下列VIN(VehiC.le ID.entifiC.A.tion NumB.er)车辆识别代号第一部分WMI码中第一位表示该车辆是德国生产的是()A、IB、JC、WD、G
下列VIN(VehiC.le ID.entifiC.A.tion NumB.er)车辆识别代号第一部分WMI码中第一位表示该车辆是德国生产的是()
- A、I
- B、J
- C、W
- D、G
关于VIN下列哪项阐述不正确A、VINⅠ级可用5% 5-FU软膏涂抹或激光治疗B、VINⅡ级~VINⅢ级可考虑病灶局部切除或单纯外阴切除C、根据上皮的成熟程度和细胞的异型性可将VIN分为3级D、很少转变为浸润癌,但60岁以上患者有可能发展为浸润癌E、确诊须依据病理检查,活检取材深度一般应达到皮下脂肪层
多选题public class Car { private int wheelCount; private String vin; public Car(String vin) { this.vin = vin; this.wheelCount = 4; } public String drive() { return “zoom-zoom”; } public String getInfo() { return “VIN: “+ vin + “wheels: “+ wheelCount; } } And: public class MeGo extends Car { public MeGo(String vin) { this.wheelCount = 3; } } What two must the programmer do to correct the compilation errors?()Ainsert a call to this() in the Car constructorBinsert a call to this() in the MeGo constructorCinsert a call to super() in the MeGo constructorDinsert a call to super(vin) in the MeGo constructorEchange the wheelCount variable in Car to protectedFchange line 3 in the MeGo class to super.wheelCount = 3;