsD、spinal lemniscusE、optic tract

丘脑腹后内侧核接受的纤维束是()。 A、medial lemniscusB、lateral lemniscusC、trigeminal lemniscusD、spinal lemniscusE、optic tract

The cranial nerve that connects to the telencephalon is the()。 A、oculomotor nerveB、trochlear nerveC、olfactory nerveD、optic nerveE、ophthalmic nerve

The parasympathetic nucleus located in the middle brain is the()。 A、oculomotor nucleusB、accessory nucleus of oculomotor nerveC、superior salivatory nucleusD、inferior salivatory nucleusE、dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve

The nerve which is not connected to the medulla oblongata is the()。 A、vestibulocochlear nerveB、glossopharyngeal nerveC、vagus nerveD、accessory nerveE、hypoglossal nerve

下列哪些不属于颈浅丛属支 ( )A.lesser occipital nerveB.great auricular nerveC.transverse nerve of nerveD.supraclavicular nerveE.trochlear nerve

Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as two hundred miles per hour.A:velocities B:impulsesC:ratios D:atrocities

Lying under the skull, the human brain contains an average of the ten billion nerve cells called().AneuronsBnerve systemCnervesDcerebral cortex

简述PNS(peripheral nerve stimuator)周围神经刺激仪的优点?

Lying under the skull, the human brain contains an average of the ten billion nerve cells called().A、neuronsB、nerve systemC、nervesD、cerebral cortex

transverse lesion 0f the spinal cord

下列哪些不属于颈浅丛属支()A、lesser occipital nerveB、great auricular nerveC、transverse nerve of nerveD、supraclavicular nerveE、trochlear nerve

Oculomotor nerve不支配()A、上直肌B、下直肌C、内直肌D、上斜肌E、下斜肌

神经环(nerve ring)

Trochlear nerve 损伤后,患侧瞳孔不能转向()A、上B、下C、上外D、下外E、内

红色神经元(red nerve cell)

单选题If you came into contact with nitrobenzene while disconnecting the cargo hose,you should be aware that it is().Ahighly toxic when absorbed through the skinBa blood poisonCa nerve poisonDAll of the above

名词解释题transverse lesion 0f the spinal cord

名词解释题神经环(nerve ring)

单选题Which is true on the subarachnoid space in the vertebral canal()。Alies between dura matter and arachnoidBup to subarachnoid space in the skull by the foramen magnumCdown the the height of the fifth sacral vertebralDterminal cistern is formed by the space below the second sacral vertebralEthe fluid in it can communicate with that in the center canal of spinal cord directly

单选题An effective method for moving patients with spinal injuries onto a spine board is known as the().Apack-strap carryBtwo man extremities carryCfireman's dragDfour man log roll

单选题The commissioner of a professional sports league dictated that teams could not put players on the field who had a greater than 20 percent chance of suffering a career-ending spinal injury during competition. The commissioner justified this decision as a way to protect players from injury while protecting the league from lawsuits.  Which of the following, if true, would most undermine the effectiveness of the commissioner’s new policy?ASpinal injuries can result in paralysis, loss of fine motor skills, and even death.BThe previous year, more than seven players in the league suffered career-ending spinal injuries.CThe players’ union agrees that the risk of injury is an inevitable part of playing the game at a professional level.DThere is no scientifically valid method for determining the likelihood of any player suffering a career-ending spinal injury at any given time.EPlayers barred from playing because of this new regulation will be entitled to compensation for lost wages at a level determined by the commissioner’s office.

单选题Lying under the skull, the human brain contains an average of the ten billion nerve cells called().AneuronsBnerve systemCnervesDcerebral cortex

多选题三叉神经的属支有哪些( )Aophthalmic nerveBmaxillary nerveCmandibular nerveDoculomotor nerveEtrochlear nerve

名词解释题红色神经元(red nerve cell)

单选题The primary concern in aiding a back injury patient is().Arelieving the patient's pain by giving aspirin or stronger medicationBavoiding possible injury to the spinal cord by incorrect handlingCpreventing convulsions and muscle spasms caused by the painDproviding enough fluids to prevent dehydration