

  • A、Int(-13.2)=13.2
  • B、Int(-13.2)=-14
  • C、Int(-13.2)=-13.2
  • D、Int(-13.2)=-13


下列语句的输出结果是______。 Print Format(Int(12345.6789*100+0.5)/100,\0000,0.00\)

有以下类定义 classPoint{ public: Point(int x=0,int y=0){_x=x;_y=y;} void Move (int xOff,int yOff {_x +=xOff;_y+yOff} void Print() const {cout<<'('<<_x<<','<<_y<<')'<<endl;} private: int_x_y; }; 下列语句中会发生编译错误的是A.Pointpt;pt;Print();B.const Point pt;pt.Print();C.Pointpt;pt.Move(1,2);D.const Point pt;pt.Move(1,2);

( 6 )下列语句的输出结果是 【 6 】 。Print Format(Int(12345.6789*100+0.5)/100,"00,000.00")

(28)以下函数按每行8个输出数组中的数据void fun( int *w,int n){ int i;for(i=0;in;i++){________printf(“%d”,w);}printf(“\n”);}下划线处应填入的语句是A)if(i/8==0)print(“\n”); B) if(i/8==0)continue;C) if(i%8==0)print(“\n”); D) if(i%8==0)continue;

以下语句输出结果是______。Print Int(12345.6789 * 100 + 0.5) / 100

下列程序打包到example包,main方法调用线程类输出0~9这10个数,请填写横线处的内容。注意:请勿改动main()主方法和其他已有语句内容,仅在横线处填入适当语句。______interface MyInterface{public abstract void print(int n);}class Mythread extends Thread ______ MyInterface{public void run(){for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)this.print(i);}public void print(int n){System.out.print(n +" ");}}public class Example1_6{public static void main(String argv[]){Mythread th = new Mythread();______}}

(19)如果A为整数且|A|=10,则打印“OK”,否则打印“Error”,表示这个条件的单行格式If语句是 A.If Int(A)=A And Sqr(A)=10 Then Print“OK”Else Print “Error” B.If Fix(a)=A And Abs(a)=10 Then Print“OK”Else Print “Error” C.If Int(A)=A And (A=10 ,A=-10) Then Print“OK”Else Print “Error” D.If Fix(A)=A And A=10, Abs A=-10 Then Print“OK”Else Print “Error

下列程序段运行的结果为 public class Test{ static void print(String s,int i){ System.out.println("String:"+s+",int:"+i); } static void print(int i,String s){ System.out.println("int:"+i+",String:"+s); } public static void main(String[]args){ print(99,"Int first"); } }A.String:String first,int:11B.int:11,String:Int firstC.String:String first,int99D.int:99,String:Int first

下列语句的输出结果是【 】。Print Int(12345.6789*100+0.5)/100

已有变量定义和函数调用语句:int a=25;print_value(a);下面函数的正确输出结果是void print_value(int *x){printf("%d\n",++*x);}A.23B.24C.25D.26

若有以下变量定义和函数调用语句: int a=25; print_value(a); 则执行下面函数后正确的输出结果是( )。 void print_value(int*x) { cout<<++*x<<endl; }A.23B.24C.25D.26

如果A为整数且,|A|>=10,则打印“OK”,否则打印“Error”,表示这个条件的单行格式If语句是( )。A.If Int(A)=A And Sqr(A)>=10 Then Print"OK"Else Print "Error"B.If Fix(A)=a And Abs(A)>=-10 Then Print"OK"Else Print "Error"C.If Int(A)=A And(A>=10,A<-10) Then Print"OK"Else Print "Error"D.If Fix(A)=A And A>=10,And A<=-10 Then Print"OK" Else Print "Error"

语句Print Sgn(-6^2)+Abs(-6^2)+Int(-6^2)的输出结果是( )。A.-36B.1C.-1S 语句Print Sgn(-6^2)+Abs(-6^2)+Int(-6^2)的输出结果是( )。A.-36B.1C.-1D.-72

有如下程序: include using namespace std; class TestClass { private: int x,y; pu 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class TestClass { private: int x,y; public: TestClass (int i,int j) { x=i; y=j; } void print() { cout<<"print1"<<end1; } void print()const { cout<<"print2"<<end1; } }; int main() { const TestClass a(1,2); a.print(); return 0; } 该程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.print1B.print2C.print1 print2D.程序编译时出错

如果x为整数且|x|>=100,则打印“OK”,否则打印“Error”,表示这个条件的单行格式 If语句是A.If Int((x)=x And Sqr(x)>=100 Then Print "OK" Else Print "Error"B.If Fix(x)=x And Abs(x)>=100 Then Print"OK"Else Print"Error"C.If Int(x)=x And (x>=100,x<=-100)Then Print"OK"Else Print"Error"D.If Fix(x)=x And x>=100 And x<=-100 Then Print "OK" Else Print "Error"


语句Print Sgn(-5.1^2)+Abs(Int(-5.1^2))的输出结果是( )。A.52.2B.25.01C.26D.28

语句Print Format(Int(12345.6789*100+0.5)/100,”0000,0.00”)的输出结果是( )。A.12,3456.8SX 语句Print Format(Int(12345.6789*100+0.5)/100,”0000,0.00”)的输出结果是( )。A.12,3456.8B.12,34.5C.12,3 45D.12,345.68

有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;class MyClass{public:MyClass(int x):val( 有如下程序: #include<iostreanl> using namespace std; class MyClass{ public: MyClass(int x):val(x){ } void Set(int x){val=x;} void Print( )eonst{eout<<"val="<<val<<'\t';} private: int val; }; int main( ){ eonst MyClass objl(10); MyClass obj2(20); objl.Print(); //语句1 obj2.Print( ); //语句2 objl.Set(20); //语句3 obj2.Set(30); //语句4 return 0; } 其主函数中错误的语句是A.语句1B.语句2C.语句3D.语句4

有以下类定义: class Point { public: Point(int x=0,int y=0){_x=x; _y=y;} void Move(int x Off, int y Off) {_x+=x Off; _y+=y Off; } void Print() const { cout <<'(' << _x << ',' << _y << ')'<< end 1;} private: int _x,_y; }下列语句中会发生编译错误的是______。A.Point pt; pr. Print();B.const Point pt; pt. Print();C.Point pt; pt. Move(1,2);D.const Point pt; pt. Move(1,2);

有定义语句:“int*p[4];”,以下选项中与此语句等价的是( )。 A.int p[4];B.int**P;SXB 有定义语句:“int*p[4];”,以下选项中与此语句等价的是( )。A.int p[4];B.int**P;C.int*(p[4]);D.int(*p)[4];

3下列程序段运行的结果为( )。 public class Test{ static void print(String s,int i){ System.out.pdntlnC String: "+s+",int:"+i); } static void print(iht i,String s){ System.out.prinflnCint:"+i+",gtring:"+s); } public static void main(String[] args){ print(99,"Int first"); } }A.String:String first,int: 11B.int: 11,String:Int firstC.String:String first,int:99D. int:99,Stfing:Int first

有说明语句int *p=new int[10];访问动态数组元素的正确语句是()A、int a=p;B、int a=*p;C、delete int[]pD、delete p int[10]



填空题以下语句输出结果是()Print Int(12345.6789 * 100 + 0.5) / 100。
