Allosteric regulation

Allosteric regulation


Dense fog comes with bad visibility, fog signal bell must be kept ________at regulation goB.goingC.goesD.go

__________[A] supervision[B] manipulation[C] regulation[D] coordination

Some in the market now want government _____ in order to reduce costs. A regulation ;B regulate ;C regular

By regulation,cargo tank atmosphere must be inert before and during which operation ________.A.StrippingB.LoadingC.CleaningD.All of the above

What is the purpose of pressure-vacuum relief valves ________.A.Regulation of discharge pressure from cargo pumpsB.Maintaining constant velocity in cargo linesC.Regulation of suction head on cargo pumpsD.To maintain a tank or void at atmospheric pressure

密度调节(regulation of density)

间接调控(Indirect Regulation)

别构酶(allosteric enzyme)

别构效应(allosteric effect)

别构调节剂(allosteric modulator)

别构调节物(allosteric modulator)

feed-back regulation of nucleotide synthesis

Small, medium, and large businesses today are increasingly using "Green" products within their IT Environments.  What are the most significant factors propelling this change?()A、Government regulation and environmental effectsB、Cost of power consumption and environment effectsC、Government regulation and cost of power consumptionD、Environmental effects and low cost of product

名词解释题间接调控(Indirect Regulation)

名词解释题别构酶(allosteric enzyme)

单选题By regulation,you MUST keep a record of the use of your radiotelephone for a minimum of().Asix monthsBone yearCtwo yearsDthirty months

名词解释题自身调节(auto regulation)

名词解释题Allosteric regulation

名词解释题receptor down-regulation (受体减量调节)

单选题By regulation,cargo tank atmosphere must be inert before and during which operation?()AStrippingBLoadingCCleaningDAll of the above

单选题According to the regulations,normally,manholes in LFG tanks are located().Ain the ends of each tankBin the expansion trunk of each tankCabove the weather deckDthere are no requirements in the regulation

名词解释题别构效应(allosteric effect)

单选题Factors leading to the crisis included poor regulation, mismanagement and deception in the industry, and competition from other types of financial firms.AcheatingBpollutionCabuseDdepression

名词解释题别构调节物(allosteric modulator)

名词解释题别构调节剂(allosteric modulator)

单选题Whenever visible traces of oil are observed on or below the surface of the water in the immediate vicinity of ship or its wake,Governments of Parties to the Convention should,to the extent they are reasonably able to do so,promptly()the facts bearing on the issue of whether there has been a violation of the provisions of this Regulation or Regulation 10 of this Annex of MARPOL 73/78.AobserveBinvestigateCseeDlook

单选题Notwithstanding the provisions of this Regulation,the segregated ballast conditions for oil tankers less than 150 meters in length shall be to the()of the Administration.AcontractBcharter partyCsatisfactionDagreement